This course will act as the culmination of the Specialization: International Marketing & Cross Industry Growth. The aim is to help you apply what you have learned during the 16 weeks of the 5 courses and conduct an "action learning" project that will consist of the following:
1. Situation Analysis for their chosen company or brand.
2. Marketing Mix Analysis for their chosen company or brand.
3. Cross Country Innovation Plan when expanding abroad.
4. Cross Industry Innovation Plan when sourcing ideas or expanding into another industry.
All of these analyses will have templates that will be explained in the video lectures using an exemplar case, "Yuhan Kimberly." You will be required to choose a company on which these analyses will be performed. As such, the intent will be to provide you an integrated set of insights and application to a chosen managerial situation and problems at hand in the context of a specific region or country. You will be required to also choose another industry (from the ones covered in the Specialization: B2C, B2B, Healthcare, Hospitality, Entertainment, Sports) when developing your Cross Industry Innovation Plan. For example, if you work for a company in the Healthcare industry and have analyzed that company, you should then conduct a Cross Industry Innovation project using concepts from a different industry such as Entertainment.
International Marketing & Cross Industry Growth Capstone Project
Yonsei University via Coursera
- Write review
- Introduction to Capstone and Guidelines Using Exemplar Case
- This is the beginning of the Capstone for the Specialization: International Marketing & Cross Industry Growth. You will become acquainted with an exemplar company Yuhan Kimberly both via a case and a video lecture, and then be provided specific guidelines on how to reference the case to complete your individual capstone projects.
- Milestone 1: Situation Analysis
- For Milestone 1, you will be expected to complete a Situation Analysis for a chosen company in a chosen industry. The major components of Milestone 1 will be A. A Noon Nopi Definition of the learners' Product. B. A Vision and Strategy Analysis. C. An Omni-Branding Analysis. And D. A SFU (Strong Favorable and Unique) Branding Analysis.
- Milestone 2: Marketing Mix Analysis
- For Milestone 2 you will complete a comprehensive Marketing Mix Analysis for a chosen company in a chosen industry. The major components of Marketing Mix Analysis will be A. Product: Tangible and Intangible Characteristics. B. Promotion: 5 W's (Who, What, to Whom, Which, and What Effect). C. Price: Total Benefits and Total Costs Analysis. And D. Place: Convenience Add-Ons Analysis.
- Milestone 3: Cross Country Innovation
- For Milestone 3 you will begin the first part of the CCCI (Cross-Country Cross-Industry) Innovation Approach, i.e. Cross Country expansion for a chosen company in a chosen industry. The two major components will be: A. A reformulation of the Vision and Strategy for Cross Country Expansion with the sub-components being: 1. Why do we need to go abroad? 2. What region? 3. What country? And 4. What segment? Component B is a reformulation of the Marketing Mix Actions for Cross Country Expansion with the sub-components being 1. Cross Country Product: Tangible and Intangible Characteristics. 2. Cross Country Promotion: 5 W's Analysis. 3. Cross Country Price: Benefits and Costs Analysis. And 4. Cross Country Place: Convenience Add-Ons Analysis.
- Milestone 4: Cross Industry Innovation
- For Milestone 4 you will complete the second part of the CCCI Innovation Approach, i.e. Cross-Industry Innovation for a chosen company in a chosen industry. The two major components will be: A. A reformulation of the Vision and Strategy for Cross Industry Expansion with the sub-components being: 1. A Problem Definition. 2. Choice of industry to benchmark from specialization. 3. Identification of key concepts to innovate. 4. Identification of incompatibilities across industries to iron out. a. Component B is a reformulation of the Marketing Mix Actions for Cross Industry Expansion with the sub-components being 1. Cross Industry Tangible and Intangible Characteristics Analysis. 2. Cross Industry Promotion: 5 W's Analysis. 3. Cross Industry Price: Benefits and Costs Analysis. And 4. Cross Industry Place: Convenience Add-Ons Analysis.
- Final Project Peer Review Evaluation and Specialization Wrap-Up
- After having conducted the four Milestones, this week you will upload your final project for review evaluation by your peers. If you have been receiving weekly optional peer reviews and have iterated your submission based on constructive feedback, then uploading the final Capstone project will be faster than the stated time.
Taught by
Dae Ryun Chang