This course provides you with an understanding of what Enterprise Systems (also commonly termed as Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, ERPs) are. After learning about what these systems are, we would touch upon why these systems are useful to companies, through which you would get to see the various jobs and positions that are associated with the use and deployment of ERPs.
In this course, you would also develop an appreciation of the managerial aspects related to the selection and implementation of ERPs. Specifically, we would touch on the important points to consider when shortlisting and purchasing an ERP, the approaches taken in ERP implementation, and change management techniques to utilize when an organization is undergoing ERP implementation. At the end of this class, you will be endowed with practical knowledge that would help you to address real world business problems associated with ERP usage and implementation.
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Fundamentals
- Business Processes in ERP
- Software Selection & Considerations
- Change Management
- Course Project
Taught by
Jason Chan
4.5 rating, based on 2 Class Central reviews
4.7 rating at Coursera based on 769 ratings
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Very good introductory course for these interested in major ERPs basic features and comparable strengths and weaknesses. Course also deals with principles of ERP selection criteria followed by very educative good practice principles for ERP implementation. I would like to recommend it.
ERP Today's core needs of organizations and organizations inevitably have to use this system to stay in the world of competition and to meet the various needs of customers.