MOOC Course Report: December 2018
3200 free online courses starting this month. 140 of them are new.
3200 free online courses are starting this month. But to keep the list manageable we removed courses that are offered every month or even weekly schedule. Those courses can be found here:
Courses that are being offered for the first time or have been launched recently are marked with the [New] tag.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter to receive this list via email.
Self-paced courses are not mentioned below, but they can be easily found over at Class Central.
Click here to see the ten most popular MOOCs starting in December 2018.
- Early Childhood Education from Gowrie Victoria ★★★★☆(7)
- Teaching Adult Learners from Central Institute of Technology ★★★★★(6)
- Learning Online: Searching and Researching from University of Leeds ★★★★☆(5)
- Education in a Changing World
- Learning Online: Reflecting and Sharing from University of Leeds ★★★★☆(4)
- Learning Online: Learning and Collaborating from University of Leeds ★★★★☆(4)
- Becoming a Confident Trainer from TAFE SA ★★★★☆(4)
- Learning Online: Managing Your Identity from University of Leeds ★★★★★(3)
- [New] Instructional Design Foundations and Applications from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Learning, Knowledge, and Human Development from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Assessment for Learning from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- [New] Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Sequences and Loops from University of California, San Diego
- [New] Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Conditional Loops and If Statements from University of California, San Diego
- [New] Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Variables and Nested Loops from University of California, San Diego
- [New] Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Nested If Statements and Compound Conditionals from University of California, San Diego
- Capstone Project: Teaching Impacts of Technology from University of California, San Diego
- [New] Critical Thinking at University: An Introduction from University of Leeds
- Теория и практика создания онлайн-курсов from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- [New] Evaluación educativa del y para el aprendizaje en educación superior from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Contenido de las matemáticas de primaria from Universidad de los Andes
- PlanU: escoge la mejor carrera y universidad para ti from Universidad de los Andes
- Kickstart Your Career: Getting Ahead at University from Queensland University of Technology
- Preparing for an International Health Elective: Exploring Global Health, Ethics and Safety from King’s College London
- [New] Teaching the Beauty and Joy of Computing Curriculum from Friday Institute
- The Museum as a Site and Source for Learning from University of Glasgow
- Teaching Practical Science: Biology from National STEM Learning Centre
- Teaching Primary Science: Getting Started from National STEM Learning Centre
- Inspiring Young People In STEM: Using Feedback to Improve from National STEM Learning Centre
- Teaching Practical Science: Chemistry from National STEM Learning Centre
- [New] Planning for Learning in STEM Teaching: Formative Assessment for Tailored Learning from National STEM Learning Centre
- Projet FAC : les recettes pour réussir en Sciences Humaines from Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- La escuela y su comunidad: lecciones desde la ruralidad from Universidad Austral
- Gestión estratégica de Escuelas en Contextos Rurales from Universidad Austral
- Enseñar, aprender y evaluar en Escuelas Rurales from Universidad Austral
- Teaching Physical Computing with Raspberry Pi and Python from Raspberry Pi Foundation
- Teaching Programming in Primary Schools from Raspberry Pi Foundation
- Surviving Your First Years of Teaching from School Education Gateway – Teacher Academy
- MOOC Former et développer les compétences from Université de Caen Normandie
- [New] Moi, prof de FLE from University of Liège
- StudioX: Creating a Course with edX Studio
- [New] Making Sense of Teaching in UK Higher Education from University of Sunderland
- Se former pour enseigner dans le supérieur from Ministre chargé de l’Enseignement supérieur
- Innovation for Powerful Outcomes from Swinburne University of Technology ★★★★★(28)
- Principles of Project Management from Polytechnic West ★★★★☆(28)
- Human Resources
- Online Advertising
- Financial Literacy from Macquarie University ★★★★☆(11)
- Strategic Management
- Introduction to Business in Asia from Griffith University ★★★★☆(8)
- Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power
- Diagnosing the Financial Health of a Business from Macquarie Graduate School of Management ★★★★☆(6)
- Starting a Business 1: Vision and Opportunity from University of Leeds ★★★★☆(5)
- Financial Planning from TAFE NSW ★★★★☆(4)
- Starting a Business 5: Managing Finances from University of Leeds ★★★★★(3)
- Entrepreneurship and Family Business
- Starting a Business 3: Customers and Competitors from University of Leeds ★★★★★(2)
- Starting a Business 2: People and Networks from University of Leeds ★★★★★(2)
- Starting a Business 4: Business Processes from University of Leeds ★★★★★(2)
- Starting a Business 6: Funding Your Business from University of Leeds ★★★★★(2)
- Introduction to Enterprise Architecture from Enterprise Architects ★★★★☆(2)
- Innovation: the Fashion Industry from University of Leeds ★★★★☆(1)
- Global Social Entrepreneurship from Philanthropy University ★★★☆☆(1)
- Introduction to Systematic Reviews from Stanford Medicine
- The Iterative Innovation Process from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- [New] Project Planning from University of California, Irvine
- [New] Project Launch from University of California, Irvine
- [New] Project Execution from University of California, Irvine
- FinTech Law and Policy from Duke University
- [New] Operations Management: Analysis and Improvement Methods from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Auditing II: The Practice of Auditing from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- [New] Operations Management: Strategy and Quality Management for the Digital Age from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- [New] Introduction to Business Analytics: Communicating with Data from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Auditing I: Conceptual Foundations of Auditing from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Management and Leadership: Well-being and Welfare at Work from The Open University
- Managing My Financial Journey from The Open University
- Management and Leadership: Leading a Team from The Open University
- Safety in the Utility Industry from University at Buffalo
- Natural Gas from University at Buffalo
- Energy Industry: The Enterprise from University at Buffalo
- Agile Meets Design Thinking from University of Virginia
- Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management from University of Virginia
- Marketing Analytics from University of Virginia
- Innovation: the Food Industry from University of Leeds
- Innovation: the World’s Greatest from University of Leeds
- Юридическое оформление инвестиционных идей from Higher School of Economics
- FinTech Risk Management from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- [New] Sustainable Packaging in a Circular Economy from Delft University of Technology
- [New] Project Planning and Machine Learning from University of Colorado Boulder
- Measure and Improve Innovation at the Workplace from Universitat Politècnica de València
- Contract Management: Building Relationships in Business from University of Southampton
- [New] Foreign Exchange Markets: Concepts, Instruments, Risks and Derivatives from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
- Money & Debt Markets: Concepts, Instruments, Risks and Derivatives from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
- 服務模式的體驗、設計與創新:從痛點到賣點 from National Taiwan University
- Fundamentos del emprendimiento en la empresa familiar from Tecnológico de Monterrey
- [New] Liderazgo y comportamiento organizacional from Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Intelligence Tools for the Digital Age from IE Business School
- [New] Riesgos y oportunidades empresariales en una economía globalizada from IE Business School
- Improve Your Intercultural Competence from Purdue University
- Introduction to Strategic Doing: An Agile Approach to Strategy from Purdue University
- L’innovation managériale en pratique from ESSEC Business School
- Человеческий фактор в разработке корпоративных систем from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
- Supply Chain Management: A Decision-Making Framework from Université catholique de Louvain
- Leadership Coaching through Turbulent Times: Playing with eFIRE from Queensland University of Technology
- [New] Análisis de situaciones de negocio from IESE Business School
- [New] Finanzas operativas: cómo construir una empresa sólida from IESE Business School
- Finanzas Personales from The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
- Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation from Philanthropy University
- Human Capital Strategy from Philanthropy University
- Fundamentals of Project Management from Philanthropy University
- Fundraising: Connecting with Donors from Philanthropy University
- Fundraising Strategies from Philanthropy University
- Social Impact: Planning for Success from Philanthropy University
- [New] Understanding Agribusiness, Value Chains, and Consumers in Global Food Systems from University of Adelaide
- Influencer Marketing Strategy from Rutgers University
- Supply Chain Analytics Essentials from Rutgers University
- Finance for Startups from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Ethics for Managers from Santa Clara University
- Adapt your leadership style from Macquarie University
- Advanced Valuation and Strategy – M&A, Private Equity, and Venture Capital from Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Organisational design: Know your organisation from Macquarie University
- Organisational behaviour: Know your people from Macquarie University
- Прикладное управление рисками from Tomsk State University
- Entreprendre dans les Industries Culturelles à l’ère du numérique from Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
- [New] Целевые капиталы – территория финансовой стабильности в некоммерческом секторе from Tomsk State University
- [New] Les mots de la GRH : défis from CNAM
- Основы налогообложения бизнеса в России from Saint Petersburg State University
- [New] Экономика предприятия from Saint Petersburg State University
- Практики создания аналитических панелей в среде Microsof Power BI from Saint Petersburg State University
- Основы бизнес-планирования и маркетинга from Saint Petersburg State University
- Управление людьми и командами from Saint Petersburg State University
- Supply Chain Innovation: How Technology Can Create a Sustainable Future from University of Twente
- Diseño y Creación de un Emprendimiento Social from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Managing Disruptive Change from RWTH Aachen University
- Technology Entrepreneurship: How to Start a New Venture from University of Twente
- Innovation Strategy: Challenging the Usual Suspects from Université libre de Bruxelles
- What is Leadership? from Deakin University
- Competitive Advantage: Using Information to Build Business Success from Deakin University
- [New] Agile Solutions for Greater Innovation from University System of Maryland
- Управление человеческими ресурсами from St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
- Маркетинг. Часть 2. Инструментарий маркетинга from St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
- Les fondamentaux des finances locales – Session 4 from Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale
- Комплекс маркетинга: 5Р from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)
- HR Fundamentals from Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development
- [New] L’Aviculture, une filière d’avenir from Agrocampus Ouest
- Human Capital Strategy for Social Enterprises
- Финансы компаний: взгляд инвестора и кредитора from Sberbank Corporate University
- Bridging the Gap between Strategy Design and Delivery from Brightline Initiative
- Intelligent ERP with SAP S/4HANA Cloud
- People Management Skills from Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development
- [New] Introducción a la factura electrónica from Logyca
- Introducción a las finanzas: Principios de valoración from Universidad del Rosario
- Midwifery
- Gestion locale : les clefs de la fonction de régisseur d’avances et de recettes- Session 2 from Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale
- TVA et collectivités territoriales : ayez les bons réflexes from Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale
- Lean Data Approaches to Measure Social Impact
- Adaptive Leadership: Mobilizing for Change
- Social Psychology from Wesleyan University ★★★★★(54)
- Understanding the Origins of Crime from Griffith University ★★★★☆(18)
- Becoming Human: Anthropology from Macquarie University ★★★★★(12)
- Sociology from University of Western Sydney ★★★★☆(10)
- Foundations of Psychology from RMIT University ★★★★☆(9)
- Hadrian’s Wall: Life on the Roman Frontier from Newcastle University ★★★★☆(6)
- Korea in a Global Context from Hanyang University ★★★★★(1)
- Introduction to English Common Law from University of London International Programmes
- [New] Gender and Sexuality: Applications in Society from The University of British Columbia
- Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Crossing Borders from University of Leeds
- Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Language and Culture from University of Leeds
- African cities : An Introduction to Urban Planning from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Logic for Economists from University of Amsterdam
- Mathematics for economists from Higher School of Economics
- Возможно ли воспитать детей «правильно»? from Higher School of Economics
- Monetary Policy in the Asia Pacific from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- [New] Comercio, Inmigración y Tipos de Cambio en un Mundo Globalizado from IE Business School
- [New] International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice from Leiden University
- A Circular Economy of Metals: Towards a Sustainable Societal Metabolism from Leiden University
- Originalité et modernité du mutualisme from ESSEC Business School
- [New] Introducción a la teoría política: conceptos y grandes pensadores from University of Naples Federico II
- Democracy and Autocracy: Theories and Empirical Findings from University of Naples Federico II
- [New] Global Politics from University of Naples Federico II
- [New] Landscape Finance: Investing in Innovation for Sustainable Landscapes from Wageningen University
- [New] Landscape Governance: Collaborating Across Sectors and Scales from Wageningen University
- [New] Landscape Leadership: Catalyse Sustainable Development in Landscapes from Wageningen University
- Introduction to Psychology: Developmental Psychology from Monash University
- Introduction to Psychology: The Psychology of Learning from Monash University
- Global Prosperity Beyond GDP from University College London
- [New] How the U.S. Government Works & How to Get Involved from Georgetown University
- Counseling and Psychotherapy Theory from Seoul National University
- Introduction to Economics: Macroeconomics from Seoul National University
- Achieving Sustainable Development from Trinity College Dublin
- How to Succeed in Your EPQ: the Nuts and Bolts of Completing Your Project from University of Bath
- [New] Cross-border road transport in EU law context from Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Risk Management in the Global Economy from SOAS University of London
- Circular Economy – Sustainable Materials Management from Ghent University
- [New] Social Change: How Can Marketing Help? from Griffith University
- Trends in e-Psychology from KU Leuven University
- Mixité dans les métiers du numérique from Institut Mines-Télécom
- [New] Energía inteligente para un futuro sostenible from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Правовое обеспечение бизнеса в России from Saint Petersburg State University
- [New] Des réseaux pour comprendre le monde from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Global Studies: The Future of Globalization from Grenoble School of Management
- Understanding child development: from synapse to society from Utrecht University
- [New] Учимся понимать ребёнка: руководство для взрослых from Novosibirsk State University
- Introduction to Sustainability and Development from Deakin University
- [New] Make Your School Human Rights Friendly from Amnesty International
- Economics of Crime from Hanyang University
- From Crime to Punishment: an Introduction to Criminal Justice from University of York
- [New] La politique de la ville from Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale
- [New] Farm to Fork: Sustainable Food Production in a Changing Environment from EIT Food
- Микроэкономика (вводный курс) from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)
- Les fondamentaux de l’action administrative from Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale
- Cadre juridique et pratique des partenariats public-privé from Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale
- La gouvernance territoriale from Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale
- Digital Culture/clutter: Life and Death on the Net from University of Haifa
- Beyond the Ballot: Women’s Rights and Suffrage from 1866 to Today from Royal Holloway, University of London
- Les fondamentaux de l’état civil from Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale
- Global Human Rights Teach-Out from SDG Talk
- Gender and Environment from United Nations
- Big Data for Better Performance
- [New] Data Science: Capstone from Harvard University
- [New] Python для анализа данных from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Big Data and the Environment from University of Reading
- [New] Big Data: procesamiento y análisis from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
- [New] Big Data: el impacto de los datos masivos en la sociedad actual from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
- [New] Big Data: adquisición y almacenamiento de datos from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
- [New] Big Data: visualización de datos from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
- Foundations of mining non-structured medical data from EIT Digital
- Essential Math for Data Analysis using Excel Online from Microsoft
- [New] ga119: ビッグデータマネジメント・アナリティクス from Waseda University
- Python Basics for Data Science from IBM
- Advanced Data Mining with Weka from University of Waikato
- Information Visualization: Advanced Techniques from New York University (NYU)
- Introducción a la Minería de Datos from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Data Science for Healthcare: Using Real World Evidence from InnoEnergy
- Paradigms of Computer Programming – Abstraction and Concurrency from Université catholique de Louvain ★★★★☆(4)
- [New] Computational Thinking for Problem Solving from University of Pennsylvania
- Introduction to Machine Learning from Duke University
- How Computers Work from University of London International Programmes
- Introduction to Computer Programming from University of London International Programmes
- Blockchain Platforms from University at Buffalo
- [New] Continuous Delivery & DevOps from University of Virginia
- IT Infrastructure and Emerging Trends from University of Minnesota
- Enterprise Systems from University of Minnesota
- IS/IT Governance from University of Minnesota
- Industrial IoT Markets and Security from University of Colorado Boulder
- Введение в технологию блокчейн from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- [New] Aprendizaje automático y ciencia de datos from Universitat Politècnica de València
- 人工智慧:機器學習與理論基礎 (Artificial Intelligence – Learning & Theory) from National Taiwan University
- IoT (Internet of Things) Wireless & Cloud Computing Emerging Technologies from Yonsei University
- Introduction to Java Programming: Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms from Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid
- Image Understanding with TensorFlow on GCP from Google Cloud
- Sequence Models for Time Series and Natural Language Processing from Google Cloud
- Production Machine Learning Systems from Google Cloud
- How Google does Machine Learning 日本語版 from Google Cloud
- Launching into Machine Learning 日本語版 from Google Cloud
- [New] Recommendation Systems with TensorFlow on GCP from Google Cloud
- Networking in GCP: Defining and Implementing Networks from Google Cloud
- Networking in GCP: Hybrid Connectivity and Network Management from Google Cloud
- DDoS Attacks and Defenses from University of Colorado System
- Cloud Computing Security from University of Colorado System
- [New] Introducción a la programación en C: Instrucciones de control y ficheros de texto from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- [New] Cybersecurity and Privacy in the IoT from Curtin University
- Computer System Design: Advanced Concepts of Modern Microprocessors from Chalmers University of Technology
- [New] ga120: 機械学習・深層学習 from Waseda University
- Machine Learning with Python: A Practical Introduction from IBM
- Internet of Things for Active Aging from Taipei Medical University
- [New] Using GPUs to Scale and Speed-up Deep Learning from IBM
- [New] Advanced Algorithmics and Graph Theory with Python from Institut Mines-Télécom
- Routage et qualité de service dans l’Internet from Institut Mines-Télécom
- [New] Digital Transformation and the IT Team from University of the Witwatersrand
- Cyber Security for Small and Medium Enterprises: Identifying Threats and Preventing Attacks from Deakin University
- Protection de la vie privée dans le monde numérique from Inria (French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation)
- Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders! from
- Object-oriented Programming in Python: Create Your Own Adventure Game from Raspberry Pi Foundation
- Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Essentials I from Palo Alto Networks
- Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Gateway II from Palo Alto Networks
- Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Essentials II from Palo Alto Networks
- Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Gateway I from Palo Alto Networks
- Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases from ConsenSys Academy
- Enterprise Computing
- Mainframe – Crucial Role in Modern Enterprise Computing
- [New] Intel® Network Academy – Network Transformation 101 from Intel
- Des neurones à la psyché, introduction aux réseaux de neurones biologiques et artificiels from Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes
- Palo Alto Networks Academy Cybersecurity Foundation from Palo Alto Networks
- Good Brain, Bad Brain: Basics from University of Birmingham ★★★★☆(12)
- Chemistry – Building Blocks of the World from Swinburne University of Technology ★★★★☆(12)
- Anatomy: Know Your Abdomen from University of Leeds ★★★☆☆(11)
- Basic Physics from Swinburne University of Technology ★★★☆☆(10)
- Astronomy: Discovering the Universe from Curtin University ★★★★☆(10)
- Climate Change from Macquarie University ★★★★★(6)
- The Human Body as a Machine from Flinders University ★★★★☆(6)
- Microbiology and Forensic Science
- Water in a Thirsty World
- Agriculture and the World We Live In from Massey University ★★★★☆(3)
- Contemporary Issues in Ocean Governance
- Molecular Biology – Part 1: DNA Replication and Repair from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Quantum Cryptography from California Institute of Technology
- Nitrogen: A Global Challenge (Hungarian) from University of Edinburgh
- Discovering Science: Chemical Products from University of Leeds
- Discovering Science: Atmospheric Chemistry from University of Leeds
- Environmental Challenges: Human Impact in the Natural Environment from University of Leeds
- Global Arctic from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Metabolomics: Understanding Metabolism in the 21st Century from University of Birmingham
- Basic Analytical Chemistry from The University of Tokyo
- Microcápsulas: Aplicación y Caracterización from Universitat Politècnica de València
- Física: Vectores, Trabajo y Energía from Tecnológico de Monterrey
- [New] Huella Hídrica: una mirada integral al uso del agua from Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Mind of the Universe – Genetic Privacy: should we be concerned? from Leiden University
- On Being a Scientist from Leiden University
- D’un infini à l’autre – Voyages de l’infiniment grand à l’infiniment petit from École Polytechnique
- [New] Physics of silicon solar cells from École Polytechnique
- Introduction à la physique quantique – partie 1 from Université Paris-Saclay
- Nuclear Reactor Physics Basics from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
- Methods of Surface Analysis from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
- [New] From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Business and Economics Perspective from Wageningen University
- Climate Adaptation in Africa from University of Cape Town
- DNA and Atoms: The Secret of Life from Seoul National University
- 走进天文学 from Nanjing University
- Mind of the Universe: Science in Progress from Erasmus University Rotterdam
- [New] Climate Change: Financial Risks and Opportunities from Imperial College London
- Protists: Evolution and Ecology of Microbial Eukaryotes from Saint Petersburg State University
- Gulf Stories 2 from University of West Florida
- [New] Intégrité scientifique dans les métiers de la recherche from Université de Bordeaux
- [New] Research integrity in scientific professions from Université de Bordeaux
- Why Biology Matters: Basic Concepts from Pompeu Fabra University
- [New] Citizen Research: From Data to Action from University of Dundee
- Introduction to Humanitarian Aid from Deakin University
- [New] Plasmonics: From Fundamentals to Modern Applications from ITMO University
- Conceptos base para el estudio del medio ambiente from Universidad Austral
- ConstruiREcycler from University of Liège
- Des rivières et des hommes : hydrologie, hydraulique et géomorphologie from Grenoble INP
- [New] Monitoring Atmospheric Composition: An Introduction from EUMETSAT
- Les bases de l’acoustique : la voix dans tous ses états from Le Mans Université
- [New] Medical Terminology from Doane University
- [New] BioStatistics from Doane University
- Calculus 1B: Integration from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Causal Inference from Columbia University
- Probability and Statistics: To p or not to p? from University of London International Programmes
- Automated Reasoning: satisfiability from EIT Digital
- [New] Take off with Stats in Python from George Washington University
- [New] Знакомство с R и базовая статистика from Saint Petersburg State University
- [New] Линейная регрессия from Saint Petersburg State University
- Maths Puzzles: Cryptarithms, Symbologies and Secret Codes from Weizmann Institute of Science
- [New] ga110: パズルで情報活用 from Otemae University
- Precalculus: the Mathematics of Numbers, Functions and Equations from University of Padova
- Sta(r)tistics: Statistics for everyone – Applied statistics for new science students from University of Sunderland
- The Art of Photography
- World Music
- An Introduction to Screenwriting from University of East Anglia ★★★★★(3)
- Physical Theatre: Exploring the Slap from University of Leeds ★★★☆☆(1)
- Human-Centered Design 201: Prototyping from ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Reinvent yourself: Unleash your creativity from University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston ★★★★☆(1)
- 18th-Century Opera: Handel & Mozart from Harvard University
- [New] 19th-Century Opera: Meyerbeer, Wagner, & Verdi from Harvard University
- Avatar Psychology for Designers from Michigan State University
- Web Design: Wireframes to Prototypes from California Institute of the Arts
- Visual Elements of User Interface Design from California Institute of the Arts
- UX Design Fundamentals from California Institute of the Arts
- Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions from Berklee College of Music
- Percepção Musical from Berklee College of Music
- Разработка инновационного продукта from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- [New] Creación musical con Soundcool: Introducción from Universitat Politècnica de València
- Hispanic Film and Culture from Purdue University
- Innovation Through Design: Think, Make, Break, Repeat from The University of Sydney
- [New] Эксподизайн: проектирование музейной экспозиции в диалогах дизайнера и музеолога from Tomsk State University
- [New] Music Psychology: Why Does “Bohemian Rhapsody” Feel so Good? from Griffith University
- Design Thinking: Empathizing to Understand the Problem from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Latin American Music: Translating Cultural Sensibilities from Massey University
- Основы фотографии from Novosibirsk State University
- Растровая графика. Adobe Photoshop CC from St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
- Pictures of Youth: An Introduction to Children’s Visual Culture from University of York
- Digital Skills: User Experience from Accenture
- [New] Songwriting: Creative Lyric Writing Approaches from Academy of Music and Sound
- Réaliser des vidéos pro avec son smartphone from Gobelins, l’école de l’image
- [New] La musique au-delà du numérique from Université Paris Lumières
- Food, Nutrition & Your Health
- Understanding Common Diseases from University of Wollongong ★★★★☆(7)
- Emergency Management
- Heart Health: A Beginner’s Guide to Cardiovascular Disease from University of Reading ★★★★☆(5)
- Introduction to Nursing in Healthcare
- Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster from Harvard University ★★★★★(2)
- Exploring Cancer Medicines from University of Leeds ★★★★☆(2)
- Introduction to Urology from Karolinska Institutet ★★★☆☆(2)
- eHealth: Combining Psychology, Technology and Health from University of Twente ★★★★★(2)
- Antimicrobial Stewardship: Managing Antibiotic Resistance from University of Dundee ★★★★★(2)
- Antibiotic Stewardship from Stanford University
- [New] Evidence-based Toxicology from Johns Hopkins University
- [New] Advanced Literature Searching in the Health Sciences from University of Michigan
- Managing Your Health: The Role of Physical Therapy and Exercise from University of Toronto
- Causes of Human Disease: Understanding Cardiovascular Disease from University of Leeds
- Causes of Human Disease: Nutrition and Environment from University of Leeds
- Drugs, drug use, drug policy and health from University of Geneva
- Discover Dentistry from The University of Sheffield
- Biohacking Your Brain’s Health from Emory University
- [New] Anticoncepción hormonal al alcance de todos from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
- Actúa ante el dolor crónico from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
- [New] Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Settings from University of Copenhagen
- Youth Mental Health: Helping Young People with Anxiety from University of East Anglia
- Human Factors in a Healthcare Environment from University of East Anglia
- Clinical Supervision: Assessing and Providing Feedback from University of East Anglia
- Apnea y Trastornos del Sueño from The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
- Young People and Their Mental Health from University of Cambridge
- Dementia and the Arts: Sharing Practice, Developing Understanding and Enhancing Lives from University College London
- [New] Traditional herbal medicine in supportive cancer care: From alternative to integrative from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Health Technology Assessment from University of Glasgow
- 口腔种植学 (Implant Dentistry) from The University of Hong Kong
- Circadian clocks: how rhythms structure life from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Protecting Health Data in the Modern Age: Getting to Grips with the GDPR from University of Groningen
- [New] Pain Management: Easing Pain in Palliative Care from University of Colorado System
- [New] Psychosocial and Spiritual Aspects of Palliative Care from University of Colorado System
- [New] Easing Physical Symptoms: It’s Not Just Hospice Anymore from University of Colorado System
- [New] What is Palliative Care? from University of Colorado System
- The Lancet Maternal Health Series: Global Research and Evidence from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- Organ Donation: The Essentials for Healthcare Professionals from St. George’s University
- Grundlagen der Unfallchirurgie from Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich)
- Bridging healthcare and society from Tomsk State University
- Health and healthcare in transition: dilemmas of governance from Tomsk State University
- El dolor lumbar: Mucho más que un dolor from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Essentials of Good Pharmacy Practice: The Basics from Taipei Medical University
- Compreendendo o Zika e doenças emergentes from Universidade de São Paulo
- Infant Nutrition: from Breastfeeding to Baby’s First Solids from Deakin University
- Demystifying Diabetes from Deakin University
- Caring for Older People: a Partnership Model from Deakin University
- Talking About Cancer: Reducing Risk, Early Detection and Mythbusting from Cancer Research UK
- [New] CERTaIN: Knowledge Synthesis: Systematic Reviews and Clinical Decision Making from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- [New] Superfoods: Myths and Truths from EIT Food
- [New] CERTaIN: CER/PCOR Methods: Introduction from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- [New] Understanding Different Diets: Mediterranean, Baltic sea, and Okinawa from EIT Food
- [New] CERTaIN: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- [New] CERTaIN: Pragmatic Clinical Trials and Healthcare Delivery Evaluations from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- [New] CERTaIN: Observational Studies and Registries from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- OPAT: Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy from The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
- [New] HIV Science from Institut Pasteur
- Healthy Futures: How Can We Create the Most Effective Healthcare System? from Murdoch University
- Introduction to Nutrition and Food Safety from Tapei Medical University
- Understanding Autism from University of Kent
- Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine from Doane University
- Concepts in Game Development from Swinburne University of Technology ★★★★☆(15)
- [New] Real-Time Audio Signal Processing in Faust from Stanford University
- Getting Started with Go from University of California, Irvine
- Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go from University of California, Irvine
- Concurrency in Go from University of California, Irvine
- Projet de programmation (en Java) from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Pixel Art for Video Games from Michigan State University
- Web Design: Strategy and Information Architecture from California Institute of the Arts
- [New] Automated Software Testing: Practical Skills for Java Developers from Delft University of Technology
- [New] Многопоточность from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- [New] Пользовательский интерфейс from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- [New] Архитектура Android-приложений from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- [New] Многопоточность и сетевое взаимодействие в Android from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- AR (Augmented Reality) & Video Streaming Services Emerging Technologies from Yonsei University
- Introducción a la programación en Java: estructuras de datos y algoritmos from Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid
- Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore from Google Daydream Impact
- ga055: プログラミング入門 ~Javaによるオブジェクト指向プログラミング~ from Osaka Institute of Technology
- Введение в язык Котлин from St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
- From Python to Java: Fundamentals of Programming from University of Wolverhampton
- [New] Defensive Programming and Debugging from Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
- [New] Asset Creation and Management from Unity
- M310: MongoDB Security
- Digital Skills: Mobile from Accenture
- Kotlin for Java Developers from JetBrains
- Agile with Atlassian Jira from Atlassian
- M312: Diagnostics and Debugging
- M201: MongoDB Performance
- M220P: MongoDB for Python Developers
- [New] Lighting, Reflection, and Post Processing Effects from Unity
- M121: The MongoDB Aggregation Framework
- M103: Basic Cluster Administration
- [New] Getting Started with SAS® Programming from SAS
- 3D Art and Audio Pipeline from Unity
- Handheld AR App Development with Unity from Unity
- [New] Fundamentals of Java EE Development from Red Hat
- Mobile Robotics
- Mining Engineering
- Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Part 3: Time Dependent Behavior and Failure from Massachusetts Institute of Technology ★★★★★(2)
- Graphene Science and Technology from Chalmers University of Technology ★★★★★(1)
- Electric Power Systems from University at Buffalo
- Collaborative Robot Safety: Design & Deployment from University at Buffalo
- Le robot Thymio comme outil de découverte des sciences du numérique from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Electric Cars: Policy from Delft University of Technology
- [New] Through Engineers’ Eyes – Expanding the Vision: Engineering Mechanics by Experiment, Analysis and Design from University of New South Wales
- Semiconductor Physics from University of Colorado Boulder
- Transistor – Field Effect Transistor and Bipolar Junction Transistor from University of Colorado Boulder
- Diode – pn Junction and Metal Semiconductor Contact from University of Colorado Boulder
- Sensors and Sensor Circuit Design from University of Colorado Boulder
- [New] Nanophotonics and Detectors from University of Colorado Boulder
- [New] Displays from University of Colorado Boulder
- [New] Light Emitting Diodes and Semiconductor Lasers from University of Colorado Boulder
- Design of High-Performance Optical Systems from University of Colorado Boulder
- Motors and Motor Control Circuits from University of Colorado Boulder
- Introducción a la energía solar fotovoltaica: El módulo fotovoltaico from Universitat Politècnica de València
- [New] Cómo autoconstruir tu vivienda. Segunda etapa from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- BIM Application for Engineers from National Taiwan University
- BIM Fundamentals for Engineers from National Taiwan University
- Smart grid: fundamentos técnicos from Tecnológico de Monterrey
- [New] Introduction to Engineering and Design from Brown University
- Hydraulique fluviale 1 – Écoulements à surface libre from Université catholique de Louvain
- Robotic Vision: Making Robots See from Queensland University of Technology
- Standardisation from EIT Digital
- Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) – Key Concepts and Best Practices for New Users from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Introduction to battery-management systems from University of Colorado System
- Equivalent Circuit Cell Model Simulation from University of Colorado System
- Battery State-of-Charge (SOC) Estimation from University of Colorado System
- Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation from University of Colorado System
- Electric and Conventional Vehicles from Chalmers University of Technology
- Model-Based Automotive Systems Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology
- Imprimer en 3D – session 4 from Institut Mines-Télécom
- [New] Energy Systems Integration: A Trend or a Revolution? from KU Leuven University
- Ingeniería de Tráfico from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Objets connectés : des radiofréquences aux réseaux from Université fédérale de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
- Introduction to Dutch from University of Groningen ★★★★★(51)
- Writing for the Web
- Exploring English: Language and Culture from British Council ★★★★☆(13)
- Chinese Language and Culture
- Literature of the English Country House from The University of Sheffield ★★★★☆(8)
- World War 1: A History in 100 Stories from Monash University ★★★★☆(8)
- How to Succeed at: Writing Applications from The University of Sheffield ★★★★☆(7)
- Sports and Recreation Management from TAFE NSW ★★★★☆(7)
- Introduction to Frisian from University of Groningen ★★★★★(3)
- Genealogy: Researching Your Family Tree from University of Strathclyde ★★★★★(2)
- Football: More than a Game from University of Edinburgh ★★★☆☆(1)
- WW1 Heroism: Through Art and Film from University of Leeds ★★★★☆(1)
- From World War to White Heat: the RAF in the Cold War from Royal Holloway, University of London ★★★★☆(1)
- Effective Business Writing from University of California, Berkeley
- German at Work Post-Beginners 1: Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz from The Open University
- Spanish for Beginners 3: My Life from The Open University
- Italian for Beginners 3: My Daily Life from The Open University
- German at Work Intermediate 1: Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz from The Open University
- [New] Chinese for HSK 5 from Peking University
- Sports Marketing from Northwestern University
- Discovering Science: Science Writing from University of Leeds
- Environmental Challenges: Scarcity and Conflict in the Natural Environment from University of Leeds
- Violences et religions from University of Geneva
- [New] Upper-Intermediate English: Globalization from Universitat Politècnica de València
- [New] Writing Stories About Ourselves from Wesleyan University
- [New] Memoir and Personal Essay: Managing Your Relationship with the Reader from Wesleyan University
- [New] Writing in First Person Point of View from Wesleyan University
- 莊子─人情 (Zhuangzi─Between People) from National Taiwan University
- Learning Chinese : Start From Scratch (零到一學中文) from National Taiwan University
- The Importance and Power of Music in our Society from Leiden University
- Mandarin Chinese for Intermediate Learners: Part 1 from Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- [New] A Voice of Their Own. Women’s Spirituality in the Middle Ages. from University of Barcelona
- Basic English 1: Elementary from King’s College London
- Basic English 2: Pre-Intermediate from King’s College London
- Religious Transformation in Early China: the Period of Division from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Asian Environmental Humanities: Landscapes in Transition from University of Zurich
- [New] Terrorismes from CNAM
- Взаимодействие языков и культур: сохраняем и расширяем свою идентичность (на примере изучения татарского языка как родного и иностранного) from Tomsk State University
- Русский язык как иностранный B2-2 from Saint Petersburg State University
- Introduction to Korean 2 from Hanyang University
- Conduite de réunion en anglais from Université de Lorraine
- Player-centred Coaching from Deakin University
- [New] Verdun d’hier à aujourd’hui from Université de Lorraine
- Cultures and Identities in Europe from European University Institute
- [New] Early Christian Outlook and its Jewish Matrix: Narratives of Gospels and Acts from Campus – the Israeli National Project for Digital Learning
- [New] Pratiques de l’enseignement de la prononciation en FLE from Université fédérale de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
- Irish 103: An Introduction to Irish Language and Culture from Dublin City University
- [New] Norwegian for Beginners 1 from Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- [New] Critical Thinking: Fundamentals of Good Reasoning from Campus – the Israeli National Project for Digital Learning
- [New] Les établissements recevant du public : enjeux et responsabilités from Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale
- Know Thyself – The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life from University of Edinburgh ★★★★★(28)
- Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
- 業務効率や生産性向上につながる時間管理 from University of California, Irvine
- [New] Finding Common Ground Teach-Out from University of Michigan
- [New] Find Your Calling: Career Transition Principles for Returning Veterans from Columbia University
- Communication Strategies for a Virtual Age from University of Toronto
- [New] Как найти свою первую работу? Практический курс для студентов вузов from Higher School of Economics
- [New] Communicating Effectively: How to Inspire and Convince from Delft University of Technology
- Effective Questioning for Call Handlers from University of East Anglia
- Maintaining a Mindful Life from Monash University
- Креативная коммуникация: методы и инструменты from Saint Petersburg State University
- Storytelling in the Workplace from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Психология карьеры from Saint Petersburg State University
- Becoming Career Smart: How to Sell Yourself from Deakin University
- [New] “De la Prépa aux Grandes Ecoles de Commerce: le bon parcours pour moi? “ from ESCP Europe
- Professional Resilience: Building Skills to Thrive from Deakin University
- Negociación 4.0 from Universidad Austral
- [New] Staying Safe: How to be Prepared in the Modern World from Emergency Planning College
- Using Creative Problem Solving from National Chiao Tung University
- [New] El cerebro y las emociones en el lenguaje. from Universidad del Rosario
- Digital Skills: Retail from Accenture

Dear Dhawal Shah! Thanks for sharing!