Explore the fundamentals of Bergman Spaces in this comprehensive 55-minute lecture from the Focus Program on Analytic Function Spaces and their Applications. Delivered by Stefan Richter from the University of Tennessee, delve into key concepts such as nontangential limits, polynomial density, Bergman norm, and the Ziggler projection. Examine the Bergman projection, zero sets of functions, and the Horowitz Theorem. Gain insights into the folklore surrounding Bergman Spaces and learn how to approach end cases. This mini-course serves as an excellent introduction to the topic, covering essential references and providing a solid foundation for further study in analytic function spaces.
What is Bergman
Nontangential limits
Polynomials are dense
Bergman norm
Ziggler projection
Change of variables
Bergman projection
Zero sets of functions
How to choose the end case
Horowitz Theorem
Bergman Spaces
Taught by
Fields Institute