Better content strategy translates into a better user experience. Learn how to build user persona spectrums, content guidelines, and more meaningful content for websites and apps.
- A guide to content strategy
- What is content strategy?
- What is "content"?
- The problem we are trying to solve
- Core resource: An example project
- The components of content strategy
- A holistic approach to content strategy
- Key driving questions
- Content strategy for the people
- Identify and understand stakeholders
- Define an audience
- Understanding context
- Develop fact-based personas
- Extend personas with empathy maps
- Users, motivations, and goals for the project
- Substance and structure
- The quantitative content audit
- The qualitative content audit
- Content models
- Scenarios and activity flows
- Information architecture and wireframing
- Analysis and structure for the project
- Guides, templates, and workflows
- Voice and tone
- Style guides
- Examples and templates
- Workflows
- Guides, templates, and workflows for the project
- Governance and ownership
- Who creates the content?
- Budgeting and advocacy
- Measuring success
- Get the ball rolling
Taught by
Morten Rand-Hendriksen