What you'll learn:
- Build Tabular, Summary, Matrix and Joined reports in Salesforce Lightning Experience
- Utilize Listviews to edit multiple records simultaneously
- Build and edit a Dashboard from scratch
You may be asking:What is the difference between Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning? Why two different courses?
The answer:Salesforce Classic is the standard version of Salesforce, Salesforce Lightning is theupdated version of Salesforce.
Because of the many unique features of the new Salesforce Lightning Experience, it needed its own course.This course is perfect for anyone wanting to level up and learn how to run Reports,Build Dashboards and Edit using Listviews in Salesforce Lightning!
** ACCORDING TO BURNINGGLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: "Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforcedemand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python,.Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop"**
**INDEED Ranked Salesforce Adminin theirtop 10 best jobs of 2017with salaries ranging between $70,000-$100,000 per annum**
Learn what you need to know in rapid time
Utilize the practice resources to master reporting, dashboards and listviews
Have full access to the instructor to answer any of your questions:This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & iseven more fun and engaging! **
The contents of this course are all based on our work experience and Warren's qualification as aCertified Data Associate.Iuse Salesforce on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. And now, Iwantto share my knowledge and expertise with you.
Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:
Respond to real-life requests by building Tabular, Summary, MatrixReports!
Master Listviews to edit many records at once!
Build, customize and interpret a Dashboard
I will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!
Ready to ace Salesforce Reports, Dashboards and Listviews?Click "Take this course now" to get started!