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Georgia Institute of Technology

Applications in Engineering Mechanics

Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera


This course applies principles learned in my course “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics” to analyze real world engineering structures. You will need to have mastered the engineering fundamentals from that class in order to be successful in this course offering. This course addresses the modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems with an emphasis on real world engineering systems and problem solving. --------------------------- Recommended Background: You will need to have successfully completed my earlier course “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics” in order to be successful in this course. --------------------------- The copyright of all content and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the content and materials, including use by other academic universities or entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-exclusive license.


  • Applications of the Equations of Static Equilibrium to Interacting Bodies or Parts of a Structure; Systems Containing Multi-force Members; Frames and Machines
    • In this section, students will learn the applications of the equations of static equilibrium to interacting bodies or parts of a structure. Students will learn about systems containing multi-force members, frames, and machines.
  • Plane Trusses
    • In the section students will learn about Truss structures, specifically method of joints, method of sections, and zero force members.
  • Space Trusses; Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams
    • In this section students will learn about space trusses and will be introduced to shear force and bending moment diagrams.
  • Cable Support Systems
    • In this section, students will learn about cable support systems, specifically concentrated loads and suspension loads.
  • Coulomb Friction and Belt Friction
    • In this section students will learn about coulomb friction and belt friction.

Taught by

Wayne Whiteman and


4.9 rating, based on 63 Class Central reviews

4.8 rating at Coursera based on 1177 ratings

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  • Anonymous
    Applications in Engineering Mechanics is an excellent course. The approach is clear, systematic, and always well founded on basic principles of mechanics.

    To make this course even better, more emphasis on real world applications:

    1) Week one: a) Include a brief digression about usual loads on structures and machines; b) A separate section on machines and mechanical advantage. Analyze more systematically simple machines as pulleys and cranes.
    2) Week four: Include arch bridges’ mechanics, which makes a nice analog with suspension bridges.
    3) Week five: Include more examples of real world application of fiction such as belt transmission and powered capstans.
  • it is very helpful to engineering first year student to understand concepts of engineering mechanics this course is easy but conceptual and ineresting
  • Anonymous
    I am a Mechanical Engineer and like most of them engineers, I had very weak concepts of basics of Mechanical Engineering. Then I came across this series of courses from Dr. Whiteman and believe me or not, I have learned more from him than my 4 years at an engineering university. He has this amazing quality of delivering the concepts in a very easy, understandable way. I really want to thank Dr. Whiteman for designing this amazing course and Coursera for providing us the platform to learn. They are really serving the humanity and mankind.
    As for Dr. Whiteman. I would say Thank you, Sir!!!!
    You have my respect for the lifetime.
  • Profile image for Amlaku Dessie Workie
    Amlaku Dessie Workie
    In this course, I learnt different applications of engineering mechanics; like drawing the shear force and bending moment diagrams for different structural forms when subjected to different forms of external actions.

    Specifically, these diagrams help to determine the maximum actions effect with magnitude and location on the member.

    And, finally I want to give you a great gratitude for give us such course.


    Amlaku Dessie

  • Anonymous
    really excellent seires of courses (I have completed mechanics I, II and III: practical, stimulating, well organised, with challenging homework. All this by an engaging rigorous teacher. I noticed other, more advanced courses offered by Pr Whitemann. I look forward to immerse myself back into mechanics under his guidance.
    Many thanks to him and Georgia Tech .
  • Anonymous
    hello to every one. one of the usefull courses thay i have learned.tnx georgia tech and coursera for this event
  • Anonymous
    This is the same review I submitted in the Introduction course. I took this course along with the Introductions course more than 3 years ago mostly for personal interest but also to give me something to do while I was laid up for six weeks after s…
  • Anonymous
    This course is presented very well. One of the advantages of learning in an online course is the ability to slow or speed up lectures to match your understanding of the material. This instructor is very knowledgeable and the practice problems given in this course are very relevant. I would recommend this course to anyone who has an interest in engineering and wants to either test drive what learning engineering will be like in college or for the person who took engineering in college many years ago and wants too keep sharp on what they have learned.
  • Walter Rawle
    All of Dr. Whiteman's MOOC courses are well organized, well presented, and valuable both as a refresher to the practicing engineer and to the new student learning the material for the first time. If I could make one suggestion, I found it useful to follow Dr. Whiteman's material with the Beers and Johnson statics textbook instead of the resource recommended with the course. Early versions of the Beers and Johnson text may be purchased at a reasonable price ($20 or less) on Ebay or as used on Amazon.
    In summary, a great topic review
  • Anonymous

    Excellent well-organized course with outstanding interesting videos and transcripts that explain the how-to-do-engineering analysis of static structures. There are many useful worked examples to prepare for the practice questions and the weekly quizzes. There's downloadable supplement material, including a statics book.
    Dr. Wayne Whiteman speaks in a very clear steady American English voice. explains well, and presents a very positive and cheerful approach to the course and to engineering.
  • Freddy Guez
    L'ensemble des MOOC de mécanique de ce professeur qui commence par les bases de statique jusqu'aux aspects de la 3D, en passant par la résistance des matériaux, est remarquable par sa clarté, par sa pédagogie et par sa progressivité. En outre, l'anglais ne pose aucun problème à un étudiant français, car on assiste à un vrai cours où le professeur écrit sur un tableau numérique au fur et à mesure de son discours les équations qu'il démontre, ce qui facilite leur compréhension.
  • Anonymous
    Dr. Whitman's teaching style brings an easy to understand, yet still adequately pedantic when needed, experience to the table. His classes have helped me stay ahead of the curve in my physics and math classes, without feeling like I am lost and have no handle over the course content. His use of handy examples to help his students picture the real life applications of each and every problem eases the sometimes abstract nature of pure mathematics.
  • Monde Maziyane
    Great and highly practical course. Examples and worksheets derived from real Engineering problems and so are the quizzes. Dr Whiteman explains most of the concepts really well however lots of practice required to master some of the concepts. You may find it very useful to purchase a copy of the recommended text (from which most if not all examples and test questions are taken), Engineering Mechanics: Statics by W.W. King and D.J. McGill.
  • Anonymous
    Another great course from Dr Whiteman at Georgia Tech, well explained and with some interesting real world examples to illustrate the principles explained. It doesn't matter whether you're a complete novice or just taking the course as a refresher or nostalgia trip, all of the concepts are fully and patiently covered before you're encouraged to try the example problems. Thanks Dr Whiteman!
  • Anonymous
    Dr. Whiteman did an impressive job with the class. I enrolled in this class in order to see how I could perform before I enrolled for a credit course. You can usually work on the material anytime you want. You don't have to wake up at a certain time of day and take a bus to class. I like the fabulous drawings and visuals he uses.
    Anthony Anastos
    Anthony Anastos
  • Anonymous
    First of all I want to thank you for this free course and for helping me to promote my self by education. My name is Bereketeab Fikremariam and I'm from The state of Eritrea, east Africa. When a friend of mine told me about this I immediately searched and here I am. I have B.C degree in applied physics and I look forward for the course.
  • Jack Noble
    This is an excellent course and covered some topics that were not covered in my own engineering education so although I signed up for the course as a review of my own knowledge I also acquired some new skills. As usual Dr. Whiteman and the team did a really excellent job of putting this course together and presenting the material.
  • Anonymous
    I always thought that this is a difficult subject, but Dr. Wayne's teaching skills made it so easier to understand by providing real examples and many visuals into his class. I can recommend this course to all who wants to enhance their learning opportunities about Engineering Mechanics. Thank you Dr. Wayne for your wonderful efforts !!
  • Anonymous
    Dr. Wayne did an excellent job with the course. I feel he is one of the best engineering teachers I have had. He put many hours into the creation of this course. I like the many visuals he put into his class. I can remember that he would always say to start with a free body diagram when solving a mechanics problem.
  • Urso
    I took this course during the summer to refresh and study for graduate coursework. Dr Whiteman is very clear and provides a lot of example problems. I even dare to email him directly to his gatech email and got a response! Definitely worth the time and effort. Unbelievable, the course is free.

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