) Introduction
Class Central Classrooms beta
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Classroom Contents
CNCF Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate Certification Course (KCNA) - Pass the Exam!
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- 1 ) Introduction
- 2 ) Cloud Native Kubernetes Concepts
- 3 ) Selectors
- 4 ) Kubelet
- 5 ) KubeCTL
- 6 ) Distrubutions
- 7 ) Runtimes
- 8 ) Storage
- 9 ) Service
- 10 ) Networking
- 11 ) Cluster Networking
- 12 ) Security
- 13 ) Autoscaling
- 14 ) Open Standards
- 15 ) Goverance
- 16 ) Serverless
- 17 ) Observability
- 18 ) Cloud Native Application Delivery
- 19 ) Deployment Strategies
- 20 ) Follow Along
- 21 🎤 Review of Light Weight Containers
- 22 🎤 Building an App Using Docker
- 23 🎤 Minkube
- 24 🎤 Kind
- 25 🎤 Microk8s
- 26 🎤 Kubectl Fix
- 27 🎤 Pod Communication via IP
- 28 🎤 Service ClusterIP
- 29 🎤 Service NodePort
- 30 🎤 Service LoadBalancer
- 31 🎤 Service Externalname
- 32 🎤 Ingress
- 33 🎤 Jobs
- 34 🎤 ReplicaSets
- 35 🎤 Scale and Autoscale
- 36 🎤 Configmap
- 37 🎤 Secrets
- 38 🎤 PV and PVC
- 39 🎤 NetPolicy
- 40 🎤 Knative
- 41 🎤 OpenFaaS
- 42 🎤 Helm
- 43 🎤 LinkerD
- 44 🎤 Google Kubernetes Engine
- 45 🎤 Azure Kubernetes Service
- 46 🎤 AWS Elastic Kuberenetes Service
- 47 🎤 IBM Cloud
- 48 🎤 Digital Ocean
- 49 🎤 CIVO
- 50 🎤 Namespaces
- 51 🎤 RBAC
- 52 🎤 KubeCTL Extra Commands