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University of Groningen

Improving Your Study Techniques

University of Groningen via FutureLearn


Develop effective study skills for life

Learning is a fundamental part of life; many of us continue studying even when we leave formal education. This means good study skills are vital for all of us. Many, however, lack these skills and struggle to study effectively.

This course aims to change that. Through the course you will learn to become a better student by learning to apply the ‘three-step model’ of studying: previewing, summarising and revising. You will consider your use of time and learn how to make a realistic study plan. You will also learn how to tackle procrastination, deal with stress and keep motivated while studying.

This course for anyone currently studying including full-time students and people studying for professional or personal development. It might also be useful to anyone involved in the learning process, for example teachers, student advisors and family.


  • How to get off to a good start?
    • Introduction
    • Prepare your study session - set your conditions
    • Step 1 of the three-step model - previewing
    • How to monitor your time?
    • Conclusions
  • Summarising and planning
    • Welcome to Week 2
    • Study: how to make a good summary?
    • Do I spend my time effectively?
    • How to make a long term plan?
    • Conclusions
  • The power of revision
    • Welcome to Week 3
    • How to get the most out of your lectures?
    • Revision: how to remember what you have learned?
    • How to do exams?
    • How to make a smart week plan?
    • Conclusions
  • Procrastination, stress and motivation
    • Welcome to Week 4
    • How to tackle procrastination?
    • How to handle stress
    • How to stay motivated
    • Conclusions

Taught by

Maple Hupkens


4.9 rating, based on 151 Class Central reviews

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  • Anonymous
    This is the third course on studying/learning that I've taken so far, and by far the best out of the three. It was spread across four weeks and taught me a lot, I don't know how much someone who already knows a good deal about studying would get fro…
  • This is an excellent course blending hard and soft studying techniques, which makes studying more enjoyable. The instructors begin by introducing the three-step method for studying. As the videos include interviews to students using the method, I f…
  • This course was very useful, practical and motivational. Each week covers a separate aspect of learning. It's primarily aimed at (full-time) university students, but as a professional I still found most aspects relevant.
    Like most FutureLearn courses, there are a mix of videos, articles and discussions. The material is presented in a variety of ways, which makes it engaging. There are instructor videos, some animated videos, plus brief interviews with 3 students whose progress we follow.
    Highly recommended to anyone starting university, or to anyone interested in lifelong learning.
  • Meta-cognitive skills will need to be developed and Study techniques that will develop within individuals a mastery of the knowledge and skills set.
  • This is an excellent course with many helpful techniques for study and organising your time. Common issues such as writing a study plan, procrastination, stress, and keeping motivated are addressed.
  • Anonymous
    Excellent course! Whether you are in first year or doing your Masters- this course is helpful to anyone wanting to optimise their study potential.
  • Good study techniques and the theory supporting them are very clearly presented in this course. Testimonials from three students in different fields provide personal examples, and the mix of short video lectures and animated videos is very engaging. The course offers very practical tips on planning, staying motivated, countering procrastination, the importance of sleep to academic success, and other related topics. I enjoyed participating and will recommend many of these very practical study tips to my students.
  • An absolute must for any student of any age!
    This is a well structured course which challenges your thinking and your current approach to learning. It’s packed full of interesting articles, tips and tricks to motivate you to study and learn new ways to improve your experience. A worthwhile course that I would highly recommend.
  • Anonymous
    This course in how to improve our own study techniques was incredibly helpful for me. It has helped me mainly in realizing daily bad behaviors or thoughts that I have when studying. Some little things we regularly do may seem not important but th…
  • Profile image for Duc Le H.
    Duc Le H.
    What a wonderful course! There are so much to absorb: the TC method, reverse planning, interleaving, value-driven, dirty pain, the S.M.A.R.T principle, the backpack analogy, the 5-minute plan, and the list goes on (i can't write it all here haha)…
  • Profile image for Pier P. Lucchetta
    Pier P. Lucchetta @plucchetta
    Very practical, useful to approach exams with a plan, spreading out studying, and avoiding last minute cramming.
  • Harsukhjinder Singh
    wow this course is very good
    l have learnt from this couse
    the eaching method is very well
    i learnt a lot of new eduction and information from thiis course
    thanks alot.
  • Anonymous
    This was a fantastic course. The videos and activities never take more than about two minutes individually, so each week of the course can be finished really quickly. I found it very easy to fit the class into my schedule. For a free course, they pr…
  • Anonymous
    this is summary of what I learnt on the course. It was well put together and made me think more deeply about several things which I knew in a general way - topic comment summaries - three step method - previewing texts, studying, revising - revis…
  • Adrian C
    Improving Your Study Techniques has been one of the best courses in study methods. If anyone finds himself having a hard time with studies, this course will not solve the problems but will certainly provide the tools for facing the challenges of academic life.
    The structure of the course is adequate, and they have several evaluations (quizzes) during the course.
    They succeed in proposing the necessary procedures and attitudes for a good student. For procedures, I understand programming time, being realistic in one's goals, planning, and the methodology of studying. For attitudes, I mean fostering a mindset of growth rather than a fixed one.
    They also go into practical tips for a healthy academic life.
  • Anonymous
    For myself, I didn't find hearing from the students in videos particularly helpful and thought there were too many videos overall. Despite this, I am amazed at how concise each lesson was, presenting invaluable information so efficiently that each step was a breeze to understand. I cannot commend Anne-Miek Hermsen and Maple Hupkens enough. I am so grateful that my journey towards a degree has been relieved of some of its stress and am certain that the techniques described in this course will help keep me on track and prepared to do my best.
  • Anonymous
    This course is a must do for all parents and teachers as well as adult learners/students who would like to make their learning easier.This course tells you the process of effective studying , the importance of motivation ,planning, procrastination and mindsets.In our country we do not teach children how t o learn.Students have to undergo lots of undue stress for not knowing the right process of learning . I feel schools should start teaching these techniques at the earliest. No knowledge will be a waste. So request everybody to enroll for the course ASAP.Thank You
  • Anonymous
    The target audience of the course is students and in my opinion every student should take it.
    Short videos and articles, a lot of visualisation and authentic feedback from the students themselves help to digest the content in no time.
    The course takes you on a journey of studying, what is there behind the lines, why you thoroughly enjoy some things and feel reluctant about others, why you avoid doing things and, most importantly, how to deal with all this stress about studying. Totally recommend it
  • Anonymous
    This is an excellent course with very helpful advice and tips on how to improve your study techniques by using a 3 step model, planning, setting SMART goals, and adopting a Growth Mindset. The course also covers how to maintain motivation and provides strategies for dealing with procrastination and stress. I would highly recommend this course to anyone studying at any level. It provides a great foundation and overview of study skills. This would be a useful addition to the curriculum in all schools, colleges and universities.
  • Anonymous
    I'm so Happy, this is my first Course with a Dutch University I loved it. You introduced us to various concepts in learning effectively and possible risks too. I intend to work with many students in the future, this course helped me to understand better the learning process, risks and solutions.

    Thank you Educators at Groningen and Future Learn for the opportunity!

    David Ojah MSc MA

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