[2025] 150+ Psychology Courses You Can Take for Free
Compelling courses to explore the science of the mind — from mental well-being to criminal psychology.
Living a happy life. Achieving a state of “flow”. Removing triggers for mindless eating. Guarding against confirmation bias. Nudging behaviors through thoughtful design. These concepts, and many others like them, have entered the public awareness, backed by research in psychology.
As a field, psychology continues to progress rapidly, aided by advances in neuroscience and its relevance in numerous other fields, such as law, design, and economics — psychologist Daniel Kahneman even won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on human biases.
What’s remarkable is that, while research in psychology has been active for a long time, the general public seems to have developed a renewed interest for the subject, most notably regarding the importance of mental health.
Whatever the reason behind this renewed interest, there are now more online resources to learn about psychology than ever. Take a look at the courses below and get your psychology on!
For your convenience, we’ve broken down the list into different subjects. Click on a subject to jump to the corresponding section:
- Intro to Psychology
- Mental Health & Well-Being
- Clinical Psychology
- Social & Behavioral Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Consumer Psychology
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Intro to Psychology
Exploring Play: The Importance of Play in Everyday Life
The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn
Understanding the nature and value of play through the course of our lives, across cultures and communities.
★★★★★ (138 ratings)
Introduction to Psychology
University of Toronto via Coursera
Explore the human mind, behavior, and mental processes through fascinating experiments and key topics like memory, development, social influence, and mental health.
★★★★★ (28 ratings)
Intro to Psychology
San Jose State University via Udacity
Go on a journey through psychological concepts and principles to enable you to gain a more in-depth understanding of human thought and behavior.
★★★★★ (25 ratings)
Introduction to Psychology
Yale University via Coursera
Explore the scientific study of human thought and behavior, covering perception, cognition, development, emotions, social psychology, and mental health.
★★★★★ (18 ratings)
Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature
Yale University via YouTube
Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature pairs central texts from Western philosophical tradition (including works by Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, Hobbes, Kant, Mill, Rawls, and Nozick) with recent findings in cognitive science and related fields.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)
Psychology by CrashCourse
CrashCourse via YouTube
Crash Course creates free, high-quality educational videos used by teachers and learners of all kinds. In 40 episodes, Hank Green will teach you psychology!
★★★★★ (2 ratings)
PSYC 200: Introduction to Psychology
Biola University via YouTube
Topics to be surveyed include development, cognition, learning, motivation, physiology, socialization, personality and psychopathology.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)
Introduction to Psychology | 心理学概论
Tsinghua University via edX
★★★★☆ (1 rating)
Introduction to Psychology
NPTEL via YouTube
This introductory psychology course will cover the major psychological constructs and principles, primarily focusing on the perceptual processes, learning, memory, emotions, genetic and environmental determinants of behavior and personality.
★★★☆☆ (1 rating)
MIT 9.00SC Introduction to Psychology, Fall 2011
Massachusetts Institute of Technology via YouTube
Introduction to Psychology is a survey of the scientific study of human nature, including how the mind works, and how the brain supports the mind.
PSYC 200: Intro to Psychology (Fall 2013)
Biola University via YouTube
Explore the foundations of psychology, from neuroscience to social behavior. Gain insights into human development, consciousness, learning, personality, and psychological disorders through comprehensive lectures.
Principios de Psicología
Tecnológico de Monterrey via Coursera
Explora el pensamiento y comportamiento humano, abordando sensopercepción, cognición, aprendizaje, memoria, personalidad y socialización. Ofrece fundamentos teóricos y hallazgos clave en psicología.
Universidad de Palermo via Coursera
Explora los fundamentos de la psicología, desde procesos básicos hasta teorías actuales. Desarrolla herramientas para el autoconocimiento y comprensión del comportamiento humano.
Serious Science via YouTube
Explore diverse topics in psychology, from mood disorders and autism to music’s impact on emotions and health, with insights from leading experts in neuroscience and cognitive science.
Introducción a la Psicología
Universidad Austral via Coursera
Explora los fundamentos de la psicología, desde el inconsciente hasta las funciones cerebrales, abordando teorías clave y su aplicación en el entendimiento de la mente humana y el comportamiento.
PSYC 1300
University of Houston via YouTube
Explore key psychological principles and theories, covering development, perception, learning, motivation, personality, and social processes through comprehensive lectures and analysis.
Psychology University Freshman
via YouTube
Explore the foundations of psychology, including its essence, historical schools, modern approaches, and specialized branches.
Mental Health & Well-Being
Psychological First Aid
Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
Learn to provide psychological first aid to people in an emergency by employing the RAPID model: Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition.
★★★★☆ (51 ratings)
The Science of Happiness
University of California, Berkeley via edX
The first MOOC to teach positive psychology. Learn science-based principles and practices for a happy, meaningful life.
★★★★★ (35 ratings)
The Science of Well-Being
Yale University via Coursera
“The Science of Well-Being” taught by Professor Laurie Santos overviews what psychological science says about happiness. The purpose of the course is to not only learn what psychological research says about what makes us happy but also to put those strategies into practice.
★★★★★ (29 ratings)
Positive Psychology
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill via Coursera
This course discusses research findings in the field of positive psychology, conducted by Barbara Fredrickson and her colleagues. It also features practical applications of this science that you can put to use immediately to help you live a full and meaningful life.
★★★★☆ (27 ratings)
Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Explore positive psychology interventions through theory, research, and practice. Learn tools for applying and measuring positive psychology in professional and personal contexts.
★★★★★ (7 ratings)
Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Explore the foundations and key findings of positive psychology with its founder, learning research-based skills to increase well-being and flourish throughout life.
★★★★★ (3 ratings)
Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your Life for Well-being
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Design and implement a personalized positive intervention to enhance well-being using character strengths, psychological theories, and empirical methods.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)
Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Explore research methods in Positive Psychology, focusing on character and grit. Learn to develop hypotheses, understand validity, and interpret empirical studies with leading experts.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)
Potencia tu mente
Universidad de Cantabria via Miríadax
Mejora tus capacidades cognitivas con teoría y ejercicios prácticos. Aprende sobre el cerebro, memoria, inteligencia, creatividad, toma de decisiones y el impacto de las emociones en el pensamiento.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)
Bienestar, equidad y derechos humanos
Universidad de los Andes via Coursera
Explora conceptos de derechos humanos, equidad y bienestar, desarrollando habilidades para analizar críticamente el entorno y generar cambios positivos en la vida propia y de los demás.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)
Introduction to Self-Determination Theory: An approach to motivation, development and wellness
University of Rochester via Coursera
Explore motivation, development, and wellness through Self-Determination Theory. Learn how autonomy, competence, and relatedness support engagement, relationships, and healthy development across various life domains.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Supporting Adolescent Learners: Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Griffith University via FutureLearn
Learn to support adolescent learners with their social and emotional wellbeing through a variety of approaches.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
The Psychology of Thrill Seekers
Emory University via Coursera
Explore the psychology, neuroscience, and lifestyle of thrill seekers. Examine sensation-seeking traits, their impact on behavior, relationships, and overall well-being.
★★★★☆ (1 rating)
Creating Behavioral Change
Wesleyan University via Coursera
Explore evidence-based approaches to mental and physical health behavior change, including behavioral principles and empirically supported treatments like motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapies.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Coping with Changes: Social-Emotional Learning Through Play
Lego Foundation via FutureLearn
Learn how to provide playful and engaging social emotional learning (SEL) support to children affected by COVID-19 disruption.
★★★★☆ (1 rating)
Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona) via Coursera
Aprende a brindar apoyo psicológico inmediato en situaciones de crisis. Técnicas adaptadas para diferentes grupos y contextos. Incluye autocuidado del interviniente y práctica mediante simulaciones.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Manejo de la ansiedad ante exámenes y exposiciones orales
Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera via Miríadax
Aprende a manejar la ansiedad en exámenes y presentaciones orales. Explora sus causas, síntomas y técnicas de control para mejorar tu rendimiento académico y profesional.
★★★★☆ (1 rating)
Grief and How it Can Kill Us
via EMMA
Explore the impact of grief on health, relationships, and society. Learn coping strategies, understand grief attacks, and discover how people transform loss into positive change.
Positive Psychology
American Psychological Association via edX
Explore the science of happiness, well-being, and life satisfaction. Learn evidence-based strategies to enhance personal growth, cultivate positive traits, and foster meaningful relationships.
Comunicarnos sin daño para la reconciliación y la salud mental
The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana via edX
Aprenda a comunicarse mientras favorece la reconciliación y la salud mental propia y de otros, en medios de comunicación, redes sociales y la vida diaria, ante asuntos como salud pública, conflicto, migración, protestas, desinformación, datos e imágenes.
Happiness Psychology: 5 Proven Tips
via Udemy
Learn About Scientific Ways to Be Happier With Theses 5 Data-Driven Psychology Principles
Psicología Positiva
Tecnológico de Monterrey via Coursera
Explora la ciencia del bienestar, sus modelos y prácticas para mejorar tu vida y la de los demás. Aprende técnicas aplicables sin necesidad de ser profesional de la salud mental.
Behind the scenes of therapy
via YouTube
Uncover therapist secrets, skills, and stories. Gain insights into the profession, learn listening techniques, and discover how to find the right therapist for you.
The Psychology of Influence & Human Behavior Crash Course
via Udemy
A Step by Step Guide to Better Understand and Improve Our Behaviors and Other Peoples’ Behaviors
Mentaliser : de la théorie à l’intervention clinique
University of Geneva via Coursera
Découvrez la mentalisation, son développement et ses applications cliniques. Apprenez à reconnaître et améliorer cette capacité essentielle pour comprendre les interactions humaines et la santé mentale.
Entendiendo la depresión a lo largo del ciclo vital
Universidad de los Andes via Coursera
Explora la depresión en diferentes etapas de la vida, desmitificando conceptos, analizando manifestaciones y comorbilidades, y presentando estrategias de tratamiento y prevención.
Descubra seu Tipo de Personalidade
via Udemy
Faça o Teste do Eneagrama e aprenda a utilizar esta ferramenta para o seu crescimento pessoal e profissional.
A Lei dos Sete em 7 Dias
via Udemy
Explore as leis espirituais do universo, a Lei do Sete de Gurjieff e sua aplicação no Eneagrama das Personalidades, unindo ciência e espiritualidade para o autoconhecimento e evolução humana.
Master en desarrollo personal
via Udemy
Aprende herramientas de programación neurolinguistca y coaching ontológico
Ego, Disrupted. How Buddhist Wisdom Meets Western Therapy
via CreativeLive
Ego, Disrupted. How Buddhist Wisdom Meets Western Therapy with Dr. Mark Epstein, Chase Jarvis
awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Explore the transformative power of awe with psychologist Dacher Keltner, uncovering its impact on our brains, bodies, and daily lives through scientific research and personal insights.
The Power of Awe
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Explore the transformative effects of awe on well-being, compassion, and perception. Learn how to cultivate wonder in modern life for improved mental and physical health.
My Life Is Awesome, so Why Can’t I Enjoy It?
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Explore the paradox of unhappiness despite material success. Learn mental hacks to overcome psychological biases and boost well-being with insights from Yale’s popular psychology professor.
The Art of Rest – with Claudia Hammond
The Royal Institution via YouTube
Explore the importance of rest in our hectic lives through “The Rest Test” findings. Learn strategies to find respite and improve well-being in the modern age with award-winning broadcaster Claudia Hammond.
The Psychology and Neuroscience of Happiness
The Royal Institution via YouTube
Explore the science behind positive emotions with experts discussing neural underpinnings, emotional expertise, and ways to improve well-being through understanding pleasure in the brain.
The Multiple Effects of Video Games on Children’s Health & Wellness 5/20/15
Mary Greeley Medical Center via YouTube
Explore the complex impacts of video games on children’s well-being, examining both positive and negative effects on physical, mental, and social health.
Disappointment and bitterness or the mask of happiness | Bahareh Afshari | TEDxOmidWomen
TEDx via YouTube
Explore the “happiness paradox” and why pursuing happiness as an ultimate goal may be counterproductive. Learn how embracing disappointment and letting go of the pursuit can lead to genuine contentment.
T.R.A.P Therapy: Healing the Youth One Metaphor at a Time | Carl Patterson | TEDxUCO
TEDx via YouTube
Discover how poetry can heal underprivileged youth and aid in overcoming trauma. Learn about T.R.A.P Therapy, a technique promoting expression and resilience for young clients in the juvenile justice system.
A Melodia da Morte | Ricardo Oliveira Mendes | TEDxFunchal
TEDx via YouTube
Psicólogo aborda o desafio do autoconhecimento diante da finitude humana, explorando temas como envelhecimento, luto e morte, baseado em sua experiência clínica e estudos em tanatologia.
Why ARE We Unhappy? | Stefan T.Wong | TEDxKingLincolnBronzevillle
TEDx via YouTube
Explore causes of unhappiness and a theory for reflection on life’s journey towards happiness, drawing from research and personal experiences.
Compassion: Lessons from my daughter | Stan Steindl | TEDxUQ
TEDx via YouTube
Explore the transformative power of compassion through a father’s insights, learning to cultivate self-compassion and empathy in daily life for personal growth and improved relationships.
Learning the Grief Dance | Tanya Everett | TEDxMiltonAcademy
TEDx via YouTube
Explore grief as a personal dance, with the 5 stages as rhythmic steps. Gain insights on moving through loss with vulnerability, lightness, and self-discovery in this inspiring talk.
Mobilizing Grief to Keep Love Alive | Anne Shepherd | TEDxMontanaStateUniversity
TEDx via YouTube
Exploring grief as a transformative process to maintain connections and foster personal growth, blending psychological research with indigenous traditions for healing and self-development.
The value of silence in a noisy world | Olga Lehman | TEDxTrondheim
TEDx via YouTube
Explore the significance of silence in daily life with Olga Lehmann’s insightful talk, offering a map to understand and harness its power amidst the noise of modern society.
“To Suffer Less, We Need Perfect Love” | Shannon Snapp | TEDxCSUMontereyBay
TEDx via YouTube
Explore how perfect love can reduce suffering through Dr. Shannon Snapp’s research on mental health, educational disparities, and social justice, focusing on sexual and gender minority youth.
Understanding Grief
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Explore the complex nature of grief, its impact on our perception of the world, and the role of resilience, healing, lament, and regret in the grieving process.
Clinical Psychology
Psychology of Popularity
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill via Coursera
Explore the lasting impact of childhood popularity on adult life, relationships, and success. Learn scientific insights to enhance social skills, parenting, and overall happiness.
★★★★☆ (11 ratings)
Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences – Unit 2: Belief Systems
Rutgers University via Coursera
Explore the psychological and biological foundations of soul beliefs, their cultural impacts, and evidence for afterlife experiences. Examine how these beliefs shape worldviews and influence human behavior.
★★★★☆ (5 ratings)
Psychological research, obedience and ethics
The Open University via OpenLearn
In this free course, Psychological research, obedience and ethics, you will learn about the importance of ethics in research that is undertaken by psychologists. You will read about the famous …
★★★★☆ (4 ratings)
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
University of Queensland via edX
Learn about the principles underlying psychological therapy and the features and treatment of common mental disorders, including anxiety, depression and schizophrenia.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
via YouTube
Explore types, causes, and characteristics of narcissism. Compare with other personality disorders. Learn cognitive behavioral strategies and understand stability of symptoms over time.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)
Borderline Personality Disorder
via YouTube
Explore Borderline Personality Disorder: symptoms, types, relationships, and comparisons to other disorders. Gain insights into anger, fear, and emotional dysregulation associated with BPD.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)
Bipolar Disorder
via YouTube
Explore mania, rapid cycling, and distinctions between bipolar types. Understand relationships with borderline personality disorder, unipolar mania, and aggression for comprehensive insights into bipolar disorder.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Psychopathology Class #1 (2018)
via YouTube
Comprehensive exploration of mental health disorders, diagnostic criteria, and related concepts, covering epidemiology, etiology, and specific conditions like PTSD, OCD, and personality disorders.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Schizophrenia – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 3
via YouTube
Comprehensive revision of schizophrenia for AQA A-level psychology, covering classification, explanations, and treatments from biological and psychological perspectives.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Trauma-Related Disorders
via YouTube
Explore trauma-related disorders, including PTSD, C-PTSD, and dissociative disorders. Learn about symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and controversies surrounding these conditions.
Mental Disorder Case Studies
via YouTube
Explore diverse mental disorder case studies, analyzing symptoms, diagnoses, and treatment approaches for various personality disorders and psychological conditions.
Psychology & Mental Health
via YouTube
Explore diverse mental health topics, from anxiety and depression to addiction and personality disorders, through relatable stories and expert insights.
Psychology – Psychological Disorders
via YouTube
Explore psychological disorders, from defining normalcy to examining specific conditions like anxiety, trauma, and schizophrenia. Learn about diagnostic tools, cultural influences, and various mental health challenges.
Personality Disorder – Deep Dive
via YouTube
Comprehensive exploration of paranoid, obsessive-compulsive, and avoidant personality disorders, offering in-depth insights into their characteristics, impacts, and diagnostic criteria.
Myths of Psychopathology
via YouTube
Explore common misconceptions surrounding various mental health disorders, from panic attacks to personality disorders, enhancing understanding of psychopathology.
Psychopathology Class #3 (2018)
via YouTube
Comprehensive exploration of personality disorders, covering types, myths, characteristics, and related mental health topics. Delves into specific disorders, their distinctions, and associated behaviors.
Uncommon or Unusual Conditions or Mental Disorders
via YouTube
Explore lesser-known mental health conditions, from illness anxiety to alexithymia. Gain insights into unusual disorders, their symptoms, and impacts on daily life.
Psychopathology Class #2 (2018)
via YouTube
Explore various mental health conditions, their symptoms, and related concepts in psychology, including mood disorders, eating disorders, and defense mechanisms.
via YouTube
Explore various types of depression, including melancholic, atypical, and psychotic, while examining the course of major depressive disorder and its diagnosis challenges.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
via YouTube
Explore the intricacies of OCPD, its distinctions from related disorders, and the role of experiential avoidance in its manifestation and treatment.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
via YouTube
Explore the complexities of Avoidant Personality Disorder, its causes, and how it differs from related conditions. Gain insights into Cluster C disorders and their connection to shame.
Schizoid Personality Disorder
via YouTube
Explore key differences between Schizoid Personality Disorder and related conditions, debunk myths, and gain a comprehensive understanding of this complex mental health issue.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
via YouTube
Explore key aspects of OCD including counting rituals, existential obsessions, hit-and-run fears, and the distinction between obsessions and compulsions. Learn about Pure O and OCD vs. OCPD.
Psychopathology – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 1
via YouTube
Comprehensive revision of psychopathology for AQA A-level psychology, covering definitions, characteristics, and approaches to explaining and treating phobias, depression, and OCD.
Psychological Disorder Chapter 7
via YouTube
Explore psychological disorders, their types, and classifications in this comprehensive overview for university freshmen studying psychology.
Inside the Mind of a Sociopath
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Explore sociopathy as an emotional learning disability, its characteristics, and potential for treatment. Gain insights into the complex personality type and understand the science behind it.
Social & Behavioral Psychology
Social Psychology
Wesleyan University via Coursera
This course offers a brief introduction to classic and contemporary social psychology, covering topics such as decision making, persuasion, group behavior, personal attraction, and factors that promote health and well-being.
★★★★★ (88 ratings)
Understanding Memory: Explaining the Psychology of Memory through Movies
Wesleyan University via Coursera
Explore the psychology of memory through film clips, learning about memory processes, retention strategies, autobiographical memories, amnesia, and age-related changes in cognitive function.
★★★★☆ (10 ratings)
Introduction to Social Psychology
University of Queensland via edX
Learn why people think and behave the way they do in social settings.
★★★★★ (5 ratings)
Music Moves: Why Does Music Make You Move?
University of Oslo via FutureLearn
Learn about the psychology of music and movement, and how researchers study music-related movements, with this free online course.
★★★★★ (3 ratings)
The body: a phenomenological psychological perspective
The Open University via OpenLearn
The body has traditionally been treated as a biological object in psychology. However, is there more to our bodies than that? Some psychologists recognise that we relate to other people and the …
★★★★★ (3 ratings)
Social Norms, Social Change II
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Explore social change strategies, from scripts and schemas to trendsetters and edutainment. Learn to evaluate interventions and use policy tools for effective norm abandonment and positive societal transformation.
★★☆☆☆ (1 rating)
Psychologie de la négociation
Université catholique de Louvain via edX
Plongez au coeur des mécanismes psychologiques qui entrent en jeu dans les situations de négociation.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Human Behaviour
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati via YouTube
Explore the science of human behavior, covering sensation, perception, learning, memory, language, intelligence, emotion, personality, and social influence in this comprehensive study.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Mental Health and Human Behavior Facts and Myths
via YouTube
Explore mental health myths and facts, covering topics like psychological tests, cognitive biases, therapy effectiveness, and controversial theories in human behavior and counseling.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Forensic Psychology – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 1
via YouTube
Comprehensive overview of forensic psychology topics for AQA A-level, covering offender profiling, biological and cognitive explanations, theories, and approaches to dealing with criminal behavior.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Who are you?
TED via YouTube
Explore the essence of identity through thought-provoking talks on consciousness, self-perception, and personal data, challenging you to understand yourself better.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
via YouTube
Explore psychopathy, its traits, and related concepts like the Dark Triad. Delve into emotional intelligence, moral judgment, and the differences between psychopathy and other personality disorders.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Going Beyond the Here and Now – Counterfactual Simulation in Human Cognition
Stanford University via YouTube
Explore how counterfactual simulation shapes human understanding of causality, responsibility, and decision-making in physical and psychological domains through innovative cognitive research.
A-Level PE Sports Psychology
via YouTube
Explore key concepts in sports psychology, including motivation, arousal, anxiety, and team dynamics, to enhance athletic performance and understanding.
Psychology – Research Methods
via YouTube
Explore key research methods in psychology, from scientific mindset and bias to experimental design and statistical analysis. Gain practical skills for conducting and evaluating psychological studies.
PSYC 3325
University of Houston via YouTube
Explore personality theories and their real-world applications to current psychological issues, gaining insights into individual and societal behavior patterns.
PSYC 3339
University of Houston via YouTube
Explore clinical psychology’s science and practice, covering diagnoses, evaluations, evidence-based interventions, and prevention strategies for various clinical populations.
PSYC 3350
University of Houston via YouTube
Explore human information processing through memory, language, thought, judgment, and skilled performance in this cognitive psychology introduction.
Psychology – Memory
via YouTube
Explore the fascinating world of memory, from sensory to long-term, including failures, emotional impacts, biological aspects, and practical improvement techniques.
PSYC 3331
University of Houston via YouTube
Explore gender psychology through biological and archetypal dimensions, examining social behaviors, roles, and policies. Gain insights from empirical evidence and ancient myths to improve communication and relationships.
Psychology – Intelligence and Testing
via YouTube
Explore intelligence concepts, IQ testing methods, and factors influencing cognitive abilities. Examine controversies, genetic and environmental impacts, and potential for improving intelligence.
Psychology – Sensation and Perception
via YouTube
Explore the fascinating world of sensory perception, from vision and hearing to touch and taste, through comprehensive tutorials covering key concepts and theories in psychology.
Psychology – Language & Cognition
via YouTube
Explore language acquisition theories, linguistic concepts, and cognitive processes in problem-solving. Gain insights into heuristics, biases, and the interplay between language and thought.
Psychology – Learning Theory & Behaviorism
via YouTube
Explore key concepts in learning theory and behaviorism, including classical and operant conditioning, observational learning, and cognitive processes in psychology.
Psychology – History and Approaches
via YouTube
Explore psychology’s foundations, key debates, and historical schools of thought in this comprehensive introduction to the field.
Aggression – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 3
via YouTube
Comprehensive revision of aggression topics for AQA A-level Psychology Paper 3, covering neural, hormonal, genetic, evolutionary, social, institutional, and media influences on aggressive behavior.
Social Influence – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 1
via YouTube
Comprehensive revision of Social Influence for AQA A-level Psychology Paper 1, covering conformity, obedience, resistance, and social change processes through detailed video lessons.
Research Methods – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 2
via YouTube
Comprehensive revision of research methods for AQA A-level Psychology Paper 2, covering experimental designs, data collection techniques, statistical analysis, and scientific principles.
Relationships – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 3
via YouTube
Comprehensive revision for AQA A-level Psychology Paper 3, covering evolutionary explanations, attraction factors, relationship theories, and virtual/parasocial relationships.
Approaches – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 2
via YouTube
Comprehensive revision of psychological approaches for AQA A-level, covering key theories, pioneers, and comparative analysis to prepare students for Paper 2 examination.
Psychology Memory and Forgetting Chapter 4
via YouTube
Explore memory processes and forgetting mechanisms in psychology, focusing on key concepts relevant to Ethiopian university freshmen.
Gender – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 3
via YouTube
Comprehensive overview of gender psychology topics for AQA A-level exam, covering biological, cognitive, psychodynamic, and social learning perspectives on gender development and atypical cases.
Psychology Motivation and Emotion
via YouTube
Explore the psychological foundations of motivation and emotion, focusing on key concepts and theories relevant to Ethiopian university freshmen.
Psychology Personality Chapter 6
via YouTube
Explore psychological theories on personality, focusing on key concepts and perspectives relevant to Ethiopian university freshmen.
Issues and Debates – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 3
via YouTube
Comprehensive revision of key psychological concepts for AQA A-level exam, covering gender bias, nature vs. nurture, free will, holism, and ethical implications in under 15 minutes per topic.
Memory – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 1
via YouTube
Comprehensive revision of memory topics for AQA A-level Psychology, covering models, types, forgetting, and eyewitness testimony, with full-length class videos for in-depth understanding.
Biological Psychology – Psychology Alevel (AQA) Paper 2
via YouTube
Comprehensive exploration of biological psychology topics for AQA A-level, covering nervous system, brain function, endocrine system, and biological rhythms.
Psychology Sensation and Perception Chapter 2
via YouTube
Explore sensation, perception, form, and depth in psychology. Gain insights into how we interpret and understand the world around us through our senses.
Locomotor Psychology Lectures 2020
via YouTube
Comprehensive exploration of psychology’s core domains: emotions, learning, social dynamics, personality, development, and cognition. Gain insights into human behavior and mental processes.
Why Our Face Advertises Our Emotions | Understanding Nonverbal Behavior
Wondrium via YouTube
Explore the science of facial expressions, their universality, and how they communicate emotions. Learn to distinguish genuine from fake expressions and understand the evolutionary purpose behind our emotional displays.
PsychTalks: The Secret to Satisfaction
University of Melbourne via YouTube
Explore the complexities of happiness, mental health, and societal pressures in this thought-provoking panel discussion challenging conventional wisdom on wellbeing and satisfaction.
Did People Used To Look Older?
Vsauce via YouTube
Explore perceptions of aging through history, examining cultural shifts, visual cues, and psychological factors that influence how we perceive age in ourselves and others.
Why Do We Like Being Scared? – with Brendan Walker
The Royal Institution via YouTube
Explore the science behind thrill-seeking, from rollercoasters to horror movies. Discover how fear and pleasure intertwine, and learn about innovative methods for measuring and optimizing thrilling experiences.
How Does Sight Work? | Wondrium Perspectives
Wondrium via YouTube
Explore the fascinating process of sight with five experts, covering eye physiology, retinal biochemistry, signal decoding, and how sensations transform into perceptions.
USENIX Enigma 2017 — Neural and Behavioral Insights on Trust
USENIX Enigma Conference via YouTube
Neural and behavioral mechanisms of trust explored, focusing on its role in decision-making under uncertainty. Examines how incomplete information affects certainty, persuasion, and biases in individual choices.
How did consciousness evolve? – with Nicholas Humphrey
The Royal Institution via YouTube
Explore the evolution of consciousness with psychologist Nicholas Humphrey, examining its origins, presence in animals, and potential future, while delving into the nature of sentience and its implications.
The Science of Well-Being: Dr. Laurie Santos
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Explore psychological insights for a happier, less stressed life with Dr. Laurie Santos. Learn practical habits for flourishing and applying scientific findings to increase well-being, including strategies for coping with COVID-19’s impact.
The Dreaming Mind: Waking the Mysteries of Sleep
World Science Festival via YouTube
Explore the science of dreams with experts discussing their origins, meanings, and potential applications in problem-solving, creativity, and understanding consciousness.
The Psychology of Thinking – with Richard Nisbett
The Royal Institution via YouTube
Explore human reasoning with psychologist Richard Nisbett, uncovering insights to improve decision-making and critical thinking in various aspects of life and society.
Complex System Research in Psychology
Santa Fe Institute via YouTube
Explore cutting-edge approaches to understanding human behavior and cognition through the lens of complex systems theory and interdisciplinary research methods.
Rationality for Mortals
Santa Fe Institute via YouTube
Explore cognitive biases, decision-making strategies, and practical approaches to enhance rational thinking in everyday life. Gain insights into human reasoning and its limitations.
Developmental Psychology
Introduction to child psychology
The Open University via OpenLearn
Childhood is a time of rapid growth and development, and studying these changes is endlessly stimulating. In this free course, Introduction to child psychology, you will be introduced to the …
★★★★★ (6 ratings)
How to Understand Child Psychology
via YouTube
Learn how to handle behavior problems and better understand disorders like autism with this Howcast video series featuring Dr. Kimberly Williams.
★★★★★ (5 ratings)
Introduction to Developmental Psychology
University of Queensland via edX
Learn how we develop over our lifetime, including our ability to think, communicate, and form social attachments.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Développement psychologique de l’enfant
University of Geneva via Coursera
Découvrez les compétences précoces des enfants, leur développement affectif, émotionnel et social. Explorez la sécurité affective, le contrôle de soi, les émotions, le jeu, l’empathie et la parentalité.
★★★★★ (1 rating)
Understanding child development: from synapse to society
Utrecht University via Coursera
In this course, we dive into the topic of child development.
Developmental Psychology: A Journey of Growth Within Relationships
Campus – the Israeli National Project for Digital Learning via edX
To what extent are we truly aware of the decisive influence of our relationships with our parents in early childhood, upon the entire course of our adult lives? Here’s an opportunity to ‘open your eyes’ to what every person should know.
Growth & Development through the Life Span
Doane University via edX
Explore human development from prenatal to death, examining cognitive, emotional, and socio-cultural aspects using a Biopsychosocial framework. Gain insights into research methods and practical applications in your field.
Social and Emotional Development: Supporting Teenage Wellbeing
University of Lincoln via FutureLearn
Build more effective, attentive, and empathetic relationships with teenagers to improve teenage mental health and wellbeing.
Développement de l’adolescent
Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes via France Université Numerique
จิตวิทยาพัฒนาการวัยรุ่น | Developmental Psychology in Adolescent
Walailak University via ThaiMOOC
เรียนรู้พัฒนาการวัยรุ่น ทำความเข้าใจการเปลี่ยนแปลงทางร่างกาย จิตใจ และสังคม เพื่อเข้าใจและสนับสนุนวัยรุ่นได้อย่างเหมาะสม
จิตวิทยาพัฒนาการวัยสูงอายุ | Developmental Psychology in Elderly
Walailak University via ThaiMOOC
เรียนรู้พัฒนาการทางจิตวิทยาของผู้สูงอายุ เข้าใจการเปลี่ยนแปลงทางร่างกายและจิตใจ พร้อมแนวทางการดูแลสุขภาพจิตในวัยชรา
Lifespan Development: Lectures
via YouTube
Comprehensive exploration of human development from conception to death, covering physical, cognitive, and social aspects across all life stages.
Consumer Psychology
Introduction to Behavioural Economics: Employee and Customer Behaviour
via FutureLearn
Explore the ways you can develop and use different incentives to promote behaviour change in your employees and customers.

Kampechara Puriparinya
The very useful courses, MOOCs for online learning
in modern Psychological Sciences of outstanding universities worldwide.
Thanks you !
Kampechara Puriparinya
Bangkok, Thailand.
Thank you for the well written article and all the links! I love that the author’s name is Bobby Brady.
Dr.vineet kumar
This is well crafted content. I feel it is all about Applied psychology. One can use it in their personal and professional life.
Thanking you