Learn how to troubleshoot and resolve the five most common PLINK errors in this 13-minute tutorial video. Master solutions for critical issues including the "No output requested" warning, failed .ped file opening errors, unrecognized flag notifications, parameter limitation errors, invalid chromosome code problems, and R statistics error code 127. Follow along with detailed explanations and practical solutions for each error type, with timestamps provided for easy reference: bonus warning (0:00-1:44), .ped file issues (1:45-4:17), flag recognition (4:18-5:50), parameter limitations (5:51-7:01), chromosome coding (7:02-9:29), and R statistics errors (9:30-12:50).
0:00 - Warning: No output requested. - a Bonus error/Warning
1:45 - Error: Failed to open xxx.ped
4:18 - Error: Unrecognized flag
5:51 - Error: --xxx accepts at most 1 parameter
7:02 - Error: Invalid chromosome code
9:30 - Error: [1] 127 in R #rstats
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