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Ctrl - Shift - Enter - Excel Array Formulas - Boolean Logic, AND & OR Criteria, Convert TRUE FALSE

ExcelIsFun via YouTube


Dive into advanced Excel array formulas with this comprehensive 27-minute tutorial focusing on Boolean logic, AND & OR criteria, and converting TRUE/FALSE values. Learn how to use SUMPRODUCT for AND criteria, implement OR criteria using Boolean addition, and efficiently convert logical values to numbers. Master complex formulas for counting transactions, finding maximum sales, and handling mutually exclusive OR criteria. Explore the MATCH function with array lookup values and compare different methods for converting logical values. Gain practical insights into array formula efficiency and guidelines for using AND and OR criteria in Excel calculations.


min) Boolean Logic..
min) AND criteria = Multiplication = All Logical Test Must Be TRUE..
min) SUMPRODUCT can do AND Criteria..
min) How IF function calculates AND Criteria for array calculations:.
min) AND Can Have 2 Or More Logical Tests..
min) OR Criteria = Adding = At Least 1 Logical Test Must Be TRUE..
min) Boolean Adding for OR Criteria when result can be 2 or more..
min) SUMPRODUCT with Boolean Adding for OR Criteria when result can be 2 or more..
min) Formula goal: Count transactions that have 'Seattle' or 'Pro2'. But no 'double counting'..
min) Calculating notes for Array Formula: =SUMPRODUCT(--(((B76:B80=F77)+(C76:C80=F79)) Greater Than 0))..
min) IF function logical_test argument with Boolean Adding for OR Criteria when result can be 2 or more..
min) Formula goal: Find max sale for transaction that was in 'Seattle' or where 'Pro2' was sold..
min) Could we use DMAX to find max sale for transaction that was in 'Seattle' or where 'Pro2' was sold?.
min) Calculation Summary for: =MAX(IF((B133:B137=F134)+(C133:C137=G134),D76:D80)).
min) OR Criteria When There Can Never Be 2 TRUEs.
min) Four Formulas for Counting with Mutually Exclusive OR Criteria..
min) MATCH function with range of values (array) in lookup_value argument..
min) Any math operation converts TRUEs and FALEs to 1s and 0s..
min) Timing Different Ways of Converting TRUEs and FALSEs to 1s and 0s..
min) AND and OR Criteria guidelines..

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