Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 2
University of Maryland, College Park via Coursera
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This course introduces you to the design and implementation of Android applications for mobile devices. You will build upon concepts from the prior course, including handling notifications, using multimedia and graphics and incorporating touch and gestures into your apps.
- Threads and Networking
- User Notifications, BroadcastReceivers, and Alarms
- Graphics, Touch, and Multimedia
- Sensors, Location and Maps, and Data Management
- Build From Scratch
- Build an app completely from scratch
Taught by
Adam Porter
4.4 rating, based on 15 Class Central reviews
4.7 rating at Coursera based on 172 ratings
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I started part 1 of this course with only very basic knowledge of java but this course transformed my understanding of both java and android. The lectures were very helpful and well organized. I would highly recommend this course to anyone considering learning android programming and would encourage them to not only watch the lectures but complete the labs too. The labs really help to solidify your understanding of the topics covered. If I had to learn it on my own by having to read the android developer documentation, I would have been lost. This course (both parts 1 and 2) sorted it all out for me.
Good material. Good teacher. Good organization. The evaluation system (quizzes and labs) helps to fix and clarify even more the underlying ideas and concepts. In general, it deserves the effort you have to devote to comple it
I enjoyed taking this class. The videos are well done and the exercises are challenging enough. I definitely recommend a class on Java programming before attacking the android programming.
My first mooc and one of the best I've taken.
A very clear introduction to the main tools of Android SDK.