Discover the powerful story of Maha Mamo in this 15-minute TEDx talk as she shares her journey from statelessness to citizenship. Born without a nationality and living in the shadows in Lebanon for 26 years, Mamo experienced firsthand the challenges of not being able to access basic rights such as education, healthcare, and travel. Learn about her tireless fight for belonging, which culminated in her gaining Brazilian citizenship in October 2018. Explore the complexities of statelessness, the impact of restrictive civil registration laws, and Mamo's advocacy for the rights of stateless persons worldwide. Gain insights into her mission to end discriminatory laws that prevent women from passing citizenship to their children. Be inspired by this compelling narrative of perseverance and the quest for identity in a world where citizenship is often taken for granted.
I am 30 years old, and a month ago I got my first passport | Maha Mamo | TEDxPlaceDesNationsWomen
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