C for Everyone: Programming Fundamentals
University of California, Santa Cruz via Coursera
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This course is for everyone. In the new world we live in, coding is a universally valuable skill, whether you're a scientist, artist, or a humanist. Algorithms are everywhere, and we all have to understand how they work. The C language is particularly well suited as an introduction to coding: It's a tried-and-true language, and it allows you to understand computing processes at a deep level.
No prior knowledge of coding is needed for this course. We'll start at the beginning.
The time estimated time commitment for this course is five hours a week for five weeks.
- Introduction
- An overview of the course, a history of the C language, and a first set of programming activities.
- Lexical Elements and Data Types
- Lexical elements and data types, programming activities of increasing sophistication, and an optional discussion of more advanced issues.
- Flow of Control and Simple Functions
- Flow of control and simple functions, even more sophisticated programming activities, and an optional discussion of more advanced issues.
- Advanced Functions, Recursion, Arrays, and Pointers
- A continuation of functions, recursion, arrays, and pointers.
- Arrays and pointers
- Further treatment of arrays and pointers and an interesting programming activity.
- Final Exam
- The end of the first part of C for Everyone and an opportunity to assess your learning.
Taught by
Ira Pohl
4.4 rating, based on 5 Class Central reviews
4.5 rating at Coursera based on 6573 ratings
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Today, I took the first lecture. It is nice. I don't have any previous knowledge of C language but, I am able to understand what the instructor is teaching. Looking forward for the course.
This course is very helpful to me. I an very happy to do this course. I am very poor.I am very happy to get this course for free.I wanted to do C programming too.
Though professor is experienced but he is not so effective in what he is delivering. First time I get bored while taking course.......Although course is nice, I really appreciate their efforts.
Sir I want to learn c language and codind
in a very best way, each and every tip and link .
Kindly enroll me for your free course/class. -
Sir I want to learn c language and codind
in a very best way, each and every tip and link .
Kindly enroll me for your free course/class.