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Learn Tinkercad, earn certificates with paid and free online courses from University of Illinois, Naresuan University and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Learn 3D modeling, 3D printing, design, and more with TinkerCAD
Bring your design ideas to life. Learn the basics of Tinkercad, the free online app for anyone who wants to get started in 3D design and CAD.
Learn how to create replacements parts for household appliances, furniture, and more with Tinkercad and a desktop 3D printer.
Aprende a recrear piezas vintage de computadoras utilizando Tinkercad. Domina técnicas de modelado 3D para diseñar circuitos, teclas y carcasas con precisión histórica.
Throughout this Tinkercad tutorial, we'll go through the process of using Tinkercad as a simple CAD tool to model a rocket for 3D printing. Software required: Tinkercad, NetFabb.
Learn to design 2D objects in TinkerCAD for CNC and laser-cutting, including techniques for building an LCD enclosure and correcting design errors efficiently.
In this Tinkercad tutorial, we'll learn how to modify an existing design that may not be accessible as a CAD model specific to a software package. Software required: Tinkercad.
Learn to create digital designs for 3D printing using Tinkercad and Fusion 360. Master 3D modeling techniques, from basic shapes to advanced sculpting, and explore 3D scanning technologies.
Design of 3D Printing, Additive manufacturing, Slicing with CURA, Design of 3D Printing, 3D Print, 3D Filament, 3D files
Learn electrical engineering basics with block-based and text-based arduino programming! Build 5 complete real projects!
Learn the core concepts of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors and how to build circuits with them
Embark on a journey into the world of robotics with our immersive camp designed for aspiring engineers.
Turn your 3D scans into personalized, custom products with Tinkercad, a free and easy-to-use 3D modeling program.
Explore interactive teaching strategies using virtual simulation tools for engaging learners across disciplines, enhancing the educational experience in the era of Industry 5.0.
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