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Learn Parenting, earn certificates with free online courses from Stanford, University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins, Yale and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
The term "parent" applies to an array of individuals whose presence impacts the health and well-being of children. Positive parenting seeks to promote the parenting behaviors that are most essential for fostering positive youth development.
Everyday Parenting gives you access to a toolkit of behavior-change techniques that will make your typical day in the home easier as you develop the behaviors you would like to see in your child.
Move beyond the chatterand opinion surrounding parenting and learn about thescientific findings and data that can help you make sensible, informed parenting decisions.
This course will help you understand and address the challenges parents and families face regarding schooling after a cancer diagnosis.
Gain skills to promote healthy nutrition for Indigenous families with infants 0-6 months. Learn strengths-based approaches, Native Foodways, infant feeding, and understanding baby personalities.
In this course, you will learn some core components in supporting parents of newborn babies.
In this free course, Understanding children: babies being heard, you will find out some of the things that very young babies can do. You will also discover how babies can contribute to family life ...
This free course, Attachment in the early years, covers theory and research in the area of attachment in early childhood. In the 1950s, John Bowlby was the first person to develop a theory about ...
Understanding your role and responsibilities as a family home provider
Explore human milk composition, lactation, breastfeeding practices, and breastmilk substitutes. Learn about health benefits, practical aspects, and international recommendations to improve infant nutrition globally.
Emotionally intelligent solutions to your everyday parenting questions - the resource for successful parenting.
In this free course, Children's perspectives on play, you are asked to put yourself in the place of young children and to think about their view of play and their reasons for playing. When children...
This free course, Childhood in the digital age, delves into the lives of children and discuss the potential benefits and limitations of technology in their lives.
Listening to children is a first step in the participation agenda, which is reasonably well established. By contrast, enabling children to share in decision making lags some way behind. This free ...
The following video explores the concepts covered in this course.
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