Embark on a comprehensive JavaScript tutorial designed for beginners, covering essential concepts and practical applications. Learn where to write JavaScript code, understand comments and properties, and master variables and conditional statements. Explore loops, operators, hoisting, primitive data types, objects, and arrays. Dive into functions, including arrow functions and the 'this' keyword. Grasp object-oriented programming principles, exception handling, and DOM manipulation. Advance your skills with closures, promises, and advanced array and function techniques. Apply your knowledge by creating interactive projects like a Ping Pong game and a Color Picker game. Gain a solid foundation in JavaScript programming to enhance web development skills and create dynamic, interactive web applications.
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JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners.
Where to write.
Comments and JavaScript Properties.
Conditional Statements in JavaScript.
Loops in JavaScript.
Operators in JavaScript.
Hoisting & How to stop it.
Primitive Data Types in JavaScript.
This Keyword.
Arrow Functions.
Exception Handling.
Closure and Promises.
Advanced Array Functions.
Advanced Functions.
Ping Pong Game.
Color Picker Game .
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Great Learning