Explore the world of motion design through an in-depth interview with Austin Bauwens, co-founder of Ravie Studio. Discover how this 21-year-old entrepreneur built an 8-person studio, leveraged social media for client acquisition, and experimented with a subscription-based motion design service. Gain insights into Bauwens' journey from dropping out of college to becoming a motion design influencer, learn about Ravie's innovative business practices, and hear discussions on the future of the industry. Delve into topics such as the value of formal education in motion design, content creation as a marketing tool, revenue growth strategies, and the challenges of transitioning from artist to business owner. Uncover emerging trends, potential frontiers in motion design, and get introduced to young, talented artists making waves in the field.
Starting at 12 Years Old
Early Influences
How Austin Learned to Animate
Do You Need College?
Content Creation as a Sales Tool
Attracting Clients on Social Media
Ravie's Revenue Growth
Austin's Following vs Ravie's Following
Going from Artist to Owner
Other Ways to Get Clients
Motion Design as a Subscription Service
Lower Prices are a Red Flag
The Future is Unclear
What's the next Frontier for Motion?
Young Artists we Should Know About
Taught by
School of Motion