Physical inactivity and sedentariness are “silent killers”. Do you feel like you spend too much time sitting? Do you feel like you would like to be more active? Are you unsure about how to incorporate physical activity into your daily life? We are here to help.
Join us on a journey to learn about how to sit less and become more active. Use this FREE course to learn how to monitor your own activity and set physical activity goals. We will feature various examples of how physical activity could be increased in different settings, such as your neighbourhood, home or work, to give you ideas of ones that could best fit your lifestyle.
Are you a health professional? Use this opportunity to learn how to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine and also how to empower your patients to be more physically active. If time with a patient is an issue, you can simply “prescribe” this course to your patient.
This course offers you a unique opportunity to receive weekly physical activity health messages and monthly video-reminders on how to increase physical activity in various settings for 6 months after the initial 3 week course. So, join us on the Sit less, get active! journey.
Follow us on Twitter @GetActive MOOC, #GetActiveMOOC or follow our Online Learning Twitter feed @uoe_online. Visit our YouTube channel to check out the promo videos (more are to come)
If YouTube is not available in your country, you can access the promo videos here
- Welcome to Sit Less, Get Active 1
- Defining, measuring and getting started with physical activity
- Welcome to the first week of the Sit Less, Get Active journey! Watch the exciting videos and learn the basics about physical activity and sedentariness; how much physical activity we should be doing; how to monitor your physical activity levels and set physical activity goals; and how to judge how credible the resources for physical activity are. Use the opportunity to engage with others by participating in discussion forums. Join the discussion on barriers and facilitators to physical activity, as we would love to learn more about what helps you or makes it difficult for you to be active daily. Also, share and discuss with us your favourite physical activity resources.Test your knowledge through practice or weekly quizzes and also practice monitoring your own physical activity and setting physical activity goals. Happy Learning! Sit Less, Get Active Team
- Sit less, get active wherever you are!
- We hope you enjoyed the videos and activities in Week 1. If you haven’t started your assignments, now is the great time to start with the week of monitoring your physical activity and goal setting. This week we will give you tips and suggestions on how to be more active in your neighbourhood, at work, home and school, and how to travel actively to destinations. Discuss with others about what helps you and what keeps you from being active in your neighbourhood or at work. Also, check out additional tips in the optional readings. We hope these videos, tasks and additional readings will help you to complete the practice quizzes and a weekly quiz successfully. As always, happy learning! Sit Less, Get Active Team.
- Sit less, get active wherever you are!: Lesson Choices
- Choice 1: If you measured step count, complete this assignment | Choice 2: If you used a diary, complete this assignment
- Making physical activity a lifelong habit for you and others
- Week 3 is starting and bringing with itself new great videos and activities. If you have never heard about the pelvic floor, check out the video on physical activity in pregnancy. Guest speaker Elaine Miller, a physiotherapist and a stand-up comedian, will help you learn more about the pelvic floor and how to strengthen it. Other videos this week will tell you about what leisure centres have to offer, how dancing can help us be more active, how we can make physical activity a habit, and how we can inspire others to sit less and be more active. Remember to track your weekly steps and record them in the assignment. Also, have you set yourself some SMART goals? We encourage you to stay with us after these 3 weeks and get an additional dose of physical activity promotion. We will be sending you weekly physical activity promotional messages and monthly short inspirational videos for 6 months to help you stay active. You can also follow us on Twitter @GetActiveMOOC - Happy Learning! Sit Less, Get Active Team
Taught by
Danijela Gašević, Graham Baker and Andrew Murray
3.9 rating, based on 14 Class Central reviews
4.6 rating at Coursera based on 1819 ratings
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This course was great because it reminded me of all the good reasons I should be more active. I gave it 5 points because I have increased my activity levels. I got the pedometer out and put in a new battery. I haven't been as faithful with my strength routine though.
Overall the course is introductory level and really suitable for anyone who wants a gentle push to get back outside and active. (If those Scots can get outside, surely I can!) The videos are surprisingly engaging. They interview the most surprising people. Extra reading is good quality. Assignments are simple. - record your activity. -
This course has NOT STARTED. It gives a start date as 01/May/2016 but the course has not begun. This was the same case with this course a couple of months back. There is initimation to enrolled candidates about any change of date. They have a twitter account and again there is no response to queries about the delay and actual course start date. Even coursera has not responded to the delay and actual course start dates
This course is highly informative for a wide range of audiences. The material is easily digestible and filled with evidence-based suggestions on starting and sustaining a life of physical fitness regardless of one's status in life. Furthermore, the videos and other paraphernalia can be used to remind oneself of the need to sit less and get active, and to help convince others to do the same.
The title basically covers it: the idea is to move around, voilà tout. Nonetheless, reminders are generally helpful, and some of the tips might give one a fresh perspective or ideas for fun new physical activities.
A useful course for anybody who wants practical tips on how to become more active, how to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine and the different ways to make small changes that will add up to a meaningful difference.
This was a good course. I learned about the importance of moving more and got a better understanding of how to go about integrating more movement into my daily life.
Really helpful and action based course that can get you started on a healthier lifestyle straight away. Very positive and full of suggestions and ideas.
This course provides bacis information about the importance of physical activities. The SMART principle is very useful for people to start from the beginning. It would be better if the course video involves more lecturing.
Was good, but did not find much that I did not already.
More appropriate for an absolute beginner.
It is well-structured though -