Web Applications for Everybody Course - Dr. Chuck Teaches HTML, PHP, SQL, CSS, JavaScript, and more!
via freeCodeCamp
- Write review
) Web Applications and the Request/Response Cycle.
) Understanding Browser Developer Mode.
) HTML - HyperText Markup Language (Part 1).
) HTML - HyperText Markup Language (Part 2).
) Code Walkthrough: HTML.
) CSS - Cascading Style Sheets (Part 1).
) CSS - Cascading Style Sheets (Part 2).
) CSS - Cascading Style Sheets (Part 3).
) Code Walkthrough: CSS - Part 1.
) Code Walkthrough: CSS Part 2.
) Installing MAMP on Macintosh for PHP/MySql.
) Installing MAMP on Windows-10 for PHP/MySql.
) Installing XAMPP on Windows for PHP/MySql.
) PHP Language - Overview (Part 1).
) PHP Language - Expressions (Part 3).
) PHP Language - Variables and Constants (Part 2).
) PHP Language - Control Structures (Part 4).
) PHP Arrays (Part 1).
) PHP Arrays (Part 2).
) PHP Functions (Part 1).
) PHP Functions (Part 2).
) PHP Forms (Part 1).
) PHP Forms - GET and POST (Part 2).
) PHP Forms - Input Types (Part 3).
) PHP Forms - HTML Injection and Validation (Part 4).
) PHP Forms - MVC (Part 5).
) Code Walkthrough: Forms Part 1.
) Code Walkthrough: Forms Part 2.
) Code Walkthrough: Forms Part 3.
) Single Table SQL - Part 1.
) Single Table SQL - Part 2.
) Data Modeling - Building a Data Model (Part 1).
) Data Modeling - Representing Relationships (Part 2).
) Data Modeling - Relationships in SQL (Part 3).
) Data Modeling - Using Join (Part 4).
) Data Modeling - Many-to-Many (Part 5).
) PHP Objects (Part 1).
) PHP Objects - Building Objects (Part 2).
) PHP Objects - Life Cycle (Part 3).
) PHP Objects - Inheritance (Part 4).
) PHP, MySQL, and PDO - Part 1.
) PHP, MySQL, and PDO - Part 2.
) PHP, MySQL, and PDO - Part 3.
) PHP, MySQL, and PDO - Part 4.
) Code Walkthrough: PHP, MySQL, and PDO - Part 1.
) Code Walkthrough: PHP, MySQL, and PDO - Part 2.
) Code Walkthrough: PHP, MySQL, and PDO - Part 3.
) PHP - Cookies (Part 1).
) PHP - Sessions (Part 2).
) PHP - Sessions without Cookies - Part 3.
) Code Walkthrough: Cookies and Sessions.
) PHP - HTTP Redirects - Part 1.
) PHP - Post / Redirect - Part 2.
) PHP - Flash Messages / Authentication - Part 3.
) Code Walkthrough: Routing and Redirect - Part 1.
) Code Walkthrough: Routing and Redirect - Part 2.
) Code Walkthrough: Routing and Redirect - Part 3.
) Building a CRUD Application in PHP.
) Code Walkthrough: Forms and CRUD.
) JavaScript - Part 1.
) JavaScript - Part 2.
) JavaScript - Document Object Model - Part 3.
) Code Walkthrough: JavaScript and Profiles.
) JavaScript - Object Orientation.
) JQuery - Part 1.
) JQuery - Part 2.
) Code Walkthrough: Profiles, Positions, and JQuery.
) JSON - JavaScript Object Notation - Part 1.
) JSON - JavaScript Object Notation - Part 2.
) JSON - CRUD - Part 3.
) Code Walkthrough: Profiles, Positions, Education and JSON.
) MOOC Graduation Video with Curt Bonk as Commencement Speaker.
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