Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and NPTEL via Swayam
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ABOUT THE COURSE: The course covers application of principles of Earthquake Engineering to Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. First, a required basic background related to Earthquake Engineering will be taught, this will start from geotechnical issues during earthquakes, relevant damages and subject introduction. Next, some background related to engineering seismology will be discussed followed by strong ground motion and wave propagation. Two most important topics: dynamic soil properties and liquefaction of soils will be covered in much detail. The course will also cover ground response analysis and local site effects. Further slope stability, landslides and retaining walls will be taught. Finally soil improvement for seismic mitigation will be covered.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Students pursuing BE/ B Tech (Civil Engineering), ME / MTech or PhD in Geotechnical / Structural Engineering. Faculty members teaching these students and practicing engineers dealing with geotechnical issues. PREREQUISITES: Soil Mechanics / Geotechnical EngineeringINDUSTRY SUPPORT: NPCIL, BHEL, THDC, NTPC, NHPC, ONGC, RDSO, RVNL, CPWD, NBCC, L&T, KELLER, Fugro, Maccaferri, GENSTRU, STRATA etc.
Week 1: Introduction, Seismology and SGM: Introduction to geotechnical hazards during earthquakes including ground shaking, liquefaction, landslides and tsunamis. Geotechnical damages during past earthquakes, lessons learnt. Basic background of engineering seismology including seismic waves and size of earthquakes. Strong ground motion: Measurement, Parameters and their Estimation.Week 2:SHA and Wave Propagation: Seismic Hazard Analysis including both DSHA and PSHA. One-dimensional and three-dimensional wave propagation, waves in semi-infinite body, Attenuation of Waves, Material and Radiation dampings in soils.Week 3:Dynamic Soil Properties: Stress conditions by Mohr circle and stress path, soil properties for dynamic loads at low and high strains, methods of measurements. Field tests for measurements both at low and high strains. Week 4:Dynamic Soil Properties: Laboratory tests for measurements both at low and high strains, model tests. Stress-strain relationship, equivalent linear model, cyclic nonlinear models, advanced constitutive models.Week 5:Ground Response Analysis: 1-D GRA for undamped and damped conditions, effect of elastic rock, nonlinearity of soil. 2-D GRA using FEA, Boundary Conditions. Introduction to 3-D GRA and SSI.Week 6:Local Site Effects: Effect of local soil conditions on ground motion. Design parameters and development of site-specific design parameters. Ground motion time histories.Week 7:Liquefaction of Soils: Introduction, related phenomena, evaluation of liquefaction hazards. Susceptibility criteria: historical, geological, compositional and state parameters (CVR and SSL). Initiation of Liquefaction: FLS and Excess Pore Pressure. Week 8:Liquefaction of Soils: Evaluation of initiation of liquefaction: Cyclic Stress Approach (CSR and CRR), Characterization of EQ loading using simplified (Seed and Idriss) procedure and using GRA. Characterization of Liquefaction Resistance using laboratory and field tests. Factor of safety against liquefaction, Procedure of IS: 1893 (2016) – Annexure F, Cyclic Strain Approach. Effects of liquefaction. Week 9:Stability of Slopes and Landslides: Slope stability and EQ induced landslides, types and activity. Static slope stability analyses: limit equilibrium approach and stress deformation analysis. Seismic slope stability analyses: Pseudostatic, Newmark Sliding Block, Makdisi-Seed and Nonlinear Dynamic. Application to dams and embankmentsWeek 10:Earth Pressure and Retaining Walls: Types of retaining walls and types of failures. Static pressure on RE walls: Rankine and Coulomb Theories. Seismic Pressure on RE walls: Mononobe-Okabe and Steedman-Zeng Methods. Seismic displacements, Week 11:Soil Improvement for EQ Loads: Introductions, Densification Techniques: Vibro Techniques, Dynamic Compaction, Blasting and Compaction Grouting. Soil reinforcement: Stone Columns and Compaction Piles. Grouting and Mixing Techniques. Drainage Techniques.Week 12:Soil Improvement for EQ Loads: Geosynthetics: Introduction, Types of Geosynthetics, Applications and Modelling for Dynamic Analyses. Improvement for liquefaction: using natural and synthetic fibers, vertical Drains & PVDs including lab tests.
Taught by
Prof. B. K. Maheshwari