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Learn Stream Processing, earn certificates with paid and free online courses from University of Illinois, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Explore stream processing on the edge for real-time data analysis, enabling rapid anomaly detection and distributed machine learning using open-source software.
Explore advantages and disadvantages of batch vs stream processing, and learn how to reduce complexity in batch processes using stream inline data enrichment techniques.
Explore scalable stream processing on Kubernetes with Numaflow, an open-source framework enabling easy, cost-efficient data analytics for various engineering roles, powering large-scale operations at Intuit.
Explore distributed computing concepts for cloud systems, including MapReduce, NoSQL, scalability, and trending areas. Implement core techniques in C++ through hands-on exercises.
Implement scalable, resilient, and responsive systems using Scala and Akka. Learn actor programming, distributed systems, failure handling, and efficient stream processing techniques.
Explore reactive systems using Scala and Akka. Learn asynchronous programming, actor model, failure handling, distributed computing, typed actors, and stream processing for scalable and resilient applications.
A Complete In-depth and HANDS-ON practical course on a technology better than Spark for Stream processing - Apache Flink
Use SQL on Apache Kafka with Confluent ksqlDB! Build an entire taxi booking application based on KSQL stream processing
Be prepared for the Microsoft Azure Exam AZ-220: Microsoft Azure IoT Developer
Aprenda processamento de dados sem servidor usando Google Cloud Dataflow. Domine fundamentos, desenvolvimento de pipelines e operações para aplicativos de Big Data escaláveis e eficientes.
Explore the data engineering lifecycle, from data generation to serving, and build an end-to-end system. Gain practical skills in gathering requirements, choosing tools, and applying data architecture principles.
Explore source systems, implement batch and streaming pipelines, automate data workflows, and monitor data quality using AWS and open-source tools for efficient data management.
Explore Apache Kafka's architecture, learn to configure clusters, and implement stream processing applications for real-time data exchange and analysis.
Comprehensive Apache Kafka specialization covering fundamentals, architecture, advanced techniques, and integration. Ideal for beginners and professionals seeking to master this widely-used distributed streaming platform.
Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals: Explore modern data warehouse analytics in Azure
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