Course Intro
MoviePitch intro
The Boilerplate
Getting an OpenAI API Key
Getting info for fetch request
Building an OpenAI fetch request
The first AI fetch request
Refactor to use dependency l - env variable
Refactor to use dependency ll - The dependency
Refactor to use dependency lll - update fetchReply
Take out of Scrimba
Personalising the message
Aside - few shot approach
Aside - few shot approach ll
Refactor fetchSynopsis
Title and Temperature
Reaching for the stars
Aside - createImage
Displaying the image and finishing off the UX
2:03:16 OutroKnowItAll: GPT-4 Chatbox KnowItAll Intro
Starter Code
Aside: How ChatGPT models work for chatbots
Conversation and instructions
Add user input to conversation array
The createChatCompletion endpoint
The model and object
Render the output, update the array
Aside: Theory: Frequency and presence penalties
presence_penalty practice
frequency_penalty practice
The chatbot’s personality
Firebase Intro
Firebase Account and database set up
Firebase dependency and database set up
Push method and instructions object
Update fetch Reply
Update fetchReply 2
Update the database
Render the conversation from the DB
The “start over” button
3:15:20 OutroWe-Wingit: Fine-tuned chatbot Intro to fine-tuning
Convert the Chatbot to We-Wingit
An Overview of the AI
Data for fine-tuning
The data we’re using
CLI 1 - Setting up the environment
CLI 2 - Data Preparation Tool
CLI 3 - Tuning the model
Updating the JS 1
Updating the JS 2
Updating the JS 3
The Separator
Aside - Stop Sequence
Adding the stop sequence
Intro to deployment
Download and GitHub
Netlify sign-up
Add Netlify env var
Netlify CLI
Netlify serverless function 1
Update fetchReply
Serverless function 2
Serverless function 3
Serverless function 4
Taught by