Learn how to effectively approach public relations and engage with the press in this 44-minute Stanford CS183F: Startup School lecture. Explore product innovation, founder-led PR strategies, and techniques for identifying your target audience. Discover valuable tips for reaching out to media, crafting compelling blog content, and leveraging various sources. Examine real-world examples, learn how to respond to articles, and understand the nuances of working with different types of publications. Gain insights into the importance of pre-work and scaffolding when interacting with reporters, and master the art of securing exclusives. Equip yourself with essential PR knowledge to effectively promote your startup and build meaningful relationships with the press.
Product Innovation
FounderLed PR
Who are you
What do you do
PR isnt your goal
Strategic audience
Big tips
Reaching out
Respond to Articles
Steven Levy
Other Questions
Types of publications
Reaching out to reporters
Prework vs scaffolding
Taught by
Stanford Online
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It's an excellent course and clever lecturer I get to alot of information and i will tell who is interest in PR to listen this course
The session emphasizes that PR should be an integral part of your startup’s overall strategy, not a secondary consideration. By understanding its strategic importance and learning how to manage it effectively, you can enhance your startup’s visibility and reputation in a competitive market.
It was very informative and interesting. I suggest all people who study in this field to watch this course and try to learn its useful tips