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Supply Chain Management

CEC via Swayam


Credits: 4 Duration: 40 Hours, 15 WeeksIs Supply Chain an Integral Part of Business Processes?It is the question that needs to be answered and understood before you choose this course. Imagine you are buying a computer, what do you look for and want? You look for “Intel inside”, standardized configurations and compatibility but buy a less expensive computer that is unique and “just for myself” one.In today’s hypercompetitive market space, supply-side commoditization and demand-side customization is the challenge faced by many organizations. So how can a Corporate meet this expectation of a customer that is you?The experience of successful brands indicates that they integrate business processes of demand management and supply chain management to the customer lifecycle. So, supply chain management is a core activity that has a high impact on efficiency and productivity in an organization.The other questions you would like to get answers for would be1. At what level of management or which functional manager should know about the supply chain?The knowledge of the supply chain is essential for all managers as it integrates all business processes that startfrom receiving inbound products to shipping outbound orders.2. Is supply chain management applicable for only large-scale organizations?No, it is applicable for all organizations and the best supply chain practices can be learnt from Mumbai Dabbawalas.So, my dear learners, I welcome you all as future Entrepreneurs and Managers to the course in Supply Chain Management.Learning Goals:The learning goals are toUnderstand the tactics to manage the interactions of the business functions.Gain insights on demand management function and its integration with the supply chain.Strategize on the enterprise knowledge and resources across the supply chain activities.Course Objectives:The objective of the course is to impart knowledge and competencies for:Designing supply chain strategies.Recognizing supply chain integration to support products in the various product lifecycle.Balancing logistics, manufacturing, and inventory policies with demand and customer satisfaction.Leveraging organizational capabilities and resources across supply chain business processes.Designing lean but agile supply chains that integrate green initiatives.Implementing e-supply chain management systems.Topics:Supply chain management practices and strategies.Integrated model of Customer Lifecycle, Demand Management, and Supply Chain Management.Supply chain forecasting - techniques and tools.Supply chain processes (procurement and sourcing, transportation and distribution, inventory management,manufacturing and operations).Integration of supply chain processes.Leveraging cost and risk through supply chain management systems.Lean and agile supply chain models.Green supply chain initiatives and practices.Supply chain analytics and blockchain technology.Supply chain management systems and its integration with Enterprise Resource Planning and CustomerRelationship Management.Pedagogy:The learning experience will include lectures, case studies, simulated games, and exercises.I welcome you all to be a part of this learning to gain insights and competencies in Supply Chain Management and be successful in implementing it in your future organizational activities.


Week 1 – Supply Chain Management Practices and CompetitivenessW1.I.Supply Chain Management Introduction
W1.M1. Supply Chain Management (SCM): Meaning, Practices and StrategiesW1.M1.A – Supply ChainsW1.M1.B – Integrated Supply Chain ManagementW1.M1.C – Supply Chain - Goals and ObjectivesW1.M2. Supply Chain Performance, Strategic fit and Competitive advantageW1.M2.A – Business Environment and Supply Chain CompetitivenessW1.M2.B – Strategic Supply Chain ManagementW1.M2.C – Drivers and Challenges of Supply ChainW1.C.Conclusion
Week 2 – SCM Models and StrategiesW2.I.SCM Models and Strategies – IntroW2.M3. Integrated Model of Customer Lifecycle, Demand Management and SCMW2.M3.A – Customer Lifecycle and Supply ChainW2.M3.B – Demand Chain ManagementW2.M3.C.– Digital Integration, Value Systems and Cross Functional RelationshipsW2.M4. Supply Chain ModelsW2.M4.A – Performance Management and Supply Chain ModelsW2.M4.B – SCOR ModelW2.M4.C – Supply Chain ModelsW2.M5. Push and Pull Strategies in Supply Chain ManagementW2.M5.A – Process view of Supply ChainW2.M5.B – Push and Pull Supply ChainW2.M5.C – Push and Pull Supply Chain StrategiesW2.C.Conclusion
Week 3 – Co-ordination and SustainabilityW3.I.Co-ordination and Sustainability in Supply Chain - IntroW3.M6. Supply Chain Co-ordinationW3.M6.A – Co-ordination in Supply Chain ManagementW3.M6.B – Bullwhip EffectW3.M6.C – Supply Chain Co-ordination MechanismsW3.M7. Sustainability in Supply ChainW3.M7.A – Sustainability in SCW3.M7.B – Ways to make SC SustainableW3.M7.C – Triple Bottom LineW3.C.Conclusion
Week 4 – Demand Forecasting and PlanningW4.I.Demand Forecasting and Planning - IntroW4.M8. Demand Forecasting in Supply ChainW4.M8.A – Demand ForecastingW4.M8.B – Forecasting MethodsW4.M8.C – Steps in ForecastingW4.M9. Aggregate Planning in Supply ChainW4.M9.A – Aggregate PlanningW4.M9.B – Aggregate Planning StrategiesW4.M9.C – Aggregate planning - An exampleW4.M10. Managing Supply and DemandW4.M10.A – Managing Supply and DemandW4.M10.B – Approaches in Supply ManagementW4.M10.C – Approaches in Demand ManagementW4.C.Conclusion
Week 5 – Inventory Management in Supply ChainW5.I.Inventory Management in SCM - IntroW5.M11. Inventory Management - Economies of Scale in Supply ChainW5.M11.A – Cycle Inventory and Supply ChainW5.M11.B – Impact of Economies of Scale on Cycle InventoryW5.M11.C – Impact of Quantity Discount on Cycle Inventory in SCW5.M12. Managing Uncertainties in Supply Chain inventoryW5.M12.A – Supply Chain Uncertainties on Safety StockW5.M12.B – Replenishment Policy on Safety StockW5.M12.C – Impact of Aggregation on Safety InventoryW5.M13. Optimal level of Product AvailabilityW5.M13.A – Product AvailabilityW5.M13.B – Methods in Determining Product AvailabilityW5.C.Conclusion
Week 6 – Financial Evaluation, Pricing and Revenue Management in Supply ChainW6.I.Financial Evaluation, Pricing and Revenue Management in Supply Chain - IntroW6.M14. Financial Evaluation of Supply Chain DecisionsW6.M14.A – Supply Chain Design: Evaluation of Cash Flow Using NPVW6.M14.B – Intra Company Transfers and Transfer Pricing MethodsW6.M14.C – Evaluation of Intra Company Transfers Using Transfer PricingW6.M15. Pricing and Revenue Management in Supply ChainW6.M15.A – Aspects of Cost Savings for Pricing and Revenue Management in Supply ChainW6.M15.B – Value Added and Non-value Added Activities in Pricing and Revenue ManagementW6.M15.C – Activity Based Costing in Pricing and Revenue ManagementW6.M16. Pricing and Revenue Management in Supply Chain - Specific Industrial SectorsW6.M16.A – Pricing - Customer SegmentsW6.M16.B – Pricing - Perishable GoodsW6.C.Conclusion
Week 7 – Performance, Control, Risk Management and Seamless Supply ChainsW7.I.Performance, Control, Risk Management and Seamless Supply Chains - IntroW7.M17. Performance Measurement and Controls in Supply ChainW7.M17.A – Supply Chain Performance Measurement and Control MechanismW7.M17.B – Supply Chain Performance and Control - Throughput Dollar Days [TDD]W7.M17.C – Supply Chain Performance and Control - Inventory Dollar Days [IDD]W7.M18. Supply Chain Risk ManagementW7.M18.A – Information and Money Flow Disruptions and Risk Management StrategiesW7.M18.B – Material Flow Disruptions and Risk Management StrategiesW7.M19. Key Business Processes for Seamless Supply ChainW7.M19.A – External Integration Strategies in the Supply ChainW7.M19.B – Supply Chain Maturity Reference ModelW7.C.Conclusion
Week 8 – Supply Chain Globalization and Service Supply ChainsW8.I.Supply Chain Globalization and Service Supply Chains - IntroW8.M20. Supply Chain GlobalizationW8.M20.A – Importance of Supply Chain GlobalizationW8.M20.B – Supply Chain Globalization in Manufacturing and Service SectorW8.M20.C – Co-ordination of Global Supply ChainW8.M21. Purchasing in Global Supply ChainW8.M21.A – Fundamentals of Purchasing in Global Supply ChainW8.M21.B – Global Purchasing TrendsW8.M21.C – Purchasing in Global Supply Chain - Critical Success FactorsW8.M22. SCM in Service SectorW8.M22.A – Supply Chain Management PracticesW8.M22.B – Service Supply ChainW8.M22.C – Significance of SERVQUAL in Supply ChainW8.C.Conclusion
Week 9 – Manufacturing Process Integration, Matching Supply Chain and Products, Business Model for OutsourcingW9.I.Manufacturing Process Integration, Matching Supply Chain and Products, Business Model for Outsourcing – IntroW9.M23. Manufacturing Process IntegrationW9.M23.A – Internal IntegrationW9.M23.B – Manufacturing Process Integration and Enterprise Resource PlanningW9.M24. Matching Supply chain with ProductsW9.M24.A – Functional and Innovative ProductsW9.M24.B – Matching Functional and Innovative Products with Supply ChainW9.M25. Business Models and SourcingW9.M25.A – Outsourcing Business Model: Make or Buy DecisionW9.M25.B – Supplier Segmentation Matrix and Outsourcing StrategiesW9.C.Conclusion
Week 10 – Facility Decision, Location Planning, Transportation and Warehousing in SCMW10.I.Facility Decision, Location Planning, Transportation and Warehousing in SCM - IntroW10.M26. Facility Decisions and Location StrategyW10.M26.A – Factors affecting Facility Network Design DecisionW10.M26.B – Impact of Network Decision and Framework for Facility Design Network DecisionW10.M26.C – Analytical Methods for Evaluating LocationsW10.M27. Transportation and Warehousing DecisionsW10.M27.A – Role and Principles of Transportation in a Supply ChainW10.M27.B – Transportation Modes and EconomiesW10.M27.C – Warehousing: Objectives, Types and StrategyW10.C.Conclusion
Week 11 – Integrated Logistics, Procurement Management and Mass Customization in SCMW11.I.Integrated Logistics, Procurement Management and Mass Customization - IntroW11.M28. Integrated Logistics ManagementW11.M28.A – Concepts and Components of Integrated Logistics ManagementW11.M28.B – Activities of the Integrated Logistics SystemsW11.M28.C – Barriers and Factors Affecting Integrated Logistics SystemsW11.M29. Procurement ManagementW11.M29.A – Strategic Importance of Procurement Management in Supply ChainW11.M29.B – Strategic SourcingW11.M29.C – Purchase ProcessW11.M30. Mass Customization in Supply ChainW11.M30.A – Mass Customization and ApproachesW11.M30.B – Supply Chain Management and StrategiesW11.M30.C – Challenges of Mass Customization and Customization StrategiesW11.C.Conclusion
Week 12 – Agile, Lean and Green Supply Chain ManagementW12.I.Agile, Lean and Green Supply Chain Management - IntroW12.M31. Agile Supply Chain ManagementW12.M31.A – Agile Organizations and Strategic ImportanceW12.M31.B – Agile Supply Chain Management PracticesW12.M32. Lean Supply Chain ManagementW12.M32.A – Lean Supply Chain Management PracticesW12.M32.B – Leagile Supply Chain ManagementW12.M33. Green Supply Chain PracticesW12.M33.A – Green Supply Chain: Drivers and PracticesW12.M33.B – Relationship Model, Green Supply Chain, Lean Supply Chain and Organization PerformanceW12.C.Conclusion
Week 13 – Supply Chain Management for e–Commerce and Digital Supply ChainsW13.I.Supply Chain Management for e-Commerce and Digital Supply Chains – IntroW13.M34. Service response logistics and supply chain management in e-businessW13.M34.A – Supply Chain Models for e-commerceW13.M34.B – Supply Chain for e-commerce: Challenges and SolutionsW13.M34.C – Supply Chain for e-commerce: Reverse Logistics and Refund PolicyW13.M35. Information Technology in Supply ChainW13.M35.A – IT and its Role in SCMW13.M35.B – Digital Supply ChainW13.M35.C – IT enabled Supply Chain TransformationW13.C.Conclusion
Week 14 – Supply Chain Analytics and Predictive Analytics for SCM
W14.I. Supply Chain Analytics and Predictive Analytics for SCM - IntroW14.M36. Supply Chain AnalyticsW14.M36.A – Business Analytics: Concepts and ComponentsW14.M36.B – Supply Chain Analytics: Portfolio and CharacteristicsW14.M36.C – Supply Chain Analytics: OLAP OperationsW14.M37. Planning and Predictive Analytics for Supply chainW14.M37.A – Predictive AnalyticsW14.M37.B – Predictive Analytics ModelsW14.M37.C – Application of Predictive Analytics in SCMW14.C.Conclusion
Week 15 – Business Analytics for Supply Chain Optimization, Fuzzy Logic, Blockchain Technology, and Supply Chain IntegrationW15.I. Business Analytics for Supply Chain Optimization, Fuzzy Logic, Blockchain Technology, and Supply Chain Integration - IntroW15.M38. Business Intelligence and Analytics for Supply Chain OptimizationW15.M38.A – Role of Business Analytics in Supply Chain Optimization.W15.M38.B – Frequent Pattern Mining and Association Rules - An exampleW15.M39. Fuzzy Logic and Blockchain applications to Supply ChainW15.M39.A – Fuzzy Logic Applications in Supply ChainW15.M39.B – Blockchain Technology: Concept and Application in Supply ChainW15.M40. Integration of SCM, ERP and CRM systemsW15.M40.A – Integration of SCM, ERP, and CRM: Application of Value Stream MappingW15.M40.B – Advantages of Value Stream Mapping for Supply Chain IntegrationW15.C.Conclusion

Taught by

Prof. P. Chitramani


4.8 rating, based on 16 Class Central reviews

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  • Anonymous
    This SCM class was ver interesting ,and it thought us lot for gaining knowledge.this session were conducted os so amazing,

    It give us a clear voew of supply chain management it is too good and faculty guide us in a good manner , the test conducted for us is so nice and it gove us opportunity to test our obout it in detail
  • Anonymous
    It is a very good course where we can get full view of supply chain management. It is interesting and it gives a depth and detailed view . The weekly assessment and graded assessment are perfect for gaining knowledge.
  • Amit Narula
    The course is an eye opener as it gives out plethora of information, knowledge in a short period with examples and text. An extremely well prepared material and flow of course. During the flow of course, one gets engrossed in the topic. An educative course and well organized by professor Chitramani. Thank you madam and your team.
  • Anonymous
    This supply chain management swayam course helps me to learn with better one and this will help me to get a certificate,

    And also it helps me to get my future courses also thank you for your support .

    V.vijai karthik
  • Anonymous
    It was good and it helped me enrich my knowledge on supply chain management. I was overwhelmed by the curriculum and was equally excited to know mature more about supply chain

  • Anonymous
    Mam has explained concept's in a better understanding manner. More of practical exercises.Learned a lot
  • Anonymous
    Very Interesting and helpful classes. Topics are systematically arranged with many examples. Special thanks to Chitramani mam
  • Anonymous
    Really helpful. SCM is one of my favourite subject, and it helps me to learn more in future semester course.
  • Anonymous
    V.Vijai karthik

    This supply chain management swayam course helps me to learn with better one and this will help me to get a certificate,

    And also it helps me to get my better knowledge learning in further future courses with you and thanks for your support sir/mam

  • Anonymous
    Name : Anuraag.p.v

    This course is interesting and helpful.

    Personally I learnt something new from this course , and I hope this might help me , at some part on my life time, while moving on to business.

    Being a business student ,this is really helpful and this makes some sense of being practical.
  • Anonymous
    Wonderful video lectures we had and the course gave me more knowledge on supply chain... The course was very useful and informative. The weekly assessment made me think and practically apply the concepts I learnt...
  • Profile image for Ragulan Elango
    Ragulan Elango
    The video classes were knowledgeable and interesting. I learnt a lot about supply chain management. I really loved the mcq assessment.
  • Anonymous
    Excellent teaching by the mam and it is very easy to understand by the way of teaching. And finally i get more knowledge of SCM .
  • Anonymous
    It was good in learning new information about supply chain management and it is intreasting to learn it takes less time
  • Anonymous
    It was good in learning new information about supply chain management and it is intreasting to learn it takes less time
  • Anonymous
    This a really easy and helpful to learn amd acquire knowledge about a particular course that which able to help

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