Platform Engineering with the Argo Ecosystem - The Elastic Story
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
Explore how Elastic tackled the challenge of building a Kubernetes platform for their Cloud offering in this 27-minute conference talk. Learn about leveraging the Argo ecosystem to create a cohesive developer experience across multiple clusters, cloud providers, and regions. Discover the implementation of ArgoCD with Cue and Helm for application configuration management, enabling GitOps-based deployments and infrastructure management with Crossplane. Gain insights into utilizing Argo Workflows and Argo Events for automated cross-environment promotion, progressive rollout, and quality gate execution. Understand how these tools and practices can help developers efficiently deploy control plane applications from development to production environments in a safe and reliable manner.
Platform Engineering with the Argo Ecosystem: The Elastic Story -Alejandro Martínez, Stephen Schmidt
Taught by
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]