Explore hands-on science activities in this engaging workshop demonstration for children. Join educators and entrepreneurs Procheta Mallik and Lakshmi Jois from ThinkTac as they showcase a selection of exciting "TACtivities" designed to make science learning fun and interactive. Witness colorful reactions, spinning and levitating toys, and microscopic observations of individual cells and pixels, all of which can be recreated at home using simple materials. Discover how these activities are mapped to school science curricula and exciting scientific themes, empowering children to engage, enjoy, and innovate with science as they learn. Gain insights into ThinkTac's mission and approach to science education, and learn from the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the presenters in physics, astronomy, engineering, and counseling.
Workshop for Children - Hands-on Science Activities Demo
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Workshop for Children: Hands-on Science Activities Demo by Procheta Mallik and Lakshmi Jois
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences