Not all programs are created equal. In this course, we'll focus on writing quality code that runs correctly and efficiently. We'll design, code and validate our programs and learn how to compare programs that are addressing the same task.
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
Taught by
Jennifer Campbell and Paul Gries
4.1 rating, based on 10 Class Central reviews
4.6 rating at Coursera based on 725 ratings
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Edited: One star. The tests fail you because you can't properly read the question. The tests change subtly each time around. You'll spend 25 minutes on the test, and get 78%, every time, getting different answers "wrong". This course sucks. Maybe if…
Excellent beginner course highly recommend to anybody with no prior experience in programming.
Nem todos os programas são criados iguais. Neste curso, vamos nos concentrar em escrever código de qualidade que seja executado corretamente e de forma eficiente. Vamos projetar, codificar e validar nossos programas e aprender a comparar programas que estão abordando a mesma tarefa.
A good coverage of some intermediate level python techniques. I liked the section on testing and the peer reviewed assignment. However, I felt it would have been good to have one more assignment to practice the algorithms section of the course.
Not exactly what is intended by the heading of this class. It is an extension of the teachers' previous course of introductory python programming. Not good for general programming optimisation and does not help in crafting quality code. Did not plan well.
I took Learn to To Program: The Fundamentals with Jennifer and Paul, and was glad to take this one. Great experience, great teachers, great job!