Treatment-Free Beekeeping: Natural Methods for Managing Varroa Mites
Beekeeping Made Simple via YouTube
Learn about treatment-free beekeeping methods in this comprehensive 70-minute video exploring natural approaches to managing varroa mite infestations in honey bee colonies. Discover various natural techniques for reducing mite levels, including the use of essential oils, small cell foundation, and rhubarb applications. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of treatment-free beekeeping while understanding how to identify mite infestations, monitor varroa levels, and recognize associated viruses. Gain insights into testing methods like the M-Test, evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches such as hop guard versus essential oils, and understand the three main options available when dealing with high mite populations. Master the skills needed to maintain healthy bee colonies while minimizing chemical interventions in your apiary management practices.
What is treatment free beekeeping
Essential oils vs hop guard
Essential Oils
M Test
Why Treatments Arent Great
Is a Hive Free of RIT
Hives with Mites
How to tell if you have an infestation
How to lower Varroa levels
Varroa viruses
Hives with high RA
What now
Three options
Natural techniques
Small cell foundation
Taught by
Beekeeping Made Simple