India Announces Official MOOC Platform ‘Swayam’
Narenda Modi, the newly elected prime minister for India is expected to launch a India specific MOOC platform called Swayam.
SWAYAM is launched. You can find it here:
Read the following articles to get the latest information about Swayam
SWAYAM: Inside India’s Massive Bet on MOOC — Class Central
A Complete List of SWAYAM MOOCs — Class Central
SWAYAM, India’s MOOC Platform, Launches In Beta — It’s Off To A Rocky Start — Class Central
As part of his educational initiatives, Narendra Modi, the newly elected prime minister for India, is expected to launch an India-focused MOOC platform. The platform, likely to be christened ‘Swayam’ is expected to go live with three courses.
The Courses
At launch Swayam is expected to have three different courses – two from IIT Bombay and one from UC Berkeley’s Umesh Vazarani’s. Currently all these courses are available on edX, an MIT and Harvard backed MOOC provider. Also, it would not be surprising to see the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore joining Swayam, as IIM Bangalore announced its intention to offer MOOCs by joining edX. The following are the three courses in question from edX:
Introduction to Computer Programming
via IIT Bombay
This is a two part course which providers students with a foundation in Computer Programming
via IIT Bombay
This a basic course in thermodynamics, designed for students of mechanical engineering. Students will learn the terms and concepts used in thermodynamics, with precise definitions
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation
via UC Berkeley
This is a basic conceptual introduction to quantum mechanics and quantum computation.
Quantum Mechanics course Intro Video
MOOC Platform
Though nothing has been stated on what platform will be used to host these courses, the obvious candidate is Open edX, the open source version of the edX platform. Since the first batch of courses announced are all hosted on edX, transferring the courses from edX to a self-hosted openEdx platform would be fairly straightforward. Open edX seems to be the platform of choice for institutions to self-host courses, as it has been adopted by George Washington Univerisity, Queen Raina foundation for the Edraak MOOC platform, MongoDb University, French Universities, and others.
With a population of over one billion and the leadership of a new government, there could be a large potential impact from this Swayam initiative.

How can we proof that photon is a massless particle??
ML Admin
good initiative – we need content to reach the masses
abhishek gupta
what about engineers traning platform in company , skill about cad cam, spoken English ,training skill enhancement program
ML Admin
i am sure it will be added as the courses and the spread increases
Vivek Sharma
i need information of different examination centers / information centres in delhi
Hope more budget is allocated for education and job sector in the coming years.