In this course you will learn how to ask for directions in French. Along the way, you will build up your vocabulary so little by little you will be able to have more complex conversations and understand more French language in a variety of different scenarios.This OpenLearn course is an extract from the beginning of the Open Centre for Languages and Cultures short course, LGXF003 Beginners French 3: absolument! After completing this free course, you may wish to register for the full course to continue your learning!
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Open Centre for Languages and Cultures
- Acknowledgements
- Week1Week 1: Pour aller au musée, s’il vous plaît ? Asking for directions in town
- Introduction
- 1 Places in town
- 2 Asking questions about directions
- 2.1 Asking for directions in town
- 3 Finding a location
- 3.1 Prepositions with du, de la, de l’, and des
- 4 Pronunciation: un / une
- 5 Pronunciation: the letter ‘h’
- 6 Asking for directions and discovering more vocabulary
- 7 This week’s quiz
- 8 Summary of Week 1
- Acknowledgements
- Week2Week 2: Allez tout droit. Understanding and giving directions
- Introduction
- 1 Understanding and giving instructions
- 1.1 Giving instructions using the imperative
- 2 Listening for detail
- 3 Giving instructions using devoir and il faut
- 4 Pronouncing the sound [R]
- 5 Expressing a series of events
- 6 This week’s quiz
- 7 Summary of Week 2
- Next steps
- Acknowledgements