If you are continuing your way to passing the Microsoft AZ-220 IoT Developer exam, this course will cover how to configure health monitoring for Azure IoT Solutions.
Keeping devices and infrastructure running smoothly is key to a successful IoT Solution. In this course, Microsoft Azure IoT Developer: Configure Health Monitoring, you’ll learn to configure your Azure IoT Solution to monitor the health of the various services to keep your solution running smoothly. First, you’ll explore how to configure metrics in the IoT Hub. Next, you’ll discover how to set up diagnostic logs for the IoT Hub. Finally, you’ll learn how to query and visualize tracing using Azure Monitor. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of configuring health monitoring needed to answer questions on this area of the AZ-220 IoT Developer Certification Exam.
Keeping devices and infrastructure running smoothly is key to a successful IoT Solution. In this course, Microsoft Azure IoT Developer: Configure Health Monitoring, you’ll learn to configure your Azure IoT Solution to monitor the health of the various services to keep your solution running smoothly. First, you’ll explore how to configure metrics in the IoT Hub. Next, you’ll discover how to set up diagnostic logs for the IoT Hub. Finally, you’ll learn how to query and visualize tracing using Azure Monitor. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of configuring health monitoring needed to answer questions on this area of the AZ-220 IoT Developer Certification Exam.