MIT 16.412J Cognitive Robotics, Spring 2016 Instructor: MIT students This is an advanced lecture series from MIT 16.412 Cognitive Robotics of Spring 2016, led by MIT students.
Advanced 1. Incremental Path Planning.
Advanced 2. Semantic Localization.
Advanced 3. Image Classification via Deep Learning.
Advanced 4. Monte Carlo Tree Search.
Advanced 5. Reachability.
Advanced 6. Planning with Temporal Logic.
Advanced 7: Probabilistic and Infinite Horizon Planning.
Taught by
MIT OpenCourseWare
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
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I was very happy on how the course was structured. The course was very educating and easily understandable. And how the solutions were done in order is also marvelous. I have really enjoyed the course and learnt a lot from it. The tutors and the others supporting and learning were also very good in contributing for better understanding.