This course provides a very brief introduction to basic mathematical concepts like propositional and predicate logic, set theory, the number system, and proof techniques. At the end of the course, students will be able to
(1) detect the logical structure behind simple puzzles
(2) be able to manipulate logical expressions
(3) explain the connection between logic and set theory
(4) explain the differences between natural, integer, rational, real and complex numbers
(5) recognise different basic proof techniques
- Introduction
- Overview and motivation of the topics to be treated in the course
- Propositional logic
- Logical propositions and the rules that govern them.
- Predicate logic, set theory, and functions
- Logical statements that depend on a variable.
- Numbers
- Proofs
- Final test
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Thank you so much for this! This absolutely provided significant scope of one of the most important tools of economists which is logic.
The course video is only the typing of the word one by one on the screen. In such case, I prefer to read a book than reading subtitle on a video course!
I read mathematics logic before and this course was so boring for me. The topics were so easy and no relation between economics!!!!
I'm a graduate of economics,I will like to advance my knowledge in modern economic theory and statiscal data in Economics.