This course is the first in a series on starting a business. Though new venture creation is the focus of the specialization, this course is important for everyone.To create a successful business it is not only about what you do (technical execution), it is also about how you think. This course provides learners with insights to re-frame their thinking in order to maximize their chances for success.
So what can a learner expect to gain from this course? At the end of this course a learner:
1.) will be able to argue effectively against all of the reasons for not starting their business (or reaching some goal);
2.) will be able to operate effectively within the new framework or model for starting a business (or any new endeavor),
thus increasing their chances for success; and
3.) will be able to make the initial business startup decisions of what type of business to start, and what type of business
owner to be.
Having an entrepreneurial mindset is critical to being successful as an entrepreneur. An entrepreneurial mindset stands alone in terms of its importance. No other attribute, personality, inherent entrepreneurial proclivities, training, or demographic profile is common to all successful entrepreneurs whether Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, or the neighborhood florist or grocer.
The course provides learners with an understanding of the attributes and perspectives of an entrepreneurial mindset, and the process to acquire one. We suggest that learners bring an open mind and be willing to thoroughly explore the nascent business ventures they have been carrying with them.The course introduces concepts that enables a person to start a trans-formative process in the way they think generally, and in the way they think about business specifically. This new way of thinking has the potential to positively impact not only them, but their family, and community.
Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset: First Step Towards Success
Michigan State University via Coursera
- Write review
- Specialization: Goals and Objectives
- This module provides an overview of the learner goals and objectives of the series of courses in the specialization: “How to Start Your Own Business”. It also provides an explanation of how this course contributes to those goals and objectives.
- Mindset: What's Yours?
- Reviews the concept of a mindset and discusses those that commonly hinder business startup. Identifies the internal and external components of a mindset.
- Mindset: Why Not?
- Dispels myths associated with the internal components of a mindset with respect to starting a business.
- Mindset: Why You?
- Dispels myths associated with the external components of a mindset with respect to starting a business.
- Mindset: Why Now?
- This module presents the arguement that one should not look for the right time for a defined business, but look for the right business for the time. It then goes on to show how.
- Self-Assessment
- The New Business Paradigm
- In this module we show you how to apply your new found entrepreneurial mindset to those tasks and behaviors associated with starting or acquiring a business.
- The Knock on Opportunity
- One of the most consistent characterizations of an entrepreneur or business owner, after innovativeness, is the ability to recognize, evaluate, and exploit opportunities. This module shows how to find or create both.
- The Lean Scene
- Perhaps no single area over the last few decades has done more for the position that entrepreneurhsip or business ownership are skills that can be learned than the Lean Startup movement started by Eric Reis. This module presents its principles.
Taught by
David Wheeler, Forrest S. Carter and Ken Szymusiak