Learn how to use MATLAB and Simulink with platforms like VEX Robotics, LEGO and other educational robotics kits. MathWorks experts share knowledge on elementary concepts in robotics for beginners.
Learning Robotics with MATLAB and Simulink.
Installing Hardware Support Packages for MATLAB and Simulink.
Simulink Quick Start for Student Competition Teams.
Stateflow Quick Start for Student Competition Teams.
LEGO Workshop for Mobile Robotics -- MATLAB and Simulink PASS Competitions Hub.
Programming the VEX ARM-Cortex Using Simulink.
Robot Navigation Using VEX Encoders and Simulink.
Obstacle Detection for VEX Robots Using Simulink.
Debugging of VEX Simulink Models Using External Mode.
Getting Started with Simulink and VEX EDR V5.
Programming VEX EDR V5 Smart Motors Using Simulink.
Simulating Mobile Robotics Using Virtual Worlds.
Switching Between Driver and Autonomous Control of VEX Robots.
Using Infrared Sensors for Robot Navigation.
Using Vision Sensors for Robot Autonomy.
BEST Simulink Design Award Winners 2017.
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5.0 rating, based on 4 Class Central reviews
Excellent course.Learnt good technique and key points in robotics.Excellent with good concepts.I learnt real concept and working principle in robotics matlab simulink and robotics arena.Very useful for my carrier.Thanks to class central.
Great initiative taken by the admins and people responsible for running this organisation. Helps students like myself to enhance thier skillset and add weightage to their CV's.
Good platform for learning new skills as well as new things I am very happy about this paltfom all type of course are available here and some are paid and free
hello, the first i would like to thank you for the most important course i have ever benn seen in my life in this domain Robotic. i find just some difficult with language becaus i am not native speaker but i have no comment about this cours , it is perfect and it combained between education , simulation and practice thank you.