Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and Python - Course Preview.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - The Dataset - 1.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - Part 2.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - Part 3.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - Part 5 - KNN 1.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - Part 8 - Logistic Regression 1.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - Part 11 - Decision Trees 1.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - Part 19 - Neural Networks 1.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - Part 37 - Preprocessing - Scaling.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - Part 38 - Preprocessing - Normalization.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - Part 40 - One Hot Encoding 1.
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn - Part 42 - Automatic Feature Selection 1.
Taught by
Cristi Vlad