Free Online Learning Due to Coronavirus
Organizations worldwide are reacting to the pandemic by offering free online learning resources. Here’s a full list.
In response to the pandemic and isolation measures put in place in most countries, course providers are offering learning content for free or at a heavily discounted price. On this page, Class Central keeps track of these offers.
We’ll update the list as new offers appear. As of June 1, we’ve spent over 35 hours maintaining this list. Each offer — whether found online, sent by a colleague, or shared by a reader — has been verified. When available, an expiry date was included.
If you know about more offers or notice an error in the list, please let us know in the comments.
And if you don’t find what you need here, have a look at Class Central’s catalog of over 50,000 online courses, or check out other thematic lists:
- Massive List of Thousands of Free Certificates and Badges
- 1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely Free
- 350+ Hours of Free LinkedIn Learning Courses with Free Certification
Free Courses about COVID-19
As coronavirus spread, universities started launching free online courses about the pandemic. You can find the full course list here and a selection of courses below.
- Harvard: Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19
- Stanford: CS472 Data science and AI for COVID-19
- Imperial: Science Matters: Let’s Talk About COVID-19
- Johns Hopkins: Fighting COVID-19 with Epidemiology
- Toronto: Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19
- [Added: April 8 – Expires: December 31] 115 Free Certificate Online Courses: Includes certificate courses from universities such as Duke, Caltech, and Georgia Tech. These normally cost about $50 each. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: July 1 – Expires: March 31, 2021] 250+ Hours of LinkedIn Learning Free Content: Includes programs in software development, data analysis, and business. A subscription normally costs $30 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 8] 100 Free Certificate Courses: Includes courses from institutions such as King’s College, University of Edinburgh, and Monash University. These certificates normally cost $30 to $85 each. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 19] 35 Free Certificate Courses: Includes a wide variety of certificate courses from Australian universities. These certificates normally cost $30 to $85 each. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 8] 2-Month Free Trial: Includes 2,000+ online courses in tech, business, and art. A subscription normally costs $15 per month. Requires signing up with credit card or PayPal, so don’t forget to cancel in time.
- [Added: April 8] 600+ Free Online Courses: Includes courses in tech, leadership, and language. Requires simple sign-up.
Great Learning
- [Added: May 9] 70+ Free Certificate Courses: Includes courses on a wide variety of subjects such as artificial intelligence, data science, programming, and marketing. Requires a phone number to sign up, but it’s not verified.
- [Added: May 2] 19 Free Tech Programs: Includes programs in data science, programming, web development, and management. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 27] 20+ Hours of Free Documentaries: Includes documentaries about nature, politics, society, and design. Doesn’t require sign-up.
Redis University
- [Added: April 24] 60+ Hours of Free Redis Courses: Includes courses from Redis fundamentals to how to pair Redis with Java or JavaScript to create full apps. These are always free, but only temporarily available. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 27] 8 Free Certificate Courses: Includes courses on subjects such as computer science, data science, and blockchain. Almost all courses are in German. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 29] 200+ Free Tech Courses: Includes courses on SAP software, computer science, and technology in general. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 19] 1-Month Free Data Science Courses: Includes programs in AI and machine learning, data curation, and advanced analytics. These normally cost $1295 per year each. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: May 2] 100+ Free Live Training Sessions: Includes short webinars on a wide variety of topics to upskill and reskill. These are offered on a “pay what you want” basis, so you may take them for free. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: June 20] Free Azure Training & Certification: Includes full-day webinars to learn Microsoft Azure basics as well as a voucher for a certification exam. The certification normally costs $100.
- [Added: April 11] 100+ Free IBM Training Courses: Includes courses about IBM’s Cloud and Watson platforms, and professional development in general. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 10] Free Oracle Cloud and Databases Training: Offers 50+ hours worth of educational material for Oracle’s cloud infrastructure and autonomous databases. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 10] 15 Free Tech Short Online Courses: Includes hands-on courses covering notably Python, JavaScript, and SQL. A subscription normally costs $10 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
Product School
- [Added: April 13] 10+ Hours of Free Product Management Courses: Includes a course on digital products and another on career development. These normally cost $2000 and $1000 respectively. Requires simple sign up.
Project Management Institute (PMI)
- [Added: April 18] 10+ Hours of Project Management Courses: Includes various resources, most notably, free online courses. A subscription normally costs $129 per year. Requires simple sign-up. I couldn’t register with Chrome, but Firefox worked.
Young Screenwriters
- [Added: April 27] Free Screenwriting Course: Covers the fundamentals of screenwriting. The course normally costs $120. Requires simple sign-up.
Real Python
- [Added: April 13] 4 Free Python Short Courses: Includes courses covering notably functional programming and face detection in Python. A subscription normally costs $20 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 27] Free Raspberry Pi Course: Covers the fundamentals of Raspberry Pi through a couple of mini-projects. The course normally costs $95. Requires signing up and having a Raspberry Pi and some components on hand.
- [Added: April 22] 2-Month Free Trial: Includes 1000+ arts and crafts online classes. A subscription normally costs $8 per month. Requires signing up with a credit card or PayPal, so don’t forget to cancel in time.
Milk Street
- [Added: April 13] 10+ Free Cooking Classes: Includes access to online classes covering cooking fundamentals as well as specific recipes. A subscription normally costs $20 per year. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 10] Free Tech Workshops: Includes access to practical online courses covering notably Python, JavaScript, and PHP. Requires simple sign-up.
Annual Reviews
- [Added: April 20] Free Full Platform Access: Hosts a collection of journals dedicated to disciplines ranging from anthropology to virology. Doesn’t require sign-up.
- [Added: August 3 – Expires: December 31] Free Full Platform Access: Offers 26 journals dedicated to public health and a selection of 6000 free articles related to COVID-19. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 10] Free Full Platform Access: Offers 350+ hours worth of educational content about the Unity game engine. A subscription normally costs $15 per month. Requires simple sign-up. Update: Initially, the offer was supposed to last three months. But it’s now become permanently free.
- [Added: May 18 – Expires: December 31] 20+ Free Cybersecurity Courses: Cover topics such as public cloud security, enterprise firewalls, and user authentication. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 24] 20-Hours of Free Elastic Courses: Includes a series of courses on various aspects of the Elastic Stack. These normally cost $200 each. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: May 13] Free Full Platform Access: Includes courses about reactive systems design and explores technologies such as Scala and Akka. Requires simple sign-up.
Osherove Bundle
- [Added: May 9] 11 Free Development Courses: Includes courses on various facets of software development such as unit testing and continuous delivery. Requires simple sign-up.
Lists Curated by Class Central
- 100+ Free University Courses to Learn a New Language
- 500 Free Computer Science Courses from the World’s Top CS Universities
- 1400+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely Free
- 30 Actionable Hacks to Help You Learn
Expired Offers
365 Data Science
- [Added: April 10 – Expired: April 15] Free Full Platform Access: Offers 100+ hours of video lessons to learn data science. A subscription normally costs $36 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
Vue Mastery
- [Added: April 10 – Expired: April 19] 1-Week Free Full Platform Access: Offers 20+ hours of video lessons to learn the JavaScript framework Vue.js. A subscription normally costs $19 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 10 – Expired: April 20] Free Full Platform Access: Offers 100+ hours worth of educational content to learn SQL. A subscription normally costs $39 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 15 – Expired: April 30] 1-Month Full Library Access: Includes millions of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines. A subscription normally costs $9 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 13 – Expired: April 30] 20+ Free Photography Short Courses: Includes courses in photography, Photoshop, and Lightroom. A subscription normally costs $10 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 10 – Expired: April 30] 6 Free Tech E-Books: Includes e-books about Python, JavaScript, and HTML5 & CSS. These normally cost about $30 each. Requires simple sign-up.
The Linux Foundation
- [Added: April 20 – Expired: April 30] 500 Linux Training & Certification Scholarships: May lead to a free spot in one of the Linux Foundation’s training programs and certification exams. These normally cost between $300 and $3250. Requires submitting an application.
Humble Bundle
- [Added: April 15 – Expired: May 3] $1000 worth of AI & Machine Learning E-Books for $15: Includes e-books on all facets of artificial intelligence and machine learning. From $1 for 3 e-books to $15 for 19 e-books.
- [Added: May 5 – Expired: May 25] $700 worth of O’Reilly Programming E-Books for $15: Includes e-books on JavaScript, Java, Elasticsearch, and Hadoop. From $1 for 5 e-books to $14 for 15 e-books.
- [Added: May 26 – Expired: June 1] $375 worth of Python Programming E-Books for $13.5: Includes a wide variety of e-books on Python programming covering topics such as Python basics, game development, and cryptography. From $1 for 4 e-books to $13.5 for 13 e-books.
Penn State
- [Added: April 18 – Expired: May 10] 55 Free Online Courses: Includes courses about wildlife, farming practices, and business. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 15 – Expired: May 10] 10,000 Cloud Scholarships: May lead to a free spot in Udacity’s upcoming Hybrid Cloud Nanodegree. Although not related to the pandemic, applications happen to be currently open. Requires signing up and submitting an application.
- [Added: June 11 – Expired: June 30] 300 Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Scholarships: May lead to a free spot in Udacity’s upcoming Machine Learning with Microsoft Azure Nanodegree. Nanodegrees normally cost $399 per month. Requires submitting an application and going through a selection process.
- [Added: April 15 – Expired: July 8] 1-Month Free Nanodegree: Includes programs in AI, programming, and autonomous systems. These normally cost $400 per month each. Requires signing up with credit card or PayPal, so don’t forget to cancel in time. Unfortunately only valid in the North America and Europe.
⚠️ Update (April 21): Several on our team have noticed that Udacity changed its cancellation process. Instead of a few clicks, cancelling now requires exchanging emails. Udacity state they might take several days to respond. So if you decide to use this offer, keep in mind that cancelling might not be straightforward. - [Added: June 11 – Expired: July 31] 325 AWS Machine Learning Scholarships: May lead to a free spot in Udacity’s Machine Learning Nanodegree. Nanodegrees normally cost $399 per month. Requires submitting an application and going through a selection process.
- [Added: October 11 – Expired: November 16] 15,000 Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship: May lead to a free spot in a Udacity Nanodegree about Azure development, business analytics, or AI product management. Nanodegrees normally cost $399 per month. Requires submitting an application and going through a selection process.
- [Added: May 9 – Expired] 3-Week Free Platform Access: Includes resources on a wide variety of medical subjects. A subscription normally costs $200 per year. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 10 – Expired: May 15] Free Oracle Cloud and Databases Certifications: Offers 6 certification exams for Oracle’s cloud infrastructure and autonomous databases. Most of these certifications normally cost $245. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 13 – Expired: May 24] 20+ Free Creative Online Courses: Includes courses in drawing, photography, and design. These normally cost about $10 each. Doesn’t require sign-up.
Coding Blocks
- [Added: April 18 – Expired: May 21] 15+ Hours Free Competitive Programming Course: Covers various algorithms and coding competitions. The course normally costs $13. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 13 – Expired: May 27] 3-Month Data Analyst Scholarship: Includes access to the data analyst path in Python or R. A subscription normally costs $29 per month. Requires signing up and applying for a scholarship.
EduCode Academy
- [Added: April 24 – Expired: May 31] 2-Month Full Platform Access: Includes interactive courses to help kids, teens, and young adults learn how to program. A subscription normally costs about $15 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
XYZ Coding
- [Added: April 19 – Expired: June 1] 1-Month Free Trial: Includes courses to become a full-stack developer by learning about front-end, databases, Python, and Django. A subscription normally costs $10 per month. Requires signing up with credit card, so don’t forget to cancel in time.
- [Added: April 8 – Expires: May 31] 10 Free Photography Short Online Courses: Includes courses on photography fundamentals from domain experts. These normally costs about $40 each. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 13 – Expired: May 31] 50+ Free Tech Online Courses: Includes gamified courses in programming, web development, and blockchain. These normally cost $10 to $15 each. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 8 – Expired: May 31] 1-Month Free Trial to Google Cloud Training: Includes online courses via Coursera Specializations or Pluralsight Paths. Coursera Specializations, for instance, normally cost $49 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 11 – Expires: May 31] 1000+ Free Photography Short Courses: Includes courses from photography fundamentals to how to build a photography business. A subscription normally costs about $15 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 20 – Expired: May 31] Free Full Platform Access: Hosts academic articles and journals published by the American Institute of Physics. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 10 – Expired: June 1] Free Intro to Autopsy (Digital Forensics Software): Includes 8 hours of video lessons. The course normally costs $495. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: June 3 – Expired: June 12] 40+ Free Guide Projects: Includes projects in computer science, data science, and business. These normally cost about $10 each. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 18] Free Guitar Lessons: Includes guitar (acoustic or electric), bass, and ukulele video lessons. A subscription normally costs $10 per month. Requires simple sign-up. Unfortunately only valid in certain countries.
Virginia Wesleyan University
- [Added: June 23 – Expired: June 30] 10 Free Online Courses: Includes courses on web development fundamentals, management, and marketing. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 18 – Expired: June 30] 150+ Hours of Free Courses: Includes tracks for learning Java, Kotlin, Python, and web development. Requires simple sign-up. Although not related to the pandemic, the platform happens to temporarily be in free early access.
General Assembly
- [Added: May 2 – Expired: June 30] 20+ Free Live Workshops: Includes workshops to learn marketing, programming, and data science. These normally cost $60 to $200 each. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 12 – Expired: June 30] 3-Month Free Tableau Training: Includes courses exploring all facets of the data science software Tableau. A subscription normally costs $15 per month. Requires simple sign up.
- [Added: May 24 – Expired: June 30] 1-Month Free Jira Training: Includes courses exploring all facets of the issue tracking software Jira. These normally cost about $300 each. Requires simple sign up.
Moz Academy
- [Added: April 11 – Expired: June 30] 25+ Free SEO Courses: Includes courses exploring all aspects of search engine optimization. These normally cost $50 to $200 each. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 22 – Expired: June 30] 3-Month Free Trial: Includes 400+ hours of courses to learn music production. A subscription normally costs about $12 per month. Requires signing up with a credit card or PayPal, so don’t forget to cancel in time.
ACM Digital Library
- [Added: April 20 – Expired: June 30] Free Full Platform Access: Hosts articles, magazines and conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery. Doesn’t require sign-up.
Internet Archive
- [Added: April 15 – Expired: June 16] 1.3 Million E-Books with Instant Access: Includes a wide collection of digitized books with a focus on 20th century literature. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: May 9 – Expired: July 13] 3-Month Free Access: Includes audio-lesson on meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation. A subscription normally costs $70 per year. Requires simple sign-up.
Harvard Business Publishing
- [Added: May 26 – Expires: July 15] 10+ Hours of Management Training: Covers subjects such as crisis and change management, global collaboration, and stress mitigation. A subscription normally costs $125 per year. Requires simple sign-up.
Rosetta Stone
- [Added: April 10 – Expired: August 1] 3 Months of Free Language Learning: Includes languages such as English, Spanish, and French. A subscription normally costs $12 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: July 23 – Expired: July 27] 1-Week Free Data Analyst Program: Covers introductory programming in R. A subscription normally costs $29 per month. Requires simple sign up.
- [Added: June 29 – Expired: July 31] 30 Free Certificate Courses: Includes courses on a wide variety of subjects such as business, communication, and psychology. Requires simple sign-up.
App Brewery
- [Added: April 18 – Expired: August 9] 10+ Hours Free App Development Course: Covers app development in Flutter using the Dart programming language. The course normally costs $12. Requires simple sign-up.
Le Wagon
- [Added: May 13 – Expired: August 31] 20+ Hour Free Web Development Course: Covers the fundamentals of HTML and CSS, and walks you through each step of the creation of a website. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: July 18 – Expired: August 1] 9 Free Certificate Tech Courses: Includes courses on cybersecurity, Linux, and Microsoft fundamentals. A subscription normally costs $39 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: May 2 – Expired: August 31] Free Cybersecurity Program: Provides a holistic view of modern network security. The program normally costs about $600. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 11 – Expired: August 31] 10+ Hours of Free Piano Lessons: Includes access to video lessons about piano fundamentals as well as live practice sessions. A subscription normally costs $17 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: May 9 – Expired: August 31] 500+ Free E-Books: Includes e-books on subjects such as nature, machine learning, and data science. Doesn’t Requires sign-up.
- [Added: May 15 – Expires: September 9] 1-Week Free Full Access: Includes over 300 certificate courses exploring languages such as R and Python and diving into subjects such as machine learning and database management. A subscription normally costs $25 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: October 14 – Expired: October 18] 1-Week Free Full Platform Access: Includes courses in programming, machine learning, and cybersecurity. A subscription normally costs $29 per month. Requires simple sign-up.
- [Added: April 29] Front-End Development Scholarship: Covers the fundamentals of front-end web development, from HTML and CSS to JavaScript, through an interactive approach. This course series normally costs $117. Requires signing up and claiming a scholarship.
- [Added: June 21] 1000 Machine Learning Engineer Scholarship: Covers machine learning fundamentals as well as machine learning applications such as image recognition and natural language processing. This course series normally costs $199. Requires signing up and claiming a scholarship.
- [Added: April 18] 3-Hour Free React Course: Covers React development through a project-based approach. The course normally costs $199. Requires simple sign-up.

Rui Ma

Great! thank you for updating. This time is to share the common difficulties and encourage the social distancing.
Mohd Gouse
Iam thankful to all learning universities authorities to provide free learning courses as I can’t afford such highly expensive courses and this is the same reason that unable to take any computer course after my computer science enginearing
Kirby Perez
How about site? Are those courses free? And they provide certificate after completion?
Raghuram Mogallapu
The best inputs given by the MOOCS
Massive open online courses.
Without giving halt for skills enlightenment,
Pragmatic mode of Courses.
Live projects,
Case studies oriented courses designed for the all domains ,streams.
Is the Stanford course about covid-19 and ai really free? I can’t access it. When I click on the link, just the description appears.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks for the heads up. I assumed the learning material would be made available once the course started on April 10th (yesterday), but that doesn’t seem to be the case so far. So I’ll remove it for now and add it back if they do share the material.
Update (April 12): We reached out to Stanford’s course staff. They say they’ll release all course materials to the public “very soon”. We’ll keep checking the course page and add it back to the list once the materials have been released.
Update (April 18): They’ve now released the first video lesson and slides.
Hi guys
Amazing thanks to all your efforts for consolidating these amazing courses.
I wished to share about the Fender Play that is giving away 3 months as free for learning, guitar, uke and other stringed instruments.
If you’d like maybe you could add em’
Manoel Cortes Mendez
I left that one out because it seems to be region restricted, and even with a VPN, I couldn’t manage to get the promo code. I’m trying to stick to offers that are widely available. But thanks for the suggestion.
Update: Managed to get the promo code. The problem turned out to be related to my ad blocker. So I’ve added the offer to the list.
This is helpful, thank you for updating!!
I have question about those free certificates on Coursera: Can I apply for more than one course for free certificate?
Thank you,
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Yes. I just tried it with two courses on the list. I was able to register to both for free.
Kousik R
u can apply for all 85 mooc’s
Eric Hrahsel
Thanks. keep updating if there is any course on archaeology too.
Eric Hrahsel
It’s also worth noting that WHO gives free certificate on its short health courses too. Pls add them in the lost for other people.
P. Johnathn
Do you have a link?
Manoel Cortes Mendez
We’ve included WHO courses in our COVID-19 course list:
There are also some resources made available on AMBOSS about COVID-19:
earn free certificate
Career Edge – Knockdown the Lockdown
Offered By TCS digital learning hub
please mention it
It says You don’t have permission to access “” on this server
Pravinkumar More
No brother… I am being doing those courses almost since a month and am being earning the brand certificates of TCSion addictively..
Please try again.. the only small problem i faced was that my name of my initial certificates was printed a bit incorrectly as i have logged in using facebook and wasnt able to change anything in the TCSion’s app but to handle i have change my short name on facebook to complete name .
Please try again and i am sure you will get through.
bro i’m stucked AT module 3
progress bar 92%
so can’t access asssessment
what to do
Thank you all very much for these offers. It gives one the opportunity to shift focus and start thinking about the future as opposed to the current crisis.
go through this link also
it’s very helpful
Gnana Sekhar
Thank you for preparing content. It’s useful lot.
Timothy B Mowery
I am a nurse and who is weak in my nursing documentation. Does anyone know of any current Nursing Documentation courses available? It seams to me that something like this would be very beneficial to both seasoned nurses like me as well as student nurses.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
I don’t know about nursing documentation specifically, but you can find some nursing courses here:
Ashley Zappe
There isn’t anything on the Microsoft website for free vouchers for the Azure test. Digging into it, it looks like you have to attend a free training and from there they might give out a voucher for the exam?
If you have any other info on how to do this, please reply. thanks.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
That’s it. You need to register and participate in the full-day free webinar, and you’ll receive a free voucher for the corresponding certification exam.
I suggest registering quickly. Almost all webinars are full.
Cant find any information on the Microsoft link and the Free Azure Training & Certification course?
Can anyone help? Thanks.
Yes, Even I don’t find any link for registration.
Can some one please help ?
Manoel Cortes Mendez
It seems the first webinar is now full. But there are more sessions. I’ve updated the link.
Link to webinars
Update: They’re all full now, so I marked this offer as expired.
Thapa Priti
Hello classcentral Team:
This course on “Fundraising in the Time of the Coronavirus” by Philantropia is great for NGOs. >
Alfred Michael Adeyemi Jones
Thank you for this great offer for keeping us still in the field of academic. As we will use this to stay positive and keep learning new things.
Thank you very much! This is awesome. Just a suggestion, could you show the updated date and maybe put the content in a specific section or just order it by “new deals”.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks for the suggestion. I added labels with the dates.
thank you very much!
The Microsoft Azure Certification Voucher is not accessible?
Is it only the training that is free?
Please update me
Thanks for the awesome work
Manoel Cortes Mendez
The first webinar seems to be full, so they started redirecting to a different page. But there will be more sessions:
Link to webinars
Aadil Feroze
Thanks, the next one is on May 12th
I attended the full day webinar on Azure Fundamentals on 21st of April and I did not receive any certification voucher. Is there anyone else in this situation?
Thanks 🙂
Aftad Zaman
It takes a couple of days. Have you received it now? I believe they also check if you are present.
Hi, the DataQuest subscription is until April 17th, I think that is good to write it in the description. Thanks!
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Added. Thanks
This is helpful, thank you for updating!!
I have question about what are the qualifications required to approach these courses?? Can I approach these courses after the 12th class??
Thank you
Thinam Tamang
I have recently started learning from Plural -sight . Is this offer valid for only one month??
Eric Hrahsel
Thank you for more sources.
Sanjay S
For Udacity, Can I use VPN to access its free nanodegree?
Eric Hrahsel
Thanks for notifying about the new futurelearn courses.
Thank you so much!
Redis just announced free self paced classes, available until May 12th: (registration required)
Classes include:
RU101: Introduction to Redis Data Structures
For those new to Redis, this course offers a thorough introduction to Redis and its data structures.
RU202: Redis Streams
A logical continuation to RU101, the Redis Streams course covers the most sophisticated Redis data structure: Streams.
RU201: RediSearch
In RU201, you’ll learn all about full-text indexing in Redis using the RediSearch module.
RU102J: Redis for Java Developers
Write a full-fledged application with Java and Redis! This language course describes many of the patterns you’ll use to write efficient Java code against Redis.
RU102JS: Redis for JavaScript Developers
This course takes a similar approach to RU102J, but is for developers wishing to learn more about best practices for using Redis in Node.js applications.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Project Management Institute (PMI)
[Added: April 18] 10+ Hours of Project Management Courses: Includes various resources, most notably, free online courses. A subscription normally costs $129 per year. Requires simple sign-up. I couldn’t register with Chrome, but Firefox worked.
Please advice on this as i couldn’t see any free online courses while visiting the sites. Ty
Manoel Cortes Mendez
They are listed right there, under “Free Resources.” The first free course is called “Business Continuity”; the second, “Project Management for Beginners”; etc.
The domestika platform announced free courses but it is pricing them only with a 75% discount. The free courses advertised cost 9.90 euro. Is nice price, but it is not free as they say. Could you please correct the post?
Best regards,
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Just checked. The courses are still free. They didn’t bother removing the price from the right sidebar, but the learning content is “unlocked.”
Lawrence S Riddick
I am a retired individual who has been quarantined and with fixed income. I want take courses in programming and languages. What do you recommend?
J. Jo
Hello, Mr. Reddick, I am not a moderator, but I have tried the Rosetta class and I am enjoying it. You can choose from many different languages. It is for students, but you can probably just put in the name of a local k-12 school. Good Luck!
OpenHPI also just announced free courses with exam & certificate
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Added. Thanks.
Hi, I cant access to free Oracle certificantion.. how can I do it?
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Simply follow the instructions on Oracle’s announcement. The certification price will be discounted at checkout, right after picking a time slot for your certification exam. I just tried it, and it still works for me.
You may see the message above the login page as “your current session for Oracle certification is no longer valid. ”
In this case, you might not see the free voucher applied.
Please use incognito mode to register for the certification exam.
I can’t find the Producertech promotion (3-month free trial). Maybe it is expired, I do not know.
Please, disregard my comment. I just found it. Thanks.
Linux Foundation courses doesn’t seem to be free. Please check and reply ASAP.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
It’s a scholarship. So you need to apply. If selected, the course and/or certification exam will be free. I’ve updated the description to make this clearer.
Muhammad Zawawi Bin Manja
Thanks !!
Mehtab Hussain Araeen
Thanks for compiling and sharing useful database. Because of your efforts, I have taken admission in some course of interest on coursera, futurelearn and most importantly Penn State…. Thanks a lot… Please Keep updating, so that more and more opportunities could be revealed …..
A lot of good content.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Covid Scholarship by Educative offers free access to the learning track Become a Frontend Developer, worth over $115 –
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thank you. Added.
Hiya! The Milk Street cooking courses are free until the end of May (and really fun!) 🙂
I really appreciate this list! But I think some in this list are promoting courses that had already been offered for free (before the Coronavirus). I’m surprised that a large nonprofit isn’t offering anything other than its regular trial subscription.
Simon Rongdi
First of all, I like to thank you. Can you find any free course in Textile or Merchandising !!
Can you please add below 2 courses to the above mentioned list as well:-
1. Autopsy Digital Forensics Tool – Free till 15th May 2020
2. Charles Sturt University Short Courses – Available across the year and gives a glimpse few major topics that the university offers.
Abhi Land
Hi, I have been following some project management courses at the Charles Sturt University short courses. I wanted to ask if they are still issuing certificates post passing the exam?
Bibek Kumar Shrestha
Can you share the link for the free courses from Charles Sturt University?
Daniel Lerch
Thanks for this great round-up! Please add Post Carbon Institute’s online “Think Resilience” course , which is now free during the coronavirus shutdown:
Post Carbon Institute
[Added: March 27 – Expires: June 20] Free Community Resilience Course ( Explores the drivers of modern industrial society’s sustainability crisis, and community-level resilience as a way to respond. Video subtitles available in Spanish and French. The course normally costs $20. Requires simple sign-up.
This is a great course. I got my certificate.
Rosetta Stone offer is only for K-12 students. If you are an adult then you are directed to a Free 3-day trial offer.
Ankit Purohit
For Coursera, Deadline changed from 31st May to 31st July. Kindly update.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Done. Thanks.
There is one more Global Project Management company that provides online PMP training & courses conducted in flexible batches via Webex or GotoMeeting by highly qualified instructors.
Hope this helps.
Henrique Gomes
I went for the promo stated in this link ( I was imediately charged with 782 euros!!!! I’ve requested a reimbursement immediately and have not received any relevant reply other than ” We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding. Hang tight!” Are they joking!? Even if the promo did not exist, as per this link ( ) I am entitled to a full reimbursement (I have requested it 5 minutes after starting the course). Obviously I donot recommend anyone to use udacity unless you want to be scammed by a company without any sense of morality.
You know my budget, depending on free courses but I can say Thank You. Your list is very comprehensive and it really helps me build some skills to hopefully escape unemployment. Thanks a lot!
Arup ratan Malakar
That’s great suggestions. Helpfull for us. During this Corona virus shutdown.
Update on Milk Street, the site says expires May31, not April 30.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
They extended it. I updated. Thanks.
Coding Blocks
[Added: April 18 – Expires: April 30]
The temporarily free courses for April are still free to enrol in May as it looks. The other courses are 50% off with a code a banner on site says.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Updated. Thanks.
Springer frees access to a range of essential textbooks from all disciplines on account of the Coronovirus.
Still Microsoft provide free certifications or just or just training is free?
Please reply me.
Thank you,
Manoel Cortes Mendez
It was both: you had to attend a full-day webinar, and at the end of day, you’d get a free voucher to pass a certification exam. But it appears all webinars are full. So I’ll mark the offer as expired.
Eric Hrahsel
There are free courses from xuetangx too. Pls add them.
Have you been able to the PMI course of Project Management for Beginners?
Because currently. i already register to the website but cannot buy the course. I’m stuck with place order.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Just tried again. Still works for me. I did get stuck at one point: a button was unresponsive. I added a billing address (even though the amount was $0), and that solved the issue.
Kirby Perez
Do they provide certificates after completing the course?
I’m currently still undergoing the course. But it has not mentioned certificate anywhere. Perhaps Manoel could further clarify
ICSI is offering Certified Network Security Specialist Course for free.
Use coupon code #StaySafeHome during checkout to claim your free access.
More at
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
The offering at Redis University has been extended to May 21, FYI.
“Course Extended to May 21st 2020
We’re pleased to announce that this course run has been extended!
You now have until 17:00 UTC on May 21st 2020 to complete all of your homework assignments and final exam questions.
Good luck!”
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Updated.
Osherove TDD COVID ALL-IN Free Learning Bundle
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Oracle seems to have opened up new slots for its certifications. In my account, I am able to see available dates ranging from June 15 to August 15. Can you please check and update accordingly?
The Osherove Bundle link is taking to Elastic training page
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Fixed.
The link to Osherove bundle seems to be incorrect. The current link is directing to elastic training.
Here is the correct link:
Is the ‘Calm’ app offer applicable for already existing free account subscribers?
Manoel Cortes Mendez
I already had a free account and was still able to redeem the offer.
Thanks guys, so all the mentioned courses are valid till today i.e to say 11th May,2020.
Is there any updated link?
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Assuming you’re referring to Coursera, the certificates will be free until July 31.
Amid COVID-19, Alteryx has developed a monthlong curriculum that’s essentially an intensive crash course in data science, offered through partner Udacity. The course is free to both new graduates, as well as those who have been displaced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lightbend academy has opened up their courses to the general public till June 30th.
Below is the link to the registration page:
Good stuff!
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Nyemitei Odjidja
A thousand thanks for this wealth of information. I can’t enumerate the number of free courses from top institutions that I have taken since I discovered Class Central. Grateful!!!
Honoris United Universities, the pan-African network of private higher education institutions, has joined forces with the internationally acclaimed coding bootcamp, Le Wagon, to provide a free online web development course as the network integrates coding as a skill into its employability ecosystem. Access and registration to the free online course is at and available until the end of August 2020.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Ram Chandra Giri
Looks like for only African countries in the required Country field.
Ajay Kumar
Please provide the e- certified course link only which after completion they will provide the e-certificate.
Progate’s offer has expired. Since this list is titled “Free Online Learning”, I think that discount offers should be moved to another list.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Just tried it again. I’m still able to sign up and take their courses. Many offers have remained available past their supposed expiration date.
Mesona Jelly
Fortinet Offers Free Cybersecurity Training
“Fortinet has made all its online training programs free for the remainder of 2020”
Does educative and product school provide certificate of completion or not ?
And , you guys have really done a great work providing all this information in one place.
Keep up the good work
No they don’t provide Certificate
Foko Valdes
The current link to access PMI free courses is
Old link given on this site doesn’t work anymore
Datacamp is offering unlimited access to their platform for free through May 22nd.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Kartikeya Tiwari
Thank you very much for creating and maintaining this list.
I have learned so many things because of this list. Kudos to class central.
Please note this offer from Datacamp:
Free all week! Unlimited access to DataCamp
Everyone should have the opportunity to hone their data skills and future-proof their career.
Through May 22, anyone anywhere can enjoy everything Datacamp has to offer—unlimited courses, tracks, skill assessments, and more.
As unexpired offers become fewer, please add all of the offers that are being contributed by commenters. I really appreciate your updates!
Nipun Gogineni
Fortinet is providing all access to it’s NSE training. Which usually costs around 1500-2000$ for each course. All NSE levels are now self spaced training available for free until end of December 2020.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Thanks a lot for these info. For Moz Academy, free access to the courses would be available until 25 September 2020 (that’s according to their email to me), provided that people sign up by 31 May 2020.
Free 6 Month Access to VMWare Learning Zone Premium.
Can register from now to Nov 6.
Stanford Security
Enroll in this course before June 30, 2020, and you will automatically receive 150 days to access course materials, video lectures, assignments, and exams, rather than the standard 60-day access period.
Thank you!
CompTIA free course for ITF+ Certification Training. Free for 30 days. Worth $179
Kwadwo Amo-Addai
This link doesn’t seem to work please.
Free JIRA training during May.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Added. Thanks.
Pranav Ravani
Wrong URL is provided for Atlassian link.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Fixed. Thanks.
Thanks for summarizing this.
I read about Dataquest from here. I applied immediately and got the scholarship.
It seems that they are now opening the second round of the scholarship. You might want to check their website and update the above info.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Re-added. Thanks.
Thanks for this wonderful compilation.
Coding Blocks stopped working on May 24 instead of May 31, and they’re suggesting me to take another course in C++ instead, with no mention of “free”, “covid”, etc.
Low quality behaviour usually goes with low quality content.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Marked it “expired.” Thanks.
Thank you for making such a great and comprehensive list of all MOOCs!!
Could someone please help me how I can find which of these courses offer free certifications?
Free Verified Certificate. This course is completely free, including the Verified Certificate! We are offering cost-free access to upgrade with this coupon code, which expires September 1, 2020: Y5ZADM5NU2AN5JU7
How to Learn Online
Welcome Learners!
As the world comes together in response to the Coronavirus pandemic and to mitigate the spread of the virus, learners are needing to navigate new ways of meeting their education goals. edX is offering this free course to help learners prepare for remote and online learning.
If you choose to forgo using the coupon code when upgrading to the Verified Certificate, please know that your purchase helps edX…
tested and coupon works, thank you 🙂
Mehtab Hussain
The code still works!
Hello, Atlassian’s website says it’s “free through the end of June 2020”. They might have updated it. Please update it in the list.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Fixed. Thanks.
Rupanshu Shah
Coursera is offering free Guided Projects!
In *Data Science*, *Business*, and *Computer Science & IT*
And with a Certificate!
One-Time use only.
Valid till 12th June 2020
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Eric Hrahsel
Coursera is offering one free project guided course for one user through june
Mohit Mathur
The Packt Free Workshop Access offer has been extended till July 31st, 2020.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Updated.
Bharati Thakur
Lot of research work is done as I also got aquainted by some of the links through which I could also update myself. Children can achieve their goal in an effective way.
Does Harvard Business Publishing course on 10+ Hours of Management Training offer any completion certificate
Labid Bin Bashar
It seems that Packt has increased the free enrollment to the workshops up to July.
Colin K.
Has anyone been able to complete any of the free courses offered by PMI? I can’t actually view the content of the course even though I successfully registered.
Hello Colin, I could able to complete the course. To access the course post registration, please log in to PMI portal > click on your profile name at top right corner > dashboard > Scroll down to Knowledge resources at bottom right > Click on e-learning and access the registered courses.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
I just tested it again. Works for me. After registering for an account and “purchasing” the course for free, I accessed the material from the link in the confirmation email:
Sign in > click course name > click course section > click “Open item”
Sameer’s approach above also worked.
There are interesting and original free courses, in my opinion:
Please add a Date on the top of the article declaring when the article was last updated!
It is easier to check whether there are any new entries.
Also, if you can, please highlight the newly added in some color like red, green ;
Thank you
Pushpendra Pandya
Hello, you both kindhearted souls!
Although I discovered this list now. I can only how much efforts have been put to compile this free courses and important resources during crisis of lockdown.
Thank you.
Best wishes.
Hi. I have completed a course on Future Learn but I haven’t received any certificate. Do you know what I have to do?
I choose one of the courses of the list.
Mehtab Hussain
It is highly unlikely. There is one possibility. On futurelearn, You have to click complete button after every article you read and every video you watched. May be you did not click that button? Go back and click complete button after each section
Milot Rashica
Classcentral has sadly become quite uninterested in this. They aren’t putting anything new.
Its not that there is nothing new.
There are free courses coming up every now and then, but Classcentral doesn’t seem interested.
At most, what they do is putting up courses brought to light by comments.
Nothing More.
They’ve become lethargic and slothful.
So Sad.
And I believe this comment is not even going to make it to the comments section..
Manoel Cortes Mendez
As confinement measures are being relaxed, companies are sharing fewer resources, and it’s becoming increasingly tricky to expand this article.
If you do have links, feel free to share them. This comment section is also a living catalog of resources.
Abdelmajid MOUSSAOUI
can you add this
According to its FAQ, upGrad has removed the expiry of its offer but the free courses still have a set duration. has voluntary pricing. Do you have lists for providers that offer free courses and for providers that offer voluntary pricing? Thanks!
Will there be any extension for data science guide project courses from Coursera in near future?
This course is no longer available:
[Added: June 11 – Expires: June 25] Free Azure Training & Certification: Includes full-day webinars to learn Microsoft Azure basics as well as a voucher for a certification exam. The certification normally costs $100.
only in the French version:
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Microsoft’s Azure webinars keep filling up. But new ones keep being scheduled. I’ve updated the link. Currently, two sessions have empty seats.
DataGeek is offering free scholarship for 1000 learners with 3 months access to their Machine Learning track.
Here is the link:
Thanks for sharing
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thank you. Added.
Ashley Zappe
Product School says they have never and would never offer free access to their project management programs
Manoel Cortes Mendez
They’ve been offering two project management programs for free because of the pandemic. The coupon code is “LEARNFROMHOME”, but it should already be applied if you follow the links below.
Franco Schivardi
Certiprof SCRUM free certification:
Mehtab Hussain
Virginia Wesleyan University is supporting the community by offering 10 free online courses through June 30. The fully online self-paced tutorials are part of the continuing education offerings through VWU Global Campus and join the University’s other non-credit course options. Students who successfully complete their course(s) will earn a certificate of completion. Enroll by June 30 to get 90-day access to self-paced training and improve your professional skill set—perfect for job seekers, business owners, students, recent graduates, and volunteers. Choose from 24-hour online courses
Address :
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Added. Thanks.
KhushL Vora
Firstly, Thank you very much for creating this list of courses, it has helped me out a lot personally.
Secondly, You might wanna check out this link:
According to this blog, Unity is giving access to it’s premium learning material to everyone who is interested for free, forever.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Updated.
Mehtab Hussain
Well got another link:
Sophia is committed to helping students achieve college success during these challenging and uncertain times. To help students continue their education we are offering free college-level courses in a fresh and fun online learning environment. Now until July 31, register for any of our 30 ACE®-recommended courses like Introduction to Business, Accounting, and Project Management. Courses may be transferred for college credit at many institutions, helping to lower the cost of your degree.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Added. Thanks.
Mehtab Hussain
Here is another link of three courses…. But there is no direct login link… Link is provided in email
Ram Chandra Giri
Progate special access for selected course expired in April 30, only free courses available are Command Line, Git and Go others are locked.
From their website: “Special Access in Response of COVID-19 (Python, SQL, Go, Command Line and Git until 30th April 2020)”
Manoel Cortes Mendez
It says that, but you’re still able to sign up. Just tried it again.
Mehtab Hussain
Welcome back, I am here again with a news… This one is great… Ulster University launches free online courses for workers affected by COVID-19…. These are highly valuable postgraduate courses…. I was interested in learning AI But these are courses for workers affected by COVID-19… So I didn’t apply….
Manoel Cortes Mendez
It is a really nice offer. But as you said, it’s very targeted.
Thanks for sharing in any case.
@Manoel, I’d agree if you comment is referring to this offer’s targeted residency. However, I disagree if your comment is referring to the this offer’s restriction to workers whose jobs have been affected by the pandemic. Most of your list’s offers are intended for workers whose jobs have been affected by the pandemic!
Mehtab Hussain
Here is another link,
In response to the global health crisis,Cvent Announces Free Training and Certification Opportunities for Event and Hospitality Professionals Around the World, through Aug. 31 in different fields of Event management.–100K&utm_content=100K-training-LP&utm_bus=CRCL&utm_prod=CRS&utm_reg=ALL&utm_aud=ALL&utm_ver=ALL&utm_ind=ALL
The free online courses offered by the Open HPI and the open SAP are not available anymore.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
We’re past the expiry date, but the courses are still accessible. Just tested it.
Happens often. I’ll just remove the expiry data.
The calm offer already expired
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Updated.
Calm 3 months is expired FYI
Mehtab Hussain
Cybrary is offering 7 free online courses to promote cybersecurity and IT education
I could not find their official link, but offer is valid….. I have enrolled and completed one course and yes I got the certificate….
Mehtab Hussain
Sorry, I mistakenly pasted wrong link, correct link is
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Added. Thanks.
Here is:
Thanks for the info Mehtab
It seems these courses from cybrary don’t give free certification. I got registered watched all the videos but in order to take assessment i am asked to upgrade to cybrary insider pro to continue. can someone help out
Elizabeth Nichols
Salesforce offers a wide variety of free training at its Trailhead site.
Can you please explain in detail the certification programme of Microsoft azure. There it says online registration has closed. Also, the fundamental courses seems to be not there. Please reply.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
These events keep filling up, but new ones keep being added. Currently, sessions in English are full, but one in Thai isn’t, so I’m keeping the link for now.
KhushL Vora
Just a suggestion, can you just highlight any new course you add for around a week or so, so that we can identify what’s new. Because I have to spend a lot of time scrolling, just to check if something new has been added.
agree. my workaround is to search for ‘july’ on the page until it reaches the expired offers
DataGeek is offering all its R courses free for a week (Jul 20 – Jul 27). Below is the link.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
I think Coursera updated the expiration date to 31/12/20. Thanks for all this info and help.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Updated. Thanks.
Mehtab Hussain
If I am not wrong, Coursera have extended there date Upto December 31st.
That is correct, the expiration date for Coursera free certificate courses should be update to 12/31/20. They have also added a few courses that weren’t available before, the information has been properly updated in the classcentral post:
Jigyasa Kharbanda
Thanks for this article. I have recently learnt that JStor is providing free access to any 100 or so research papers on signing-up. Please check that out, and if suitable, add to this list.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
codecademy is providing free Pro memberships to workers whose jobs were impacted due to COVID-19.
Below is the link:
Rosetta Stone offer seems to have ended. Or is there a promo code?
They do have some very attractive prices promo but that’s all.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Moved to “expired.”
Aashrut Vaghani
App Brewery course is no longer available now. You can update it. Thanks for your informative article.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thank you. Removed it.
Aashrut Vaghani
Hey, I recently found that Packt is giving any paid workshops on for free by applying promocode “THANKYOU2020” at checkout. These paid workshops includes courses related to data science and AI. This promocode is available till 6th september, 2020. We can enroll in as many workshops as we want. Please, update it as soon as possible, so more people can leverage this.
Mehtab Hussain
Thanks, I have applied for AI,, and yes, promo code THANKYOU2020 worked
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Sirani M
Anything like this coming up again?
Aashrut Vaghani
Hey, I found that Microsoft Technical Trainings is giving free voucher to their “Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals” virtual event attendees and there are many events going on day by day. The voucher is for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam (AZ-900). The above “Microsoft free training and certification” you posted is just one part of this “Microsoft Technical Trainings”. User can get the voucher for attending their session.
The link is here:
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Updated our link.
Ram Chandra Giri
Packt has decided to make these workshop free forever.
From Support:
“As most of you know the access to our free programming workshops is meant to expire today. (July 31st)
However…we’ve have decided to keep them free FOREVER!”
The offer from FutureLearn’s Australia collection has expired. But its Schools have free courses at
A Dz
Datacamp has free unlimited access till september 9 !
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Aashrut Vaghani
xyzcoding is providing free course on Full Stack Web Developement and Data structure & Algorithm in Javascript for free.
Here is the link:
Aashrut Vaghani
Packt’s workshop coupon ‘THANKYOU2020’ is expired, but still Its development workshps are free forever.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Updated.
A Dz
Here is a list of free courses with which you can get shareable badges to share on linkedin. Some of them have been announced recently.
1) Oracle
Oracle announced this program recently, on September 1st. You can get a badge for every course you complete.
Go here to begin:
2) IBM
Announced recently, in August. Example given below.
Free course that will prepare you for a certification which is paid but if you don’t do the certification, you can still get shareable badges for posting on resume/linkedin.
Go here to begin:
3) Google
May have always been there. No signs of these courses and badges being released specifically during the pandemic.
Go here to begin:
Mehtab Hussain
Earn a scholarship to learn in-demand Data, AI, and Cloud Computing skills.
A Dz
Thank You !
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
A Dz
The comments are….
Aashrut Vaghani
Sirani M
Yes definitely should be updated!
Eric Hrahsel
Do you know any other website that do?
ERIC Hrahsel
i have made my own free medium page for updating this list. If you want regularly updated list, then, you can come visit and bookmark.
ERIC Hrahsel
i have made my own free medium page for updating this list. If you want regularly updated list, then, you can come visit and bookmark.
Pluralsight is offering free access to all its courses from Oct 12-18, 2020.
Manoel Cortes Mendez
Thanks. Added.
Mehtab Hussain
New promotion by coursera…
Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers subscription form does not clearly says that they are going to automatically charge you. I used it for the a month and then stopped, they continued to charge me 40$ per each month till I noticed it. I’m ok to pay for the first month, but 3 other transactions has to be returned, obviously they do not want to return the money and that fraud practice of steeling people money they call “subscription refund policy”. So be careful with them.
A Dsz
Thanks Roman ! $40 for 3 months is a LOT !
Nikon School Online classes is offered for free once more. Available from 23 November to 31 December. To access them for free, one needs to sign up.
I’m glad that this list is for FREE learning. Until the end of the year, Fender has revived its offer for 3 months of free lessons and 10% off gear at
Vladyslav Diumin
Thanks a lot for publishing all of these materials! Appreciate your work and all you are doing for people by sharing such a useful information! Thanks a lot!
Monica Clayton
You can also check , they provide free resources for software testing
Computer Science
Thanks for summarizing this.
I study approximately Dataquest from right here. I carried out straight away and were given the scholarship.
It seems that they are now starting the second one spherical of the scholarship. You would possibly want to test their website and update the above info.