Easy Rust - Bite-Sized Rust Tutorials

Easy Rust - Bite-Sized Rust Tutorials

mithradates via YouTube Direct link

Easy Rust 165: Tour of the standard library: OsString, CString, OsStr, CStr, and unsafe

165 of 186

165 of 186

Easy Rust 165: Tour of the standard library: OsString, CString, OsStr, CStr, and unsafe

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Classroom Contents

Easy Rust - Bite-Sized Rust Tutorials

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  1. 1 Easy Rust 001: Introduction and how to use the Rust Playground
  2. 2 Easy Rust 002: Writing comments in your code
  3. 3 Easy Rust 003: Some primitive types
  4. 4 Easy Rust 004: Type inference and floats
  5. 5 Easy Rust 005: Hello World!
  6. 6 Easy Rust 006: Declaring variables and code blocks
  7. 7 Easy Rust 007: Debug printing
  8. 8 Easy Rust 008: Mutability
  9. 9 Easy Rust 009: Shadowing
  10. 10 Easy Rust 010: The stack and the heap
  11. 11 Easy Rust 011: More advanced printing
  12. 12 Easy Rust 012: Even more advanced printing
  13. 13 Easy Rust 013: String and &str
  14. 14 Easy Rust 014: const and static
  15. 15 Easy Rust 015: More on references
  16. 16 Easy Rust 016: Mutable references
  17. 17 Easy Rust 017: Giving references to functions
  18. 18 Easy Rust 018: Giving mutable references to functions
  19. 19 Easy Rust 019: Copy types
  20. 20 Easy Rust 020: Uninitialized variables
  21. 21 Easy Rust 021: Arrays
  22. 22 Easy Rust 022: Vecs
  23. 23 Easy Rust 023: Tuples
  24. 24 Easy Rust 024: Control flow 1
  25. 25 Easy Rust 025: Control flow part 2
  26. 26 Easy Rust 026: Structs
  27. 27 Easy Rust 027: Structs part 2
  28. 28 Easy Rust 028: Enums part 1
  29. 29 Easy Rust 029: Enums part 2
  30. 30 Easy Rust 030: Enums part 3
  31. 31 Easy Rust 031: Enums part 4
  32. 32 Easy Rust 032: Loops part 1
  33. 33 Easy Rust 033: Loops part 2
  34. 34 Easy Rust 034: Loops part 3
  35. 35 Easy Rust 035: Implementing structs and enums 1
  36. 36 Easy Rust 036: Implementing structs and enums 2
  37. 37 Easy Rust 037: More about destructuring
  38. 38 Easy Rust 038: Generics part 1
  39. 39 Easy Rust 039: Generics part 2
  40. 40 Easy Rust 040: Generics part 3
  41. 41 Easy Rust 041: Generics part 4
  42. 42 Easy Rust 042: Option part 1
  43. 43 Easy Rust 043: Option part 2
  44. 44 Easy Rust 044: Option part 3
  45. 45 Easy Rust 045: Result part 1
  46. 46 Easy Rust 046: Result part 2
  47. 47 Easy Rust 047: Result part 3 (plus TURBOFISH)
  48. 48 Easy Rust 048: if let part 1
  49. 49 Easy Rust 049: if let part 2
  50. 50 Easy Rust 050: Using if let and while let together
  51. 51 Easy Rust 051: Collection types (HashMap)
  52. 52 Easy Rust 052: Collection types (BTreeMap)
  53. 53 Easy Rust 053: Collection types - some more HashMap and the entry method
  54. 54 Easy Rust 054: HashMaps and the .entry().or_insert_with() method
  55. 55 Easy Rust 055: Collection types - last video on entry method for HashMap
  56. 56 Easy Rust 056: Collection types (HashSet and BTreeSet)
  57. 57 Easy Rust 057: Collection types (BinaryHeap)
  58. 58 Easy Rust 058: Collection types (VecDeque)
  59. 59 Easy Rust 059: Collection types - VecDeque example
  60. 60 Easy Rust 060: The question mark operator (AKA try)
  61. 61 Easy Rust 061: Using the panic! macro
  62. 62 Easy Rust 062: assert!, assert_eq!, and assert_ne! macros
  63. 63 Easy Rust 063: Introduction to traits
  64. 64 Easy Rust 064: Traits part 2 - reading and understanding trait implementation
  65. 65 Easy Rust 065: Traits part 3 - implementing Display for the first time
  66. 66 Easy Rust 066: Traits part 4 - writing a bit longer trait
  67. 67 Easy Rust 067: Traits part 5 - making traits useful with other traits
  68. 68 Easy Rust 068: Traits part 6 - using trait bounds
  69. 69 Easy Rust 069: Traits part 7 - understanding the From trait
  70. 70 Easy Rust 070: Traits part 8 - implementing the From trait
  71. 71 Easy Rust 071: Type aliases and new types
  72. 72 Easy Rust 072: Traits part 9 - Implementing the From trait again
  73. 73 Easy Rust 073: Traits part 10 - AsRef
  74. 74 Easy Rust 074: Chaining methods together
  75. 75 Easy Rust 075: Quick intro to closures
  76. 76 Easy Rust 076: Iterators part 1
  77. 77 Easy Rust 077: Iterators part 2 - associated types
  78. 78 Easy Rust 078: Iterators part 3 - implementing an iterator
  79. 79 Easy Rust 079: Closures and methods with or_else
  80. 80 Easy Rust 080: Enumerate and how iterators are made
  81. 81 Easy Rust 081: collect and zip methods
  82. 82 Easy Rust 082: char_indices and closures without arguments
  83. 83 Easy Rust 083: filter, retain, and Fn, FnMut and FnOnce in closures
  84. 84 Easy Rust 084: filter_map
  85. 85 Easy Rust 085: filter map plus ok, ok_or and ok_or_else
  86. 86 Easy Rust 086: The and_then method
  87. 87 Easy Rust 087: the and method
  88. 88 Easy Rust 088: The any method
  89. 89 Easy Rust 089: The all method
  90. 90 Easy Rust 090: find, position, MAX and MIN
  91. 91 Easy Rust 091: cycle and open ended iterators
  92. 92 Easy Rust 092: The fold method
  93. 93 Easy Rust 093: take while, skip while, cloned, by ref, and sum
  94. 94 Easy Rust 094: chunks, windows, match_indices
  95. 95 Easy Rust 095: peekable iterators and the peek method
  96. 96 Easy Rust 096: Final example of iterators and quick look at clippy
  97. 97 Easy Rust 097: The dbg! macro
  98. 98 Easy Rust 098: The inspect method
  99. 99 Easy Rust 099: String, &str and a brief introduction to lifetimes
  100. 100 Easy Rust 100: Introduction to lifetimes and the 'static lifetime
  101. 101 Easy Rust 101: Named lifetimes
  102. 102 Easy Rust 102: Rust's three rules about lifetimes
  103. 103 Easy Rust 103: Anonymous lifetimes
  104. 104 Easy Rust 104: Interior mutability and why you would want it
  105. 105 Easy Rust 105: Interior mutability with Cell
  106. 106 Easy Rust 106: Dynamic interior mutability with RefCell
  107. 107 Easy Rust 107: Cell and RefCell again
  108. 108 Easy Rust 108: Mutex
  109. 109 Easy Rust 109: Mutex part 2
  110. 110 Easy Rust 110: RwLock
  111. 111 Easy Rust 111: Cow part 1
  112. 112 Easy Rust 112: Cow part 2
  113. 113 Easy Rust 113: Type aliases and the as keyword
  114. 114 Easy Rust 114: The todo! macro
  115. 115 Easy Rust 115: Introduction to Rc (reference counter)
  116. 116 Easy Rust 116: Using a reference counter
  117. 117 Easy Rust 117: Some functions for reference counters
  118. 118 Easy Rust 118: RefCell inside of an Rc
  119. 119 Easy Rust 119: Multiple threads (concurrency) - part 1
  120. 120 Easy Rust 120: Multiple threads (concurrency) - part 2
  121. 121 Easy Rust 121: Multiple threads (concurrency) - part 3
  122. 122 Easy Rust 122: Introduction to Arc, Send and Sync
  123. 123 Easy Rust 123: Using Arc and Mutex to modify concurrent threads safely
  124. 124 Easy Rust 124: Fn, FnMut, FnOnce traits for closures
  125. 125 Easy Rust 125: Putting closures into functions
  126. 126 Easy Rust 126: Longer example of closures in functions
  127. 127 Easy Rust 127: impl trait to return closures from functions
  128. 128 Easy Rust 128: One more example of impl trait to return closures
  129. 129 Easy Rust 129: Introduction to Box
  130. 130 Easy Rust 130: Boxes used for indirection
  131. 131 Easy Rust 131: Boxes used as trait objects
  132. 132 Easy Rust 132: Boxes in dynamic dispatch vs impl trait
  133. 133 Easy Rust 133: Channels part 1
  134. 134 Easy Rust 134: Channels part 2
  135. 135 Easy Rust 135: Channels part 3
  136. 136 Easy Rust 136: Attributes part 1
  137. 137 Easy Rust 137: Attributes part 2
  138. 138 Easy Rust 138: Implementing Default
  139. 139 Easy Rust 139: The builder pattern
  140. 140 Easy Rust 140: The builder pattern part 2
  141. 141 Easy Rust 141: Dereferencing and the dot operator
  142. 142 Easy Rust 142: Intro to the Deref trait
  143. 143 Easy Rust 143: Implementing Deref and DerefMut
  144. 144 Easy Rust 144: Implementing Deref weirdly
  145. 145 Easy Rust 145: modules part 1
  146. 146 Easy Rust 146: modules part 2
  147. 147 Easy Rust 147: modules part 3
  148. 148 Easy Rust 148: Introduction to testing
  149. 149 Easy Rust 149: Testing and mini calculator project part 1
  150. 150 Easy Rust 150: Testing and mini calculator project part 2
  151. 151 Easy Rust 151: Testing and mini calculator project part 3
  152. 152 Easy Rust 152: Testing and mini calculator project part 4
  153. 153 Easy Rust 153: Testing and mini calculator project part 5
  154. 154 Easy Rust 154: Testing and mini calculator project part 6
  155. 155 Easy Rust 155: Using external crates
  156. 156 Easy Rust 156: Using the rand crate
  157. 157 Easy Rust 157: Looking at some external crates
  158. 158 Easy Rust 158: Tour of the standard library: array and char
  159. 159 Easy Rust 159: Tour of the standard library: char and integers
  160. 160 Easy Rust 160: Tour of the standard library: implementing Add
  161. 161 Easy Rust 161: Tour of the standard library: methods for floats
  162. 162 Easy Rust 162: Tour of the standard library: bool
  163. 163 Easy Rust 163: Tour of the standard library: Vec
  164. 164 Easy Rust 164: Tour of the standard library: String
  165. 165 Easy Rust 165: Tour of the standard library: OsString, CString, OsStr, CStr, and unsafe
  166. 166 Easy Rust 166: Tour of the standard library: std::mem
  167. 167 Easy Rust 167: Tour of the standard library: the unsafe function transmute
  168. 168 Easy Rust 168: Tour of the standard library: no implicit prelude and no std
  169. 169 Easy Rust 169: Function pointers
  170. 170 Easy Rust 170: Function pointers part 2
  171. 171 Easy Rust 171: Tour of the standard library: std::time
  172. 172 Easy Rust 172: Tour of the standard library: one neat trick plus putting threads to sleep
  173. 173 Easy Rust 173: Tour of the standard library: some helpful macros
  174. 174 Easy Rust 174: Intro to macros
  175. 175 Easy Rust 175: More on macros
  176. 176 Easy Rust 176: Macros part 3
  177. 177 Easy Rust 177: Macros part 4
  178. 178 Easy Rust 178: Macros part 5
  179. 179 Easy Rust 179: Cargo
  180. 180 Easy Rust 180: Taking input from the user
  181. 181 Easy Rust 181: Working with user args
  182. 182 Easy Rust 182: Working with environmental variables
  183. 183 Easy Rust 183: Brushing up on Result and the ? operator
  184. 184 Easy Rust 184: Opening and writing to a file
  185. 185 Easy Rust 185: Reading the file we just opened
  186. 186 Easy Rust 186: Appending a file with OpenOptions, and goodbye for now

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