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Building Real-Time REST APIs with Spring Boot - Blog App

via Udemy


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Build REST APIs using Spring Boot, Spring Security 6, JWT, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, MySQL, Docker & Deploy on AWS

What you'll learn:
  • Learn Building Rest API’s for Blog App Using Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Spring Data JPA (Hibernate), MySQL Database.
  • Learn How to Build CRUD REST APIs in Spring Boot Project
  • Learn How to Build CRUD REST API's for ONE-TO-MANY Relationship - /posts/{postId}/comments/{commentId}
  • Learn How to Build REST APIs for Pagination and Sorting in Spring Boot Project
  • Learn How to Build REST API's for Search / Filter REST API in Spring Boot Project
  • Learn How to Build REST API’s for Login and Signup in Spring Boot Project
  • Learn How to Use Lombok Library
  • Learn How to Use DTO’s
  • Learn Spring Boot REST API Exception Handling
  • Learn Spring Boot REST API Validation
  • Learn How to Use Spring Security in Spring Boot Project and How to Perform In-Memory and DB Authentication and Authorization
  • Learn How to Secure REST APIs ( Role Based Security) in Spring Boot Project
  • Learn How to Write Query Methods Using Spring Data JPA
  • Learn One-To-Many and Many-To-Many JPA/Hibernate Mappings
  • Learn How to Test REST API’s using Postman REST Client
  • Learn What is JWT, How it Works and How to configure JWT ( JSON Web Token) in Spring Security
  • Learn How to Use JWT with Login API and secure REST APIs using JWT
  • Learn Important 4 Versioning REST API Strategies
  • Learn REST APIs Documentation with Swagger UI
  • Test Spring Boot REST APIs with JWT using Swagger UI
  • Learn Customizing Swagger REST Documentation with Annotations
  • Learn How to Add Profiles the Spring Boot Project
  • Learn Transaction Management with Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA
  • Learn How to Deploy Spring Boot Blog App on AWS Cloud (Production)
  • Learn Spring Data JPA Fundamentals
  • Dockering Spring Boot Application Step by Step
  • Dockering Spring Boot MySQL CRUD Application Step by Step
  • Docker Compose - Dockering Spring Boot MySQL CRUD Application Step by Step

In this course, you will learn how to build REAL-TIME RESTAPIs by developing a complete Blog application and you will also learn how to deploy it on the AWScloud.

Well, we will follow the Real-time industry-standard project development approach in this course.

Important: This course supports Spring Boot version 3+and Spring Security version 6+.

The source code and PDFfiles (class notes) are available for download.

This course is for advanced learning so you need to have Spring boot basics understanding. But don't worry I have added a Spring Boot crash course for Beginners at the end of this course so if you are a beginner then first learn the Spring Boot Crash Course for Beginners lectures.

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is an opinionated framework that helps developers build Spring-based applications quickly and easily.

The main goal of Spring Boot is to quickly create Spring-based applications without requiring developers to write the same boilerplate configuration again and again.

Spring Boot is a very popular framework for developing REST web services and microservices.

You will learn the below topics in this course:

  • Learn how to build great REST APIs for Blog App using Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Spring Data JPA (Hibernate), MySQL database

  • Learn REST basics - Resource, Sub-resource, URI, HTTP methods, HTTP status codes

  • Learn how to build CRUD REST APIs

  • Learn how to build REST APIs for Pagination and Sorting

  • Learn how to build Search / Filter REST API

  • Learn how to build REST APIs for Login/Sign-in and Signup

  • Learn how to use Lombok

  • Learn how to use DTOs

  • Learn Spring boot REST API exception handling

  • Learn Spring boot REST API validation

  • Learn how to use Spring security in the Spring boot project

  • Learn Spring Security In-memory and Database authentication and authorization

  • Learn how to secure REST APIs ( role-based security)

  • Learn how to write query methods using Spring Data JPA

  • Learn one-to-many and many-to-many JPA mappings

  • Learn how to test REST APIs using Postman REST Client

  • Learn What is JWT and How it Works

  • Learn How to configure JWT ( JSON Web Token) in Spring Security

  • Learn how to secure REST APIs using JWT

  • Learn how to use JWT with Login API

  • Learn versioning REST APIs

  • Learn Important 4 versioning REST API strategies

  • Learn REST API documentation with Swagger UI

  • Test Spring Boot REST APIs with JWT using Swagger UI

  • Learn Customizing Swagger REST Documentation with Annotations

  • Learn how to add profiles (to deploy in different environments) Spring Boot project.

  • Learn Transaction Management with Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA

  • Learn how to deploy the Spring boot Blog app on AWS cloud (production)

  • Dockering Spring Boot Application Step-by-Step

  • Dockering Spring Boot MySQL CRUD Application Step-by-Step

  • Docker Compose - Dockering Spring Boot MySQL CRUD Application Step-by-Step

  • 30+ bonus videos for Spring boot beginners

  • Important Spring boot topics for interviews

Tools and Technologies used in this course:


  1. Java

  2. Spring Boot

  3. Spring MVC

  4. Spring Data JPA ( Hibernate)

  5. Spring Security

  6. JWT

  7. Tomcat


  • Intellij IDEA


  • MySQL database


  1. Swagger - API documentation

  2. Postman - Test REST API

  3. Maven - Build Tool

Deployment on Production:

  • AWS

By the end of this course, you will be able to build real-time RESTAPIs for any application using Spring Boot and deploy them on the AWScloud.

Taught by

Ramesh Fadatare (Java Guides)


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