Statistics of Systemwide Correlations in the Random-field XXZ Chain
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Watch a 37-minute conference talk from the Indo-French workshop on Classical and Quantum Dynamics in Out of Equilibrium Systems, where Nicolas Laflorencie explores the statistics of systemwide correlations in the random-field XXZ chain. Delve into advanced topics in non-equilibrium statistical physics and quantum many-body systems as part of a broader initiative to strengthen Indo-French academic collaboration. Learn from specialists gathered at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences in Bengaluru, where discussions focus on classical and quantum out-of-equilibrium dynamics, long-range interactions, quantum resetting, generalized Gibbs ensembles, phase space quantum dynamics, and quantum measurement theory.
Statistics of Systemwide Correlations in the Random-field XXZ Chain by Nicolas Laflorencie
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences