Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science - Fundamental and Sustainability Concepts
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and NPTEL via Swayam
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The objective of this online course is to provide an overview of the environmental issues that all our working professionals should be aware of as per the directive of the Honble Supreme Court of India. The course will cover basic concepts of Ecology, Water Pollution, Water and Wastewater Quality and Treatment, Solid and Hazardous WasteManagement, Soil and Noise Pollution, Sustainability Concepts including Environmental Impact Assessment, Life Cycle Assessment, Waste Minimization, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development Issues.Overall the goal of the course is to:1) Sensitise the young workforce on the basics and complexity ofenvironmental issues associated with global developmental and commercial activity on day to day issues2) Identify the current environmental issues that the globalcommunity is facing and discuss the realistic risk assessment3) Use the tools of green design for sustainable solutions, helpingthe students to grasp the concepts of four I’s: Inherency,Integration, Interdisciplinary, and International. Fundamental science and engineering skills will be applied throughout the course.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Any Interested Learners.PREREQUISITES: Basic High School Math, Physics and ChemistryINDUSTRY SUPPORT: AECOM, Ramky, Environmental Resource Management (ERM),SENES/ARCADIS, L&T, Tata-Projects, and all companies involved in any construction projects in the country.
Week 1: Sustainability Concepts – Innovations and ChallengesWeek 2: Environmental Measurements from Different DisciplinesWeek 3: Ecology, Population & Environmental ChemistryWeek 4: Physical Process in EnvironmentWeek 5: Environmental Biological ConceptsWeek 6: Environmental Risk Assessments with Concepts of EIA and LCAWeek 7: Water – Quantity and QualityWeek 8: Water Treatment BasicsWeek 9: Basics of Wastewater Collection, Treatment & Resource RecoveryWeek 10: Basics of Solid Waste, Soil and Noise PollutionWeek 11: Basics of Air Pollution Issues – Global and LocalWeek 12: Case Studies and Course Wrap-up
Taught by
Prof. Brajesh Kr. Dubey