Learn how to make a delicious no-knead poolish sandwich bread in this comprehensive tutorial video. Master the art of using a poolish to enhance your bread and pizza making skills. Follow step-by-step instructions for preparing the poolish, setting up the dough, mixing ingredients, shaping, proofing, and baking. Discover tips for achieving the perfect texture and flavor, including the importance of steam in the baking process. Gain insights on different types of flour and their protein content for optimal results. By the end of this 21-minute guide, you'll have the knowledge to create a mouthwatering sandwich bread that's so good, it might just disappear from your kitchen.
The full process
How to make a Poolish
Making the sandwich bread dough
The dough the next morning
Mixing salt and poolish
Extracting fermentation sample
Dough is ready to be shaped
Preshaping the dough
Preparing the loaf pan
Shaping the dough
Proofing the dough
How to bake a sandwich bread
The final result
Taught by
The Bread Code