Class Central Tips
This course is a partnership between the leading content marketing authority, Copyblogger, and UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education. In this course, you will learn the core strategies content marketers use to acquire and retain customers profitably. Specifically, you will learn how to develop, organize and implement a content marketing strategy, analyze and measure the effectiveness of content marketing, write compelling copy, use a strategic framework when writing, and build your professional brand and authority through content marketing. You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your own personal brand through content marketing.
- The Content Marketing Ecosystem
- In this module, you will be introduced to the content marketing ecosystem. You will be able to define what content marketing is and explain why it is important in today's market. You will discover the purpose of what content should be able to do and what makes content effective. You will discover the importance of how your own professional brand can play in the importance of your company's content marketing strategy and you will build your own professional brand. You will build a personal website to help build your brand and in the final lesson, you will be able to discuss the editorial process for content and describe the benefits and importance of having a content calendar.
- The Strategic Context (The 7A Framework)
- After reviewing this module you will be able to explain and apply the 7A Framework to your own content. You will be able to think strategically by creating context which leads to creating content that actually works. You will be able to practice and discuss why being agile an essential part of the framework. You will discuss the idea of being authentic as a professional and within your own organization. You will be able to capture your audience's attention with effective headlines. You will be able to apply the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 formula to prompt your audience to take action. You will examine how to prioritize acceleration and present yourself as a likable authority to your network. You will discuss the critical relationship between authority and audience and be able to write with authority and confidence.
- Mapping the Journey: Crafting a Content Marketing Strategy
- In this module, you craft a content marketing strategy by first examining the journey of your buyer or audience. You will be able to create your audience/buyer persona and describe the importance of always thinking about their journey. You will be able to develop empathy and experience maps and examine their purposes in a content marketing strategy. You will explore and be able to apply two essential elements for creating irresistible content.
- The Strategic Types of Content
- In this module, you will explore the various types of strategic content that go into an effective content marketing program. You will be able to identify and define the four types of strategic content: attraction content, affinity content, action content, and authority content. You will be able to use the strategies given to write the various types of content and be able to combine all four elements to write one effective content piece.
- Managing Your Content
- For this module, you should look at it as an added bonus of content. This module will have you examine the role ethics play in successful organizations. You will be able to manage not only your content, but how you should manage yourself as a professional and practice good ethics. You will be able to establish ethical and professional guidelines for content marketing and be able to build a relationship with your organizations legal team to help guide you against plagiarism and copyright laws. You will be introduced to the world of metrics for content marketers and identify and analyze which metrics you should pay special attention to. The final lessons will focus on opportunities for new media and platforms for your content. You will be able to discuss how to get better audio and video qualities through structuring and scripting multimedia content. You will also identify various kinds of multimedia content.
Taught by
Sonia Simone
3.8 rating, based on 8 Class Central reviews
4.5 rating at Coursera based on 4652 ratings
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I was really disappointed in this MOOC. The videos are too short to make a lasting impact (with some only lasting one minute), some materials seem to be missing completely (the speaker often mentions "now you'll hear from expert X on Y subject", but…
I started researching the content marketing courses that actually make you an effective writer and came across this list from Neil Patel https://neilpatel.com/blog/75-copywriting-resources/ Copyhackers', Marie Forleo's, and Copyblogger's courses st…
I loved taking this course! The lessons were very well-organized and easy to follow. The real gems, however, are all of the ebooks provided as reading assignments. They were not only informative but also extremely entertaining! I'll be referring to these texts a lot from now on.
I wouldn't know because the course is not free as stipulated in the "free certificate course" offering.
I am sure the courses here are good, but it's false advertising to say a course is free when it is not.
When people like myself seek information and find that the information offered is not actually available makes me very angry so I have actually changed my rating from a two-star to a one-star. -
¡Me encantó tomar este curso! Las lecciones fueron muy bien organizadas y fáciles de seguir. Sin embargo, las verdaderas joyas son todos los libros electrónicos que se proporcionan como asignaciones de lectura. ¡No solo fueron informativos sino también extremadamente entretenidos! Me referiré mucho a estos textos a partir de ahora.
I really need to study this course because it helps me to take one step for I I will goning to be in the future and it's a good experience about knowing business and also the stages of marketing I hop it will be go after I lear
Excellent training! Highly recommended, very valuable for those interested in improving their content marketing skills The course offers lots of materials and very well design videos. Thank you!
The brands involved will realize particular objects in a Limited Edition and the proceeds will be devolved to the project "Milano Ti Forma Fleming e San Giusto" which supports the integration of disadvantaged young people in the job world.